Bathroom renovation a year later


Usually from one reform we see the “before and after“, the “Step by Step«, the materials used, the advice, the tricks, etc. Everything is very good freshly made but what happens once a certain time has elapsed? Will everything be just as beautiful? Will the materials have been appropriate? Will it be practical?

In my post about the blog’s first anniversary (don’t forget to sign up for lottery), I reminded you that my first post was the reform of our bathroom with shower. In case you didn’t see it back in the day, our bathroom used to look like this:

bathroom renovation

This bathroom is the one we use daily. As you can see it is small (about 4 square meters) and it has no windows (only one vent on the ceiling), so every time someone takes a shower the walls and furniture get steam soaked. This usually happens a couple of times a day, especially when I am the one who takes a shower since I like the water very hot.

in our reform we changed the shower tray corner for a rectangular one from wall to wall with a transparent shower screen, we eliminated the bidet, we changed the toilet and under-sink cabinet. Also we paint the tiles with special paint for tileswe paste a self-adhesive vinyl border and we changed the tiles in the shower area and on the floor. After all this, the bathroom was like this:

turquoise bathroom renovation

One of the things that is often asked is if the special paint for tiles It is resistant and if it ends up yellowing. After a year I can tell you that the paint is still there, it hasn’t chipped or chipped despite what I told you that it usually ends up soaked with steam practically every day. What I do take care of is cleaning. I do not use harsh chemicals Instead, I usually clean the painted tiles with a rag dipped in methylated spirits.

Regarding whether it has yellowed or not, I honestly would not know what to answer. The color was «flour white» and it is difficult to say if it is exactly the same as the first day because I do not have a reference, but what I can tell you is that does not look yellowish or ugly.

The self-adhesive vinyl border It was another of the doubts: will it hold or will it take off? Well, it’s still there, I haven’t raised a single corner and it continues to hit like the first day.

In the following photos you can see how the bathroom is currently, both the paint and the border.

bathroom renovation with tile paint
In the shower area the question was whether the bulkhead I was going to end up full of lime stains considering that in this area the water is painful in that sense. I already told you in a post my trick to clean the screen and the truth is that for now it works.

With the furniture I haven’t had any mishaps either, everything is the same. The Acloset/bookcase that I spray painted blue It is also resisting well to the humidity of the bathroom. I promise you I would spray paint all my furniture if it weren’t for how messy it is to do it inside the house and how bad I had cleaning up the traces of blue spray.

In the following photo you can see how the shower screen and the cabinet are today.

bathroom renovation with DIY furniture

Surely you will be thinking “wow, everything is wonderful”, well no, there is some little thing. For example, him shower tray is supposed to be non-slip and if it wasn’t for the mat that I have inside (and that is ready to be changed because that one has turned yellow), I would have already had a good bump. I don’t doubt that it is non-slip when dry but wet and with soap… that’s another story.

The porcelain that we put inside the shower and on the floor was of quality and resistant…. so extremely resistant there is no one to drill it. Sweat and drills (several special diamond drills for porcelain), have been necessary to make the holes for the screen, the towel rail and the shower rod. Taking advantage of this circumstance, when I am going to cut something with the cutter, many times I do it on top of the bathroom tile because I know that it will not even flinch.

In summary, today and after a year of use I can say that I am happy with the bathroom renovation, In fact, I would not hesitate to repaint the tiles and not even place the self-adhesive border. I was a little worried that I might get tired of the blue furniture color but the truth is that I still love it, I don’t think I would choose another color if I had to do it again.

Did you remember this reform? You like me? Have you dared to do something similar? My dear Araceli from my corner of dreams He also renovated his bathroom, replacing the bathtub with a shower tray and painting the tiles and the under-sink cabinet with excellent results. Come on, too!

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