Buy cheap mosquito nets for your home [GUÍA PRÁCTICA]

Now more than ever, we know how important it is to ventilate our home on a daily basis. For this reason, mosquito nets are not just for the summer, since insects such as flies or mosquitoes can enter at any time of the year. This practical guide to buy cheap mosquito nets for your home will help you choose between the different types that exist, according to the needs of your home and budget.

Contrary to what it may seem, a mosquito net is not an expense but a investment in your home that will prevent the entry of insects and birds. Some of these insects cause diseases such as West Nile virus, which is transmitted by mosquitoes and whose symptoms can be severe. Additionally, mosquitoes are known to carry higher viral loads in early fall.

On the other hand, installing cheap mosquito nets on your windows and doors has a series of additional advantages:

  • Avoid the use of insecticides and chemical products, with the economic savings that this entails and without harming the quality of indoor air.
  • Protection for children and pets, since they prevent them from going outside with the window open.
  • Reduces the concentration of dust and pollen particles inside the house.
  • They provide privacy, since the mesh makes it difficult to see from the outside to the inside, but not the other way around.
  • They block direct sunlight and prevent UV damage to furniture.

In 24H Mosquito nets You can find a wide variety of models: roller, sliding, fixed, with side doors, pleated, windproof, Alicante blinds, etc., as well as spare parts, profiles and fabrics or PVC curtains. In addition, they have a custom manufacturing in 24 hours so you can choose size and color and have them at home in 48 hours.

So that you can choose the one that best suits your home, the following are the most common types of mosquito nets that you can find.

install mosquito nets

roll-up mosquito net

The roll-up mosquito net It is made of high-quality aluminum and very resistant fabric. It is the most comfortable and common model to install, since it allows you to raise and lower it as you see fit. In fact, it works as if it were a roller shutter: a slight downward pull is enough to lower it and it can be easily raised again. Some have the RDS braking system that allows it to be rolled into the head smoothly and without making any sudden blows. In addition, the roller mosquito net is safely guided by two side brushes.

This type of roller mosquito net is suitable for vertical windows and doors, as well as for inclined places. There are two installation possibilities:

  • Between the window and the blind. It is the best option, since we protect the mosquito net as much as possible, but a hole will be needed in the upper part for the head (normally between 3 and 5 cm).
  • Outside the blind guide. Directly installed on the sides of the wall, with plugs and screws and sealing it with silicone.

When measuring our window or door, both for width and height, the measurement will be taken at three points and the smallest will be chosen.

buy cheap mosquito nets for your home

sliding mosquito net

The sliding mosquito net It is designed for window, shutter or sliding enclosure. It consists of an aluminum frame that is attached to the profile and includes four brackets. Two of them have rollers that allow the mosquito net to slide along the window frame. In this way, the window can be opened without having to remove any of the sashes.

This type of mosquito net comes assembled and ready to insert into the window frame, but measurements must be taken correctly to fit perfectly. For this reason, it is advisable to purchase it with adjustable wheels that allow the height to be varied between 3 and 5 millimeters.

fixed mosquito net

The fixed mosquito net it is like the slide, but it does not have bearings in the lower brackets. They are the most economical and are suitable for windows that are not sliding or doors where access to the outside is not needed. Its installation consists of screwing the aluminum profile to the opening of the window, drilling where it is convenient.

fixed cheap mosquito net

If none of the above types of mosquito nets fit your needs, there are others that may:

  • pleated. The anti-mosquito fabric is gathered by accordion-like folds and is especially suitable for doors with frequent passage.
  • folding. They are ideal for swing doors and act as a second door with an aluminum frame and hinges.
  • with velcro. The easiest to install, since you only have to cut the fabric, stick the adhesive velcro on the door or window frame and place the mesh.

In short, whatever mosquito net model you choose, there is no doubt that it will improve your home and increase family well-being. I hope this guide will help you get it right the first time when it comes to buy cheap mosquito nets for your homeof the best quality and without your budget going off.

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