Bespoke wardrobe interiors

Interiores de armarios a medida - foto destacada

There is an element in each and every one of the homes, to which we may not pay enough attention, despite having become essential in our lives for many reasons. The main one, in addition to its aesthetics and design, is its undoubted functionality. Its about WARDROBE, either built-in wardrobe or “just plain” wardrobe.

Normally, as in many other aspects, we pay more attention to the packaging than to the content itself. I explain…

When we go looking for a wardrobe, we look at its lines, that the design of its doors goes well with the rest of the decoration of the room, the color, etc.

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The above is not a criticism, it is totally correct, but we should go further, since there are other aspects that have nothing to do with fashion and design, but which are closely linked to the sole purpose of the wardrobe:
Store and organize clothes and personal belongings. Therefore, it is important to look at the interiors of cabinets, taking into account details such as the type of opening of the doors so that they adapt optimally to the available space, as well as the use of all the interior space. Therefore, we must find a way to make its functionality 100% profitable, thus gaining convenience, comfort and, ultimately, quality of life.

In the event that the cabinet that interests us is a standard cabinet, we have less room for maneuver since, with more or less details, it comes as it comes.

However, when we talk about a custom wardrobe, here we can literally design it “how we want”, since there are accessories and details for all tastes and needs on the market. Next, as a sample, we will only talk about a minimum part of this type of accessories.

tilting coat racks

One of the least wasted areas of the cabinets are, perhaps, the attics. By integrating them with the rest of the
wardrobe, we gain more height, thus taking advantage of the lower and middle area with drawers and shelves. And this is where this accessory comes into play. The bar integrates a mechanism that makes it tilt forward, leaving the hangers at our height when we need to pick up or drop a garment, and the rest of the time they remain attached to the ceiling.

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Tilting coat rack in use

Removable coat racks

Sometimes we can find that the wardrobe is built into a hole whose depth is less than the width necessary for a coat rack. For these cases the removable coat racks are designed. The garments are hung in front of us and, to facilitate the handling of the garments placed at the back, the rack is pulled out.

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Pull-out coat rack, for closets with little depth.

Special guides for drawers

In addition to there being guides of many types and sizes, there are guides with shock absorbers and self-braking. If you are one of the most demanding, you will love this accessory, although if there are many drawers in the wardrobe, you have to take
numbers before to see if it pays you to install this type of guides.

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Two models of guides with shock absorber and self-brake for made-to-measure cabinets.

Special guides for sliding doors

If you are one of those who pay attention to all the details, you will have noticed that in most sliding wardrobes, the doors expose the structure of the wardrobe, that is, mainly the side and top panels. For those who want to see only and exclusively the doors when looking at the wardrobe from the front, they have this type of guides, which move the doors in front of the entire wardrobe, thus covering the front of it.

Brakes with damper for sliding doors

You can buy some small accessories that gently slow down the movement of sliding doors, thus avoiding annoying and even dangerous knocks, when it comes to large and therefore heavy doors.

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Stops with hydraulic brake for sliding cabinet doors.

other accessories

shoemakers of all kinds, sizes and designs, for shoes, for boots,…

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A model of shoe organizer.

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Another shoe rack model, this time with a large capacity.

Specific drawers for each use. Drawers to keep ties organized. Drawers for underwear. Drawers of all kinds.

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Organizer drawer for ties and belts.

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More organizers.

etc etc etc

However, the issue of custom wardrobe accessories must be treated with caution since they represent very practical solutions but can increase the budget considerably.

The custom closet is comparable to a vehicle, regarding accessories. The more accessories included, the more expensive the vehicle. For this reason, far from going lightly, we must stop to think about what our main needs really are and try to provide the ideal solution.

Custom cabinets allow us to adapt from small openings to entire rooms, as is the case with dressing rooms, which are still huge cabinets, making the most of space.

How to make your own custom wardrobe

Really, making the interior of a custom built-in wardrobe is not as complicated as it might seem. If you are more or less “handyman”, you could do it without any problem. To do this, you just have to follow the following steps:

  • Take detailed and precise measurements of the interior of the hole.
  • Sit comfortably, close your eyes and, slowly, imagine how you want your wardrobe, taking into account your needs and tastes.
  • Take paper and pencil, and express exactly what you have thought in the previous step, making a freehand plan, including the measurements. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but you do need to clearly see what you want.
  • With the plan of your wardrobe in front of you, write down on another piece of paper all the pieces of wood, with their respective measurements, that you will need to carry out this work. With this you can order in a lumberyard to cut all the pieces to measure. In this way, you will save a lot of time, work and investment in tools, than if you cut it yourself.
  • All that remains is to assemble the pieces. Those that enter through the mouth of the cabinet, you can mount them outside and then insert them. The ones that don’t, you put them individually and you assemble them inside the closet. If you have also decided to cover the interior walls of the wardrobe, you only have to stick the wooden panels with adhesive or even with silicone. To cover the joints between the angles of the different walls, you just have to stick or nail some small moldings, for example ¼ round. It will fit you perfectly.

Regarding the sliding doors, you could also put them yourself. You can find them in kit in stores and large specialized surfaces, in countless sizes, designs, and colors. And they are not complicated to install.

Source photos: www.puertasherrero. is

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