all you need to know

Restructuring a room to incorporate an outdoor space means having to do work with its share of chaos, especially if you have to knock down a partition or open new entrances. However, if we have adequate space, there is a much cleaner and simpler way to redesign interior spaces both domestic and professional: use glass curtains. To know all the advantages of this type of enclosure, you just have to continue reading.

Glass or glass curtains allow you to close off your terrace, porch or balcony, but not permanently like other systems. This feature makes them very versatile, since they are hinged so you can open or close the glass panels according to your needs. In addition, its floor-to-ceiling mounting system without profiles means that you can enjoy the best views throughout the year.

Glass curtains in domestic spaces

The traditional glass enclosuresin general, are used for convert exteriors into interiors: a balcony, porch or terrace that is rarely used becomes a new room in the house or extends an existing one. The drawbacks of this type of enclosures is that those meters of open air are sacrificed forever. Traditional enclosures, with their aluminum structures, cannot be “removed” once installed, so the only thing left to do is open windows. In addition, in general, aluminum profiles they disfigure any work since they are seen as an addition, a kind of goop.

The glass curtainssuch as those manufactured and installed by Vidriosystem or other national brands, have been displacing traditional enclosures for more than a decade because avoid those two problems as they do not need any aluminum structure to support them:

  • The enclosure is more versatile and can be opened and closed at will
  • The aesthetic does not worsen, it even improves, since the glass is integrated into the architecture of the façade (from the outside) and allows you to see full panoramas without being interrupted (from the inside)

But this forces us to rethink that new space that we have gained in a key different from the traditional enclosure: the new room is a hybrid place, which can be used both indoors and outdoors depending on the day or the time of year. So how do you get the most out of it?

Glass curtain installations Vidriosystem
Image source: VidrioSystem

Conversion of space for adults

To determine the use that we are going to give to that new room (the balcony or terrace closed with sliding glass panels) and make the most of it, we must think about both the orientation and the adjacent interior rooms.

  • In a room facing north, the sun does not shine directly, it will only do so at first and last hour during the summer months. For this reason, it is ideal for creating a work space without the risk of the sun bothering you.
  • If the views are oriented to the east or west, and therefore the morning or afternoon sun falls directly, it is more advisable to create a small reading room, or a corner for breakfast or dinner where you can enjoy a panoramic view
  • If we have glazed a balcony or terrace that is accessed from the dining room or kitchen, it is reasonable to use that room as an extension of it. You can integrate it by turning it into a more casual dining area with a small table and chairs
  • When the access is from the bedrooms, it is better to turn that space into a private and intimate place for leisure or work

On the other hand, both the furniture and the decorative objects must be easy to remove and put on. In this way, the room will have the ability to expand and retract to the rhythm of the curtains. Living room in winter and cool open balcony in summer? Why not?

work area with glass curtain enclosure

Reconversion of space for children

With children at home, the glazed balcony or terrace becomes a wonderful place to play. Children will enjoy all the sunlight without temperature discomfort or any danger. You will be able to create play spaces and incorporate that enormous toy kitchen or workshop that you did not know where to put.

A good storage system and rugs that you can remove and put on will allow you to maintain that play area whether the enclosure is open or closed.

games area with glass curtain enclosure

Glass curtains in professional spaces

As has already been mentioned, one of the advantages of the glass curtain system is that it does not require any profile, a ceiling and a floor are enough. This means that you don’t have to strictly use them to enclose outdoor spaces. They can also be used for divide large interior spaceswhich will be elegantly separated by a sliding glass wall.

Certainly in offices and commercial premises can result from great help. It is much more aesthetic and versatile than building plasterboard walls or aluminum and glass divisions. The vision will be perfect on both sides, being able to open or close according to needs.

glass curtains for interior enclosures in offices

Restaurants, shops, offices, bank branches, car dealerships… the businesses that can take advantage of this system are countless. A clear example is that of close open commercial spaces to boost their profitability: a restaurant that closes its terrace with glass curtains will be able to commercially exploit every exterior square meter throughout the year, without thinking about the weather.

glass curtains for enclosures in restaurants

How to clean and maintain glass curtains

Another advantage of glass curtains is their easy maintenance. To clean the inner face of each curtain, simply keep it closed and use conventional glass cleaners. However, always avoid the use of scrapers that can damage or scratch the panels.

PVC joints and guides should be cleaned using cotton or microfiber cloths moistened with a little water and neutral soap.

The external part of the panel is easy and safe to clean, since it is not necessary to take half your body out of the balcony or balance. All you have to do is open each of the panels and clean them from inside the house. It couldn’t be easier!

how to clean glass curtains

More advantages of installing glass curtains

Apart from the advantages indicated above, and which are not few, glass or crystal curtains have a series of virtues that you should also know:

  • They adapt to all types of plants, whether square, irregular, in the shape of an “L”…
  • They improve the energy efficiency of the home as they act as windbreaks and protect from the cold, rain or hail
  • They allow you to isolate your home from noise, as well as protect it from dirt and external contamination
  • They improve the security of your home by creating a practically invisible barrier

advantages of glass or glass curtains

In short, the glass curtains They are a system that allows you to reinvent exteriors and interiors without the need to erect partitions, or fixed or opaque structures. Can you imagine the number of interior design solutions that you can do with them in your home or business?

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