5 aluminum foil painting tricks


In my house there is never a roll of foil although the truth is that the least I use it for is to preserve food. The aluminum foil or silver foil can give a lot of play outside the kitchen, especially when we want to paint some object or room in the house. Read on to see how useful it can be.

1.- To move heavy furniture


Normally when we have to paint a room it is always our turn move some heavy furniture (the sofa, the bookcase, a chest of drawers, a table…). One way to do it easily and protecting the soil is placing a few pieces of aluminum foil under the legs of the furniture. It is very important that the matte side is the one in contact with the ground since this part is more slippery than the shiny side of the aluminium.

2.- To protect door knobs and handles

Image: Hogarutil.com

If what we want is paint a door and we don’t want to disassemble the knob or the handle, we can wrap it with aluminum foil and cut the excess with a cutter, thus avoiding staining it when we paint.

I know that it can also be wrapped with bodybuilder’s tape, but from experience I tell you that we will spend more material and lose more time in its placement and removal (the bodybuilder’s tape breaking into a thousand small pieces and you consuming yourself just thinking that you still there are half a dozen more knobs ahead…). In addition, if we leave any part of the knob unprotected with the bodybuilder’s tape, the Murphy’s Law of the Painter: what you do not cover or cover, no matter how small, will be stained with paint.

3.- To cover the bucket

Image: Paperblog.com

This trick is very effective when we are going to use different colors or we want to extend the life of the bucket. You just have to cover the entire interior of the bucket with aluminum foil and pour the paintwhen you finish painting you just have to remove the aluminum foil and you have the bucket as good as new for another use.

It is also very useful when you want to paint and you don’t have a bucket, you can use any long container that you have previously lined with aluminum foil (ideal for those holidays when you realize at the last minute that you don’t have a bucket or the possibility of buying one because everything is closed).

4.- To wrap the paint pot

Image: How-To.com

We take the pot of paint, we pour it over the bucket and when we put it back vertical, wham! We have the drop dripping down the side of the boat. We run for a piece of cardboard, a magazine, a piece of paper… whatever it takes to put it underneath and not stain the surface where we are going to leave it. After a while we pick up the pot again because we need more paint but it has stuck to the cardboard and, furthermore, when we touched the pot we stained ourselves with the paint that dripped down the wall (this is another of the Murphy’s Laws of the Painter: no matter how careful you are, if the paint has stained the outside of the boat you will always take it in such a way that you end up staining yourself). Has this happened to anyone? Because I did, until it occurred to me wrap the paint can with aluminum foil. For this it is enough that the aluminum foil reaches the middle of it, we will not stick it to the walls, but we will leave it a little loose so that if it drips, the paint falls between the pot and the aluminum foil.

5.- To wrap the brushes


Wrapping brushes in aluminum foil will prevent them from drying out. between hand and hand or if we should stop painting for a few minutes (that burning smell is the lentils that I put on the fire… two hours ago!!!!???). This trick will also help us save brushes after painting and once we have removed the remains of paint.

What do you think of these tricks? Which one did you like the most? Have you ever used the foil as I have commented here? I hope they have been useful to you and that you put them into practice, they have come in very handy in my picturesque adventures.

UPDATE: Also discover how to remove rust with aluminum foil at this link and many more tricks on DIY and decoration at

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