base to charge the phone

DIY gifts for guests

How many times has the memory that you have been given at a wedding ended up forgotten at the bottom of a drawer? It has happened to me several times and for this reason when I think of DIY gifts for guests I like that in addition to being beautiful they are practical, in this way they can remember that day every time they use the detail that you prepared especially for them with such enthusiasm.

taking advantage of the new handbox craftlover challenge on wedding invitations or DIY gifts for guests With cardboard boxes from Selfpackaging, I have prepared a step-by-step guide to making a gift that is both beautiful and practical. I also wanted it to be unisex, to be liked by both the male and female sectors, so after thinking about it several times, it occurred to me to make a base to charge the mobile phone, after all, it is something that practically all of us have and use.

Materials to make your DIY gifts for guests

materials for DIY gifts for guests

To do so much mobile phone charging base As the cardboard boxes that I am going to use to present them, the following materials are needed:

– Boxes to assemble, I have chosen them in gold and gray.
– Gift wrap matching the color of the boxes.
– Double-sided adhesive tape.
– Cutter or scissors.
– Plain and stamped labels.
– One or two slices of wood (depending on the thickness). If you cannot find wood in this format, it can be replaced by blocks or boards.
– Multitool or drill.
– Carpenter’s glue.
– Chalkboard paint, although you can also use acrylic paint.

Assemble and decorate the cardboard boxes

The cardboard box that I have chosen is simple but elegant at the same time, it also has a built-in lid. On the other hand, although the gift is unisex, I wanted to make a distinction between the sexes: the gold boxes will be for the girls and the gray ones for the boys.

The cardboard box assembly It is quite simple and although the first one costs a little more, after the third one they come out like hot cakes. In the following video you can see how it is assembled:

The next step will be decorate the top with wrapping paper. For the gold-colored boxes I have chosen a pink paper with geometric motifs and for the gray ones a very light blue one, also printed with geometric motifs.

The gift wrap is attached to the box with double sided tapeit will only be necessary to tape the edges, paste the paper on top and cut off the excess part.

DIY gifts for guests

Inside the box I have placed a piece of fabric to give it a touch of warmth and place the gift on it.

DIY gifts for guests

How to make a wooden base to charge the mobile phone

To make the base, you will need a piece of wood thick enough to cover the rigid part of the connector. In this case the wooden slices were pre-cut and I had to use two to obtain the necessary thickness.

First With a pencil, mark where the hole through which the connector will pass will go, taking into account that it has to be big enough to fit. If you have two slices, do the same with the second.

Next will be a groove at the bottom of the slicein this way the cable can be inserted inside so that it is collected.

The next step will be join the two slices with wood glue.

DIY gifts for guests mobile charger base

Finally you can paint the top with chalkboard paint or with acrylic paints to give it a stripped effect.

DIY gifts for guests charger base

Now it only remains to place the cable and connect the mobile phone.

DIY gifts for guests

Present DIY gifts for guests

To present the gifts to the guests I have chosen different felt labels and detailsas well as natural colored rope.

DIY gift tags for guests

To the wooden bases I have placed a banner label white with the date of the event, as well as a plain label to which I have attached a pink felt heart for them and a teal gray felt star for them.

DIY gift tags for guests

For the outside of the box I have chosen some labels decorated with a pink flamingo since it seemed to me a romantic and nice reason. To give them a personal touch I have drawn a bow tie and a top hat on the flamingo in the gift for them, as well as some small flowers on the head of the flamingo in the gift box for them.

present DIY gifts for guests

After all these steps I consider my goal achieved: to make DIY gifts for guests that are pretty, practical and that they like, in fact my boy has already appropriated one of the wooden bases to charge his mobile.

On the other hand, the cardboard box can be used to store the charger when we are not using it in the base.

mobile charger storage box

Although the phone stands alone when charging without any support, you can also insert a half clothespin to support the phone when the charger is not present.

wooden base to charge the mobile

Are you planning your wedding? are you going to make your own DIY gifts for guests? What do you think of this idea to make a wooden base to charge mobile phone? I personally think it’s pretty and practical and a gift I’d like to receive if I went to a wedding.

DIY gifts for guests

If you liked this post, you can see many more inspiring ideas and DIY projects at .

Creative challenge: Selfpackaging cardboard boxes for the Handbox challenge.

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