21 ideas to recycle cardboard tubes

ideas to recycle cardboard tubes

I have several cardboard tubes at home and I’ve been thinking for days how I can recycle them and take advantage of them. Looking for inspiration I have found very interesting proposals that I want to share with you. don’t miss these 21 ideas to recycle cardboard tubes because they will surely surprise you.

Hard cardboard tubes are normally used to wrap various materials around them, such as cling film, aluminum foil, adhesive tape, cloth, etc. It is also often used as a container to transport blueprints, paper or vinyl.

Despite being light they are very resistant, in fact to be able to cut them it is necessary to use a wood saw since with scissors or a cutter it is practically impossible. For this reason it is interesting to recycle them since they can be used a lot, as you will be able to see below.

1.- Transform a cardboard tube into a pole to hang a blackboard. I came up with this idea to place my blackboard when I was at the last edition of the DIY Show and to decorate the tube I wrapped strips of yarn of different colors around it.

recycle cardboard tubes with trapillo

recycle cardboard tube on a pole

2.- Recycle cardboard tubes into modern ones stools (via Yankodesign).

recycle cardboard tubes into stools

3.- A full dining room made with cardboard tubes (via Weburbanits).

recycle cardboard tubes in a dining room

4.- illuminate with cardboard tubes.

recycle cardboard tubes as lamps

5.- In this sideboard with a planter included, some planters taking advantage of cardboard tubes (via 100percentdesign.co.uk).

recycle cardboard tubes as flower pots

6.- If we use cardboard tubes as legs to make a table with a pallet we will obtain a two for one in recycling (via Instructables.com)

recycle cardboard tubes as pallet legs

7.- Even if they are given adequate treatment, they can be done with them furniture for the garden or terrace (via Inhabitat.com).

recycle cardboard tubes as garden furniture

8.- The style of these pieces of furniture made with cardboard tubes can be used both indoors and outdoors (via Productos Pomada).

furniture made with cardboard tubes

9.- This cardboard tube table it turns out as beautiful as it is original (via Remyveenhuizen.nl).

recycle cardboard tubes on a side table

10.- This chaise longue it looks to be very comfortable (via Curbly.com).

recycle cardboard tubes into a chaise longue

11.- Do you need a folding table? Do not look any further! Watch this video and you will be surprised how useful cardboard tubes can be:

12.- Build your own urban garden at home in this simple and ecological way (via Inhabitat.com).

recycle cardboard tubes in an urban garden

13.- A bank recycling cardboard tubes that invites you to relax (via Spoonflower.com).

recycle cardboard tubes in a bank

14.- In this store there have been decorated the ceilings with stalactites made with cardboard tubes.

recycle cardboard tubes decorating the ceiling

15.- Other armchair made with cardboard tubes although it gives the impression that when getting up from it you can feel “perforated” (via Matthewlaws.com).

recycle cardboard tubes in an armchair

16.- A room divider made with cardboard tubes that can also be used to hang the bicycle.

wall made by recycling cardboard tubes

17.- On this occasion the Wall Made with cardboard tubes, it is used to place floating shelves.

recycle cardboard tubes as a store display

18.- I don’t know if this igloo made with cardboard tubes will be very useful, but of course it cannot be denied that it is original and very decorative.

Igloo recycling cardboard tubes

19.- The cardboard tubes of the adhesive tapes can be converted into a resistant shelf (via Coroflot.com).

Shelf with cardboard tubes

20.- A classic among classics, recycling cardboard tubes as scratching posts for our cats (via Sheknows.com).

recycle cardboard tubes into cat scratchers

21.- For the end I have left the way of recycling cardboard tubes that has caught my attention the most. Shigeru Ban is a Japanese architect specializing in constructions with cardboard tubes (via Shigeru Ban Architects), of course it is not an idea suitable for beginners or to do with four tubes but it cannot be denied that they are impressive.

Shigeru Ban constructions with cardboard tubes

Shigeru Ban constructions with cardboard tubes

Shigeru Ban constructions with cardboard tubes

Shigeru Ban constructions with cardboard tubes

Shigeru Ban constructions with cardboard tubes

Do you have cardboard tubes at home? What do you think of these? 21 ideas to recycle cardboard tubes? What you liked most? Of course I already know which one I am going to put into practice with the four tubes I have at home, let’s see if you can guess it… the folding table!!!

If you liked this post, you can see many more DIY and recycling ideas at .

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