Advantages of living in a wooden house

Wooden houses have become a type of housing that has gained relevance in recent years, which is interesting in a market as competitive as real estate. Would you like to know more about it? Keep reading to know all the advantages of living in a wooden house and turn it into your usual home.

Currently there is a wide variety of dimensions and designs that will make you find the wooden house that best suits the tastes and needs of your family. The really difficult thing will be choosing one to start enjoying it as soon as possible.

But beyond their aesthetics and integration with the landscape, wooden houses have a series of properties and advantages that you should know about. Among them, the following stand out.

comfort and tranquility

One of the aspects that are sought when living in a home is that it becomes the perfect place to be and relax. A home should be an oasis to connect with ourselves and with the peace of mind we need to be able to deal with the daily routine.

That is why a wooden house will transmit all those sensations to you. In them you will feel comfort and tranquility from the first moment, especially since wood is acoustic insulation, so you will not have to fight with noise and you will be able to rest much better.

advantages of wooden houses

energy efficient

As mentioned above, wooden houses are sound insulators, but they are also heat and cold insulators, which means that they are energy efficient. Your home will stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter, as wood naturally regulates humidity and makes the interior temperature more constant.

This represents a great advantage to take into account as it will make you save on the energy bill, something that your pocket will certainly appreciate.

efficient to build

When you think of building a house it is easy to imagine the waste that is left behind during the process. However, this is not a real problem when it comes to wooden houses.

In fact, contractors and manufacturers are concerned with making detailed plans for this type of construction with two main objectives:

  • Control the amount of waste
  • Allow the construction process to be faster

In the end, you will also have the option to save a little more money. You can read more on the official Pineca website.

wooden houses Pineca

They are ecological

Currently, we are at a critical point where pollution is such that it has caused drastic changes in the environment, so it has become necessary to find methods and change habits to reverse the situation.

One way to do this is through wooden houses, since they are made with a natural material that is renewable. In addition, the transformation of wood to create the structure of a wooden house requires little energy and lower CO2 emissions.

It is important to mention that the raw material is obtained from controlled felling and replanting, which differs from deforestation and the mistreatment that is done in these types of land.

They are customizable

Do you want your house to have a special touch? Then you will have the possibility to achieve it through the design of a wooden house. In this case, you will be able to design and build from scratch and taking into account all the needs of your family for your ideal home.

On the other hand, this option is also viable, even in prefabricated houses. Some allow the execution of certain changes that will provide an aesthetic more adapted to your tastes and provide your personal touch in the choice of materials, colors, interior decoration and facilities.

customizable wooden houses

great durability

The durability of wooden houses is much greater than what is tended to be believed. They resist wear and tear caused by humidity, wind and sun as long as they are properly maintained. For this it is recommended:

  • Treat the wood against xylophagous and fungi and externally with stains
  • Build it on a concrete base that is elevated
  • Proper roof maintenance

fire safe

Houses do not pose a greater risk than other types of construction in case of fire. In fact, wood is a fire-stable material, which is consumed very slowly when attacked by flames. In addition, it does not emit toxic gases and allows you to flee without losing consciousness.

On the other hand, the structure resists fire better than steel-filled concrete beams, since the steel melts and the beams collapse suddenly, while the wooden beams reduce their thickness. This means that if they are well dimensioned they will be able to continue supporting the structure of the house after the fire.

structure of a wooden house

They are earthquake resistant

Although it may seem hard to believe, wooden houses are structures resistant to tremors and earthquakes since this material, among other characteristics, is flexible and is capable of absorbing and dissipating the energy that occurs in this type of phenomenon. In fact, wood has great mechanical resistance and its lightness does not prevent it from being a solid material, capable of offering the same protection as other types of construction.

Likewise, in the event of any type of damage to the structure, the repair process is simpler and more practical to solve.

Quick build process

The dream of every homeowner is to be able to have their home as quickly as possible and wooden houses make that option a reality. This is because the construction process is quick because the pieces are ready to assemble and it is easier than building a house using traditional methods.

In addition, prefabricated wooden houses have all the necessary exterior and interior details, without you having to worry about planning anything.

prefabricated wooden houses

Did you know all the advantages it has? live in a wooden house? I hope that now that you know them, they will help you choose the wooden house that best suits the needs of your home and family. Visit to access many more free guides and tricks on DIY and decoration.

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