How to repair a DIY workbench step by step

Cómo reparar un banco de trabajo para bricolaje - Destacada

Repaired workbench - miniature

If you’ve been a longtime DIYer, you might have a workbench. Of the typical ones that are foldable, with two wooden surfaces, one of which is mobile, moving by means of two built-in clamps.

These types of benches are very useful, especially for small spaces, or to use them from different places. In addition, the strong ones they have are quite affordable.

Well, the wooden surface of a DIY workbench is, in many cases, its weak point. No matter how well you take care of them, from their own use, they deteriorate. And I’m not telling you if the bank suffers some fortuitous accident, as it has happened to me. I had left it outside, an unexpected rain destroyed the wood leaving the bench unusable.

Therefore, we will use it as an example of it, and we will see step by step how to repair a workbench, leaving it even better than new.

But first, we will see the reason that the wooden surface is what deteriorates first, to give you the appropriate solution.

Repair of a workbench for do-it-yourself - photo 1

How to repair a DIY workbench.

Most of the workbenches, especially the cheapest ones, incorporate a work surface made of MDF, mostly known as DM, or what is the same, Medium Density board. Being a derivative of wood, it is weaker than solid wood, and water is its worst enemy.

Our workbench has gotten really wet, and as you can see, it has become unusable.

As the structure of the bench does not normally have any type of damage, it is always advisable to repair it.

How to repair a workbench

Here we explain, step by step, how to repair a DIY workbench. And we include at the end of the tutorial a video with everything explained.

Step 1 – Take action

The first thing we will do is measure the two pieces of wood that we have to buy. Although I, I will take advantage of the repair to also make an improvement, and I am going to make them somewhat larger, thus increasing the work surface.

Instead of derivatives of wood, I advise you to use solid wood, but not too soft. If you listen to me, you will avoid having to repair it again in a few years. The new bench will last you a lifetime.

I have opted for pine wood, which has a medium hardness, and is quite resistant, and it is also not as expensive as other types of wood that we could also have used.

Before and after repair of a workbench - photo 2

Before and after repair of a DIY workbench.

If you want to know more about the technical characteristics of the different species of wood, then I have left you a link to another of our articles in which we have compiled a large amount of information about it, the different species of wood and their technical characteristics.

2nd Step – Eliminate the parts to be replaced

Well, at this point, we can remove the remains of wood. But you should not throw them away yet, especially if the new pieces of wood are going to be of the same dimensions as the previous ones. Since we will use them to take the measurements of the holes, and transport them to the new pieces.

Tracing marks to repair workbench - photo 3

Drawing of marks where the holes for the fastening plugs will go.

3rd Step – Machining the parts

Once marked with a pencil, we will make the holes. For this I am going to use a Bosch adjustable flat bit, although I could also have used a standard flat bit of the exact size.

It is very important that the diameter of the holes is exactly the same as the original ones. Since, otherwise, the tacos that the bank brought would no longer serve us.

Bench surface machining - photo 4

Bench surface machining. Making the holes for the fastening plugs.

One of the qualities of the adjustable drill bit is precisely that it can be adapted exactly to the diameter that we need at any given time. Therefore, we adjust the drill to the appropriate diameter and, before starting to work on the piece, we carry out some tests on some remaining wood. In this way, we can make the necessary adjustments to, in the end, obtain exactly the necessary diameter.

We put a martyr between the piece that we are going to work on and the work surface, so as not to damage the latter.

The martyrs are remnants of material, or material of poorer quality that, in DIY, are used very often.

Now we make all the holes.

Once done, we will have to mark the place where the new work surfaces will be screwed to the metal structure of the bench.

We make some holes that will serve as a guide to facilitate screwing. Therefore, we will use a drill with a much smaller diameter than the screw, so that later it is well seized.

Drilling workbench anchors - photo 5

Drilled the anchors for the structure of the workbench.

4th Step – Protecting the wood

Well, now all we have to do is mount the new work surfaces. But first, we are going to protect them.

On this occasion, instead of varnish, we will use satin spray wax, from Novasol Spray, since it is indicated to protect the wood, in addition to enhancing the beauty of the grain.

Wax application on the surface of a workbench - photo 6

Application of protective wax on the surface of a workbench.

Like any spray, before applying it, we must shake the bottle well. And apply it about 20 cm away.
Once the wax is applied to the entire surface, we pass a cloth.

More than one hand can be given. In which case, we must wait a minimum of 30 minutes between layers, to repeat the same steps again.

Protection of the surface of a workbench - photo 7

Protection of the surface of a workbench.

5th Step – Assembling the new workbench

Now yes, the last step is to anchor the new work surfaces to the structure with some powerful screws.
We will have to try to install some screws that approach the thickness of the new timbers as much as possible, but without protruding from the other side. In this way, the new wooden surfaces will be well anchored to the structure of the bench, and will withstand any DIY work that we undertake without any problem, however hard it may be.

Assembling the workbench for DIY - photo 8

Final assembly of the DIY workbench.

Graphic summary of bank repair

Are any of the steps we’ve outlined for repairing a workbench not entirely clear to you?

Then don’t miss this video tutorial. Despite being short, it is very clarifying, explaining in great detail the entire process that we have carried out.

We already have our workbench like new and ready to use, but above all to enjoy it for many years.
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