8 ideas to decorate gardens with gravel

decoracion de jardines con gravilla - destacada

Do you want to give your garden a change of appearance and you don’t know how? Do you want to reduce its maintenance, but without losing an iota of its elegance?

If you have answered yes to any of these two questions, then you will be interested in reading this article in which we share 8 ideas for gardens with gravel. Sometimes the simplest elements, such as stones, can make a difference in a place, giving it a very interesting and radically different look than it had before.

Here are the 8 very creative garden styles, whose main personality traits are provided by the gravel:

1. Minimalist gardens

Surely you have heard on more than one occasion the phrase “Sometimes less is more”. This expression can also be taken into account when designing our garden.

Lines and precision will be important in these types of gardens. To achieve this precision, you must use borders to delimit the different areas and colors in the gravel or boulders that provide simplicity, such as white or black.

gardens with gravel 1 - Minimalist gardens 1

gardens with gravel 2 - Minimalist gardens 2

Regarding the borders and the delimitation of the different areas, we advise you to read this other article Garden borders, classes and installation.

We are sure that the information contained in both articles will be of great help to you when designing and also executing the realization of your garden with gravel.

2. Modern gardens

The garden is one more extension of your personality and of your house. Therefore, if your house is modern, your garden should be too!

Although modernity is relative as styles evolve, you can always see images of modern gardens to inspire you.

gardens with gravel 3 - Modern gardens

Straight lines, geometrically shaped furniture, wooden elements and color combinations. The secret is to combine everything indicated, in the right way.

3. Mosaic gardens

These types of gardens are perhaps not the most common in private homes, but we can assure you that they are always a success!

With the combination of decorative stones of different colors, you can make beautiful mosaics that give a very special touch to your garden. You can find many inspirational photos to help you design the model that best suits your garden.

gravel gardens 4 - Mosaic gardens

Geometric shapes are always a hit. Although, on the other hand, if more curved lines are used in the tiles, it creates a more dynamic visual effect.

For mosaics we recommend using stones that are different colors but at least have the same shape. Or what is the same, make a mosaic only with boulders (round stones), or only with gravel (angular stones).

4. Gardens with ponds

Water will always bring freshness to our garden. Both fountains and ponds, as well as the combination of both, are always an excellent option since, in addition to visual decoration, moving water also provides “sound decoration”.

If you like to spend time in your garden and you like nature, a pond with aquatic plants and fish is what you need.

gardens with gravel 5 - Gardens with ponds 1

gardens with gravel 6 - Gardens with ponds 2

For this type of projects, volcanic gravel can be used. Being a porous stone, not only can it serve as a filter, but it will also decorate you very well.

5. Ibiza-style gardens

You don’t have to go far to feel like you’re on vacation or, better yet, to feel like you’re on the beautiful island of Ibiza.

gardens with gravel 7 - Ibiza Gardens

The most important characteristic of this type of garden is the color white. For this you can make use of the following materials and ornaments:

  • The marble white boulder.
  • Paint the walls the same color.
  • Add some simple plant.
  • And include some elements of outdoor furniture, such as a garden sofa with fabrics, or a small swing.

And you will have your own Ibizan garden!

6. Colorful gardens

As the phrase says, “for tastes the colors”. Many of the gardens we have discussed above are simpler gardens in terms of style, but there is more to life beyond white, black, and grey, and of course there are much more extravagant gardens!

Gravel of other colors can be used, and the combination of it, with plants or flowers, can bring a world of life and color to our garden.

gravel gardens 8 - Colorful gardens 1

gravel gardens 9 - Colorful gardens 2

Create more messy and natural gardens,… Give free rein to your imagination,… And enjoy!

7. More rural gardens

Although the name may indicate otherwise, country gardens never go out of style.

Many of them usually have grass. Although if you want to considerably reduce its maintenance, you can always use pine bark, volcanic gravel or stones that provide a more rustic style.

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gravel gardens 11 - Rural gardens 2

These last alternatives are very good, and their maintenance is minimal.

8. Earth Gardens

And with these latest gardens, gardens of the earth, we are referring to gardens with a Mediterranean style.

Depending on the area where we live, these gardens can combine very well with our house. They are usually gardens where warm colors predominate. For this, gravels of these shades can be used, such as yellow or red gravel.

gravel gardens 12 - Earth Gardens 1

gravel gardens 13 - Earth Gardens 2

To complete the decoration of the garden, the ideal is to use native plants suitable for this type of climate, such as, among many others, acacias, olive trees or aromatic plants such as sage or rosemary.

We hope that you have been able to find the necessary inspiration to start your new project for decorating your gardens with gravel. Good luck!

If you have other ideas regarding the decoration of gardens with gravel, we would like you to share them with all of us. You can do so by including a comment below.

Origin of the photographs: amagard.com


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