How to recycle a glass bottle into a mosaic vase


To recycle a glass bottle you can take it to its corresponding container or you can also make a nice vase with it. A few months ago I published the step by step of the vintage vase I made with a bottle (you can see it at this link), and this time I’m going to show you how we can make EVA or foam tesserae to recycle a glass bottle into a mosaic vase.

I have always liked the mosaic vasesIn fact, I had one in the living room that unfortunately broke. On some occasion I had tried to make the tiles myself with CDs, but without much success, every time I tried to cut it, pieces of the CD would fly into the air and there was no way to get more or less uniform tiles.

On the other hand, as he had spent several days thinking about some glass bottles that I wanted to recycleI took up the idea of ​​the mosaic and one morning in the shower (my idea factory), it occurred to me that I could try making the tesserae with EVA rubber or foam. The advantages of EVA rubber compared to other materials is that it can be cut very easily, being flexible it adapts perfectly to the curved shape of the bottle, there are many colors and it can also be painted.

In the following image you can see what the glass bottle I chose to make the mosaic vase was like:


What I did in the first place was give him a primer to be able to paint on glassfor this this time I used for the first time spray gesso. It caught my attention at one of the booths at the DIY Hunters Day event and they kindly gave me a bottle to try it out.

The truth is that I can only say that the experience has been very good, until now I had only used homemade gesso as a primer for the glass and its main drawback was that I had to apply several coats for maximum coverage (with their corresponding drying times). As well, with the spray gesso it took me one minute to prime four glass bottlesIn addition, the finish is completely smooth, great!


Remember suitably protect the work area and surroundings when you are going to use spray paint.

The gesso dries to the touch in 15 minutes, although it acquires its maximum adherence after 24 hours, so the next day I painted the bottle with acrylic paint aluminum coloured. To do this I used a brush and gave it two coats (acrylic paint dries approximately 30 minutes).


While the second coat of acrylic paint was drying, I started cutting the tesserae. For this I used light blue, deep blue and gray EVA foam (although in the photo it looks yellow), and with the help of a ruler and a cutter I cut several squares and rhombuses of the three colors.


I then went gluing the tesserae on the bottle With Mod Podge, you can also use craft glue, although I particularly like Mod Podge because the adhesion is fast and firm.

Keep in mind that a gap of a few millimeters should be left between piece and piece so that the color with which the bottle has been painted can be appreciated and thus create the sensation of mosaic.


Once I glued all the EVA pieces, the glass bottle already had a totally different look.


However, mosaic tiles are usually bright and luminous, so I used metallic acrylic paint and glitter nail polish to create the pearlescent effect of the mosaic.


To finish, all that remained was to decorate the neck of the bottle, for this I surrounded it with double-sided adhesive tape and glued a gray organza ribbon.


After all these steps you can see the definitive transformation of the glass bottle in a mosaic vase.


Now that you know how easy it is to make tesserae with foam, you can encourage yourself to make your own combinations to decorate vases or other objects. In the following images you will surely find inspiration.






What did you think of this way of recycle a glass bottle into a mosaic vase? Have you ever tried making mosaic tiles? EVA rubber or foam can be an economical and quite apparent alternative when it comes to making our own DIY mosaics. Do you dare?

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