20 original and different nativity scenes with RECYCLED MATERIALS

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If the other day I gave you ideas for the Christmas tree, today it is the turn of the Bethlehem. In particular, I have always liked the little tree more than the Bethlehem, although after seeing how creative some of them are, I don’t know what to think. If you haven’t set up the Nativity yet, I hope you find inspiration among these 20 original nativity scenes and different.

At first, setting up the Nativity scene can involve a high economic cost, especially if our composition is going to have many elements (figurines, decoration, etc.). If we do not want our budget to skyrocket, the most convenient thing is to make a DIY Nativity Scene and if it is with recycled elements, even better.

East vinyl nativity scene In addition to being fun, it is ideal for small spaces since you only need a wall to mount it, you just have to find a design that you like, print it on the vinyl and cut it out (you can see how to make your own decorative vinyl here).

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If you like and you are good at crochet or crochet you can represent your Nativity scene with amigurumisalthough it is entertaining, the result is obvious that it is very decorative and original.

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But if you like crafts more with felt Why not make a Nativity scene with this material? I’m sure you get a nice composition.

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Although if yours is the cross-stitchyou just have to embroider the scene to have your original Nativity scene.

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Another very original option to set up a Nativity scene is to take advantage of the burned out bulbs and that each one represents a character. Of course, you have to be very careful when painting them so they don’t break.

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The matchboxes They can also act as nativity figures if we stick a printed image on them or paint the characters on them.


And if we don’t have matchboxes they can paint stones flat to mount our particular Bethlehem.

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You can even draw the cardboard tube of the toilet paper roll or the kitchen roll to assemble an original Nativity scene. Surely the little ones in the house will love to participate.

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who would have said that with eggs you can also make a Nativity sceneit is only necessary to dress them to characterize the characters, although it is better if we use hard-boiled eggs, thus avoiding “accidents” (we can take advantage of expired eggs).

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And if we have used eggs, we can also take advantage of the egg cup to make an improvised manger.

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If you ever disassemble a device and then have parts left over when you reassemble it, you can use them to assemble a Nativity Scene. There is no doubt that a Nativity scene made with mechanical parts Like this one, it will look great in modern and minimalist environments.

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If you liked to collect figurines of your Favorite charactersyou can dress them for the occasion and set up a very original Nativity scene with them, ideal for nostalgic people.

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The walnut shells They can also become the figures of the Nativity Scene, there are even those who do real wonders and are capable of making a Nativity scene inside the shell of a hazelnut.

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make a small Birth inside a glass jar It is another idea with which you will surely surprise visitors (you can see more ideas with glass jars here).


Nails on pots and some polystyrene balls you can make a Nativity scene in a short time. If the little ones help us, we will surely finish before.

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In this selection of ideas for original Nativity scenes, the king of recycling could not be missing: the pallet. Represent the Birth in the table of a pallet is a different way of doing it.

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And if we do not have a pallet at hand, they can be used popsicle or craft sticks to set up a Nativity scene.

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Another original way to make a Nativity scene is recycling plastic cups or containersalthough this type of nativity scene is not suitable for short stays.

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With the number of bottles of wine, cava or champagne that are uncorked at Christmas, you can surely collect enough corks as if to represent the different figures of the Bethlehem.

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For the end I have left you this original and funny representation of the Three Wise Menso you can see that almost anything goes when it comes to adding creativity and imagination to make our DIY Nativity Scene.


Are you from the Christmas tree, Bethlehem or both? What do you think of these ideas? We just need a little creativity to make ourselves original nativity scenes taking advantage of commonly used or recycled elements.

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