Artificial grass, advantages, installation and maintenance

If we have a garden or outdoor area where we can plant natural grass… why should we consider installing artificial grass instead?

We all know what artificial grass is, so we will focus on the different types, their uses, their advantages and their correct installation method.

Let’s start at the beginning…

Advantages of artificial grass

The advantages it brings are many, for this reason placing artificial grass is in fashion.

Below we will highlight the advantages that, in our opinion, are the main ones.

The most realistic imitation

For a few years now, a spectacular resemblance to natural grass has been achieved. Ornamental artificial grass, also called decorative (we will deal with them later in the types of grass), not only have an appearance and feel very similar to natural grass, but they can also give off the smell of freshly cut grass.

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Artificial grass in a residential area

Yes, you read it right. They go beyond sight and touch, capturing all the attention of our sense of smell. Surely you are wondering how is it possible? The explanation is that there are sanitizing products that kill bugs and bacteria, while providing this pleasant smell.


Artificial grass, despite its appearance, is still a synthetic carpet, and as such, it has an advantage: its easy maintenance.

Water and time savings

Proper maintenance of natural grass requires a lot of water, pest treatments, reseeding of dry areas, trimming and pruning. The artificial, on the other hand, only requires a brief watering so that it maintains its freshness practically throughout the day.

multipurpose facility

While natural grass can only be installed on earthen areas, artificial grass can be installed, as we will see later, on land, on concrete, flooring, or any firm surface. It is even suitable for both outdoors and indoors.

Other advantages

Another of its advantages is that, not being fireproof, it does not spread the flame. It also does not produce abrasions or friction burns. It is resistant to UVA rays, chlorine and frost. And it has great resistance against wear.

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Artificial grass in private garden

Types of artificial grass

Regardless of the price, since as with all products, you can find cheap artificial grass, and not so cheap, we can classify artificial grass into two types.


This is mainly indicated for terraces. Its characteristics are inferior to those of the other group, of which we can highlight the following:

  • They may or may not have a drainage system. If you have it, its capacity is around 30 liters per square meter per minute.
  • They have a hair whose height is between 5 and 9 mm.
  • Being technically inferior to the other model, this one is cheaper.


Indicated not only for terraces, but also for penthouses, residential areas, gardens, sports courts and recreational areas. Some of its features are:

  • It has a drainage system, normally reaching a capacity of 60 liters per square meter per minute.
  • The height of the pile is between 20 and 40 mm.
  • Its softness and density is superior to that of “functional” grass, having an optimal touch and excellent behavior when walked on.
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Artificial grass in playground

How to install artificial grass

Next we will see the procedure that we recommend so that you know how to install decorative artificial grass.

1) Base preparation

The preparation of the surface where we will install our grass, consists of conditioning it in such a way that it receives the grass in optimal conditions. It is very important that the support is well prepared, since it is the “foundation” of our project.

Depending on the type of surface in question, we will have to proceed in one way or another. As we pointed out before, we could divide the type of soil into two groups.

One we will call “rigid support”, in which we include concrete, tiled floor, etc. And the other group is the “earth support”, which includes the earth floor, old natural grass floor, etc.

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Preparing the base: Filled with a layer of gravel, for the subsequent installation of the artificial grass

Therefore, we will follow the following steps:

Artificial grass - installation and maintenance advantages - Accessoriesrigid support

This is the simplest case. In the event that we are going to install the grass on a rigid support, we must clean the entire area well.

earthen support

Here we must take into account more things. The first thing we must do is remove any remaining grass, vegetation, roots, stones, etc.

In order to prevent the appearance of weeds, it is recommended to apply a herbicide.

Now we will have to create a base for the drainage, for which we will pour gravel and sand. This base of gravel and sand, we will have to level it (taking into account the pertinent falls for the evacuation of the water to take place) and, later, compact it by using a roller or similar system.

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Artificial turf – Land preparation

2) Placement of the geotextile mesh

In addition to having applied the herbicide, in the previous step, we will have to install a geotextile mesh or also called an anti-weed.

Its placement is not complicated. It is spread over the entire surface, mounting the adjoining strips about 5 cm one above the other. And they are fixed by nailing the corresponding metal staples.

The installation of this mesh is important, since in addition to preventing weeds, it protects the base of the artificial grass permanent contact with the support.

3) Placement of artificial grass

The first thing, as we always recommend in projects of this type, is to make a simple plan that includes the measurements.

On the plane, we will calculate how we will cover the entire area. In this way, in addition to making the most of the material, we will avoid possible surprises and unforeseen events.

Once we have more or less clear how to do it, we unroll and present the grass over the entire surface.

You must make sure to place the different pieces always in the same direction, since, having been rolled up, the hair is somewhat flawed to one side. In this way we will avoid the “round trip” effect.

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Artificial grass – Layout and presentation of the different grass cloths

Once extended, we cut both the perimeter and any existing obstacle within the area, such as trees, flowerbeds, pools, fountains, etc.

We will not have to adjust this first cut, thus leaving a margin of maneuver for when we make the final installation, at which time we will adjust to the millimeter.

As it has such a high drainage capacity, artificial grass can be placed over drains, without interfering at all with the evacuation of water.

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Artificial grass – Installation

4) Union of the different grass cloths

Once the previous step is done, we turn both sides of the joints, raising about 30 cm. We place the union band and spread the PU adhesive along the entire band, in case it is not a self-adhesive band, and we put the artificial grass strips back in their original position, gluing both pieces of grass to the band.

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Artificial grass – Union of the different grass cloths

5) Turf installation finish

Finally we would have the brushing and filling of silica sand.

First comes the silica sand infill. It is recommended to spread between 2 and 5 Kg/m2, depending on each case.

Filling with silica sand is not mandatory, but it is recommended for the following reasons:

  • Provides greater weight to the grass, allowing it to sit better on the ground.
  • It makes it possible for the hairs of the grass to remain more upright, providing a “memory” effect by recovering the vertical position after being stepped on.
  • It prolongs the humidity when it is watered, providing a freshness typical of natural grass.
  • Protects the fibers of the artificial grass, lengthening its life.
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Artificial grass – Maintenance by brushing

Once the sand is spread, we will brush it, for which we will use a brush with hard bristles. Brushing we will always do it against the grain, thus achieving that the hair stands upright.

6) Installation Video

Here we leave you a video tutorial on how to install artificial grass on a tile support.

Artificial grass maintenance

The maintenance required by artificial grass It is nothing complex or tedious. But if we want to keep it like the first day, it is necessary to carry out the little care it needs.

Within the maintenance we will separate the cleaning that we must carry out periodically, and the elimination of sporadic stains.


  • To remove the dirt that may accumulate on its surface, it would be enough to water the lawn from time to time.
  • Tree leaves that have fallen on the lawn are collected with a rake.
  • Brushing the lawn once a month is recommended. Always against the grain, and using a hard bristle brush.
  • Water the lawn from time to time and more frequently in hot weather.
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Artificial turf in sports facilities – Tennis court

stain removal

  • Gum: To remove gum, we will use ice.
  • Drinks: To remove stains from any type of drink, we must clean the area with water, and then rub with soap and water.
  • Persistent stains: Use a 3% solution of ammonia in water.
  • Organic garbage: It is cleaned with a solution of water and white vinegar.
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Artificial turf in sports facilities – Soccer field

Would you prefer another material other than artificial grass for your garden, but also with very little maintenance work?

Then we advise you to see this other article 8 ideas for gardens with gravel. You will be amazed at the various styles that can be achieved.


Photos: Verdinia, MinotGreen, NeoGrass, Verdinia, EvolutionGrass, Jardinería Alonso, InterCesped, ExtendaPlus – Arquipolis, VerdePadel, Ever Green, Pc Pools, ADT, Parques Infantiles 3.0

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