How to calculate the price of painting a house

Pareja pintando una casa

Just keep in mind that this is for guidance only. The budget of a painter can vary according to many factors that you do not take into account. Now let’s see how to do the calculations.

Measure and determine the square meters

Knowing the number of meters will help you make a more accurate calculation of materials.

To calculate the square meters you have to measure each environment that you will paint, wall by wall, multiplying its length by its height.

For example:

If a wall is 4 meters long and 2.7 meters high, the total area of ​​the wall will be 10.80m².

At the end you will add the square meters of each wall: 10.8 + 10.8 + 8.1 + 8.1 = 37.8m²

These will be the number of total meters of the environment. Remember to include the meters of the ceiling if it will also be painted. Perform the same procedure in each of the environments.

Calculate the amount of paint

To get an idea of ​​the amount of paint needed, you should divide the square meters to be painted by the performance of the paint. And then multiply by the number of hands needed. The result will be the essential liters.

For example:

For the 37.8m² environment, it will be: 37.8 / 12 = 3.15 … and then… 3.15 x two = 6.3 liters

In this case we consider that the painting yields 12 meters square per litre. This can vary according to the type and quality of it. Also they will be needed two hands. You can see here how to calculate the amount of paint.

Consider other supplies and materials

The materials, if they are necessary, you must add them to the estimate. Not only the amount of paint, but also sandpaper, fillers, primers, tow, and everything you need to do the job.

Evaluate the price of labor

If you’re going to do the work yourself, you’re done. On the contrary, if you intend to pay a professional to do it, you must do some more calculations.

Some painting jobs are quoted according to the amount of square meters what to paint The price per square meter in this case will determine the final value of the work.

If you know what painters in your area are charging per square foot, you can calculate an estimate of the total labor value.

For example:

To the surface of the walls of your environment you multiply it by the price of the square meter.

37.8 x $10 = approximately $378

These values ​​are for example only.since they are very variable according to different factors, such as the country, the currency, the area, the environment to be painted, and the quality of the finished work.

Even in very similar situations, in the same city, the price may vary since other circumstances are taken into account, such as the difficulty of the work, the type of paint to be used, and the condition of the surface.

Request estimates of the price of painting a house

The above will serve as an estimate of the price of painting your house. If you are going to hire a professional painter, remember to ask for more than one estimate, 3 is ideal.

If you are in San Sebastian or Donostia You can request a quote from Donosti painters, detailing your work to receive a quote adjusted to your home and adapted to your needs. In addition to traditional painting work, also varnishing of wooden floors, removal of gotelé, placement of wallpaper, placement of floating floors and tiling of kitchens and bathrooms, among others.

Finally Keep in mind that there are jobs that you can do yourself, but others that a professional should do. Your experience and knowledge can make a big difference. You can see the advantages of hiring a painter and painting on your own.

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