Corner and modular kitchen benches

bancos para cocina esquineros y modulares destacada

Everyone knows that fashions, trends and styles change over time, mainly influenced by our own needs, the needs of the consumer.

This occurs in all aspects of life, from eating habits to styling, passing, for example, through new technologies. Well, the same thing happens with furniture and, specifically, with kitchen furniture, which is what we will focus on in this article.

To start, you have to take into account something fundamental. In the process of food preparation itself, there are three zones that are well differentiated but, at the same time, interconnected. These are the refrigerator, sink and ceramic hob or burner, in this order, since food is removed from the refrigerator, washed and cooked. Producing a virtual triangulation, which must be taken into account when distributing kitchen furniture and machinery, so that this imaginary triangle remains free of obstacles.

We must also be aware that the kitchen, today, is no longer a temporary space in which a series of routine tasks are strictly carried out, to undergo a transformation until it becomes a mixed or “multipurpose” space.

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The classic living room and living room-dining room has been transformed until reaching the current “living room-living room”. While the traditional kitchen is already beginning to be, in many cases, “kitchen-dining room-human relations”. At least during the week, since by leading a faster pace of life, the need to scratch minutes becomes essential.

One of the advantages that the kitchen has over the living room, functionally speaking, making it the ideal room to eat, is that it avoids the need to transport plates and cutlery from one room to another, thus increasing comfort, speed and cleanliness. .

On the other hand, human and personal relationships are much closer and more pleasant during the stay in this area since, subconsciously, the presence of TV is not so much missed.

Although it is true that, to achieve this, it is necessary to achieve a warm and comfortable space.

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On many occasions, kitchens present shapes and distributions with too many corners and corners and even wasted areas. However, as always, weaknesses can be turned into advantages. For this reason, there is a wide variety of modular benches on the market, which allow the restructuring of the space depending on the needs of each moment, removing, adding, or moving modules. An example of this type of kitchen bench is the kitchen corner cabinet Vimens

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Some of the options we refer to are:

The traditional table with their respective chairs.

This is the most comfortable and ideal formula. However, it has the drawback of space. Unfortunately, most of the homes currently have a small area, which makes this option sometimes unfeasible.

High swivel stools.

They are ideal to put them facing a kitchen island, or next to a window allowing, at the same time, to enjoy natural light.

Corner benches.

Which optimize functionality in all aspects.

corner and modular kitchen benches 4This last option, the corner benches, is the ideal for many reasons. They provide great convenience and comfort, make the most of the space, adapt very well to the available surface thanks to the fact that they are modular systems, expandable practically to measure, and integrate perfectly with the rest of the kitchen due to the great variety of materials, textures and colors on the market.

There are also versions available in which both the benches and the table have a hinged lid, allowing storage inside them, making double use of space.

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