Family of Violet and Purple colors with their names

Pinturas de colores violeta y morados

Violet, purple, and purple are perhaps the most popular colors in this color family, which straddles the reds and blues. The truth is that the three shades are not the same, but they are also three special variants. Let’s see some of them:


Violet color interior paint

It is a bluish-purple color, named after the flower of the common violet plant. Within the family of there may be other known shades. One of the qualities of violet is elegancea quality that it transmits to any place and situation where it is used.


Purple color palette, wall and lamp

The origin of its name is in the pigmentation of the blackberries, fruits of the black moral tree. It is a deep, dark purple hue.. Undoubtedly a color to use with caution, although with a very elegant result.


Purple and magenta colors

Purples are some similar colors that lie between violet and crimson red. Something like a shade of deep magenta. They are intense variants that do not go unnoticed, recommended on small surfaces.


Burgundy, wine, plum and burgundy color

On the other hand burgundy is a dark red coloration, close to purple hues. This color has its origin in the exclusive French wines of the region of the same name. Colors similar to burgundy, such as red wine and burgundy, are widely used in interior decoration.

greyish violet

Grayish violet or fig color

Every family of colors has its grayish nuances, in this case a grayish violet it is a grayish shade of violet. It is a muted or neutralized color that subtly reveals its violet hues. Thus, it has a more rustic or discreet appearance than its peers.

Indigo or Indigo

Indigo, indigo, or bluish-violet

We are in the presence of an iconic color of spirituality that is known by two names, indigo and also indigo. It’s about a violet very close to blue tones, also intense and dark. Its qualities make it look distinguished, and it combines perfectly with off-white, blue, metallic finishes and wood.


lavender violet colors

This is a classic placement in interior decoration, very nice and also very easy to combine. c’s familylavender scents are pale shades of purple, some of them greyed out. The lavender color generates a fresh and rejuvenated appearance.


Lilac color in the decoration of the room

A soft purple color which takes its name from the flowers of the bush known as lilac. It is similar to other shades of the family, such as lavender and mauve. Undoubtedly a delicate and special variant for interior painting.


Mauve colored door at the entrance of the house

We are in the presence of an almost pink coloration of violets, very soft and delicate in appearance. the mauve It’s a middle ground between lavender and pink. Its tonality and brightness make it stand out as delicate, feminine and youthful, especially for a girl’s or teenager’s room, but it can go perfectly in other environments and situations.


Violet or purple amethyst color

Here we have a medium color between purple and violet, moderately saturated, and with a medium brightness (neither soft, nor dark). It takes its name from the mineral or stone amethyst, a violet variant and the most valuable of quartz.


Violet or purple colors Grapes

This color is based on the more intense and darker red grape variants. Some Grape-like shades are Aubergine, Plum, or Blueberry. They are the darkest shades that we can find in the family of violet and purple colors.

Some of the above shades may not match the color charts or your appreciation of it. Remember that these names are what are usually used to identify it, but they are not exact. For this they should have a unique code.

Characteristics of violet and purple colors

All the range of violet, purple and purple colors are an extensive and varied family, with soft and dark tones, but also muted and intense. All these colorations have unique and particular characteristics.

But in general if we have to define them, we will say that They are delicate, elegant and distinguished colors. The latter because they cannot go unnoticed wherever they are used, whether in painting, decoration, clothing or design.

If you intend to use any violet or purple hue, you must use it wiselyhaving knowledge of how to combine it, and being completely sure of which tone is the most suitable.

Purples, purples and violets combine well with neutral colors. Among them, whites, soft and medium grays, and beiges and sands stand out.

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