Make homemade and cheap wood stains

Tintura casera para madera

It is possible to stain wood with almost anything. Some do it with shoe polish, diluted tar, or even burnt motor oil. These above recipes are not recommended.

The following ones are completely water-based, without subsequent problems when applying varnishes to finish protecting the piece of wood. Here are some ideas:

Iron Oxide Dye

This is one of the most common recipes and with usual ingredients. you only need White vinegar (alcoholic or apple), and Steel or Iron (shavings, steel wool sponge or rusty nails).

iron oxide dye

You should Leave the metallic elements inside in a container with the vinegar for a few days., from two or three days to a week. This will cause the vinegar to take on a reddish color due to the rust that comes off the metal.

It is necessary to remove the metals very carefully, and apply the liquid on the wood with a tow or dolly. Always have tests in non-visible places or in pieces, before applying on the final wood.

Tea and Coffee Dye

All you have to do is prepare a well-charged infusion and that’s it. Tea and coffee can stain wood, but not to the effect of other stains. Here you do not have the option to choose a coloration. Generally the color is very soft, and if you want a darker tone you should apply more layers of tea or coffee with a cloth or tow.

coffee tint

It is possible to prepare coffee dye with solvent for paints, turpentine, thinner or alcohol. This way you will get a better coloration of the coffee and you will not wet the wood with water.

Homemade dye with Anilines

Anilines are dyes from the past that are used to dye fabrics and wool. But also woods before the arrival of current wood products. Some of aniline-tinted windows is the lowest cost, and the wide variety of colors that you can find in the market.

It is possible to imitate the colors of special woods, or choose any other shade, to color wood without the natural grain disappearing.

aniline dye

The anilines dissolve in water, and are applied with a cloth, tow or cotton ball directly on the wood. The excess is removed with another clean cloth, and left to dry for a day. It is now ready to be varnished.

Stain with Acrylic Paint

In the same way as anilines, you can use classic acrylic art and craft paints. dissolve in water the acrylic paint of the color you want. And apply the liquid with a tow or dolly on the wood.

acrylic paints tint

Remember that the more water the mixture contains, the more the paint will be dissolved, and the color will be lighter. To prepare a darker shade you should use less water.

Ocher-based ecological dye

Ochers can also be known as Natural Earths or Iron Oxides. They are natural pigments based on oxides and earth that have been used since prehistory. These earths dissolve in water and can dye different materialsespecially light woods.

ocher-based dye

There are a wide variety of ocher tones, but basically three can be found on the market: rust red, ocher (or yellow), and black. These three colors are enough to create a wide variety of brown tones that mimic those of natural wood.

To prepare the dye, just add a few spoons of the color to a small container of water (approximately 1/2 liter), or the colors until the desired tone is formed. Stir until well dissolved, and apply with a soft brush or with a tow or dolly on the wood.

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