Bosch NanoBlade, the unique jigsaw

Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut - destacada

Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut 50, were you aware of the existence of this saw?

The answer was probably no.

Regardless of whether you knew it or not, we are going to dedicate this article to analyzing, in detail, all the technical characteristics, its correct handling, as well as the accessories it incorporates. In short, we will try to get you to know the tool in depth. All this in order that, in case you acquire this impressive tool, you can get the most out of it, with maximum security.

Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut - photo 1

Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut 50 Set

What is the Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut?

At first glance, it is very similar to a jigsaw. However, the cutting system that it incorporates has nothing to do with it. In the first seconds of the video that we include in this article, you can see it in slow motion.

In short, it could be said that it is the perfect combination between a jigsaw and a chainsaw blade, but on a very, very small scale.

Precisely this combination provides several advantages over traditional jigsaws. But we will see this in the tests that we will carry out in the next video. Therefore, we will dedicate two entire videos to analyze in detail the saw Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut 50.

BEWARE, the one we are going to see here is the ADVANCED that incorporates some improvements over the basic version, the EasyCut, such as the miter cut.

Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut - photo 2

Main technical characteristics

Before getting into the matter, we will talk about the most notable technical characteristics, such as power. The Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut It has a USEFUL power of 370 W.

On the other hand, the maximum depth of cut, with the blade that comes as standard, is 50mm at a right angle, and 45mm at a 45º miter.

What if you need more cutting capacity? Very easy, as an accessory, there is another longer blade, 65mm. With which, we managed to increase the depth of cut by one and a half centimeters.

The weight of this tool is quite moderate, since it weighs just over a kilo and a half.

It is very ergonomic, both in the way of grip and in touch.

How much is the Bosch NanoBlade worth?

Whether it has crossed your mind to buy it, or if you just want to know the price, then we leave you several links to the Amazon store. You just have to click on the text or image you want to consult.

If you finally decide to buy it, you have the guarantee and seriousness of both Bosch and Amazon, a world-renowned sales portal.

Finally, we have included both the NanoBlade AdvancedCut and the EasyCut. The latter more affordable.

Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut explanatory video

We have made an explanatory video that includes all the explanations, included in the text that follows. In this way, the large amount of information that we will handle will be much easier to understand, as well as more enjoyable. At least, this has been our intention.

Parts of the Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut

grip area

Below the main handle, we have the trigger, as well as the revolution preselection wheel.

In addition to this wheel, which acts as if it were a speed limiter, the tool has electronic speed control. In other words, the more pressure on the trigger, the higher the number of revolutions.

The grip continues forward, and this part here is the auxiliary grip.


If we go down, we have the base or sliding sole that, if you look closely, is curved at the back. This is to facilitate plunge cutting. Precisely, this is one of the advantages that this saw has over other jigsaws.

The immersion cut is the one that begins in some area inside the wood, without having made any previous drilling to insert the blade.

Next, we have the cutting indicator, which shows us where the blade will go, both when making the cut at a right angle, and at a miter.

This guide can be graduated. You just have to loosen the only screw on it, adjust the guide, and retighten the screw.

SDS change system for blade

Over here we have the blade housing cover as well as the cover lock lever.

The blade assembly and disassembly system is SDS or, what is the same, quick assembly without tools.

Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut - photo 3

All you have to do is turn the lever out, open the cover, remove the blade, insert the other blade, making a good coupling between it and the toothed axis of the tool. Close the cover, and turn the lock lever until you hear two clicks.

So that you can see how to change the sheet, in an extremely simple way, we have included this process in the video.

cutting sheets

The blades of the Bosch NanoBlade do not need any maintenance. The internal mechanism that incorporates the blade is responsible for maintaining the optimal tension of the chain.

It also does not need lubrication or sharpening. Therefore, they are disposable.

But if they are used for what they are designed for, that is, for cutting wood and plastics, and they are not used in excess, they can last a long time in perfect condition.

Other features of the tool

On this side, we have already seen everything. On the other side, we find the connection fitting to the suction system. As well as the scale, and the thumbwheel to select the angle of the miter cut.

This is the tool itself. Next we will see all the accessories that it comes with as standard.

Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut Accessories

clean cuts

Like any other electric saw, whether they are jigsaws, circular saws, etc., one of the two faces of the cut piece is exposed to the possibility of splintering a little.

Precisely to avoid this, the Bosch NanoBlade incorporates this small accessory that, attached to the base of the tool, guarantees clean cuts.

Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut - photo 4

The assembly of this and the other accessories that we will see next, are only by pressure. Its assembly or disassembly does not require any type of tool or last.

make grooves

With a jigsaw, it is materially impossible to groove the surface you are working on.

With a circular saw, it would be possible, but the complication would come in the angles.

However, one of the main advantages of the Bosch NanoBlade is that it can make grooves with great ease. And not only that, but it can do with different depths.

For this, use these two depth stops, which are included in the standard kit.

Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut - photo 5

These bumpers can be used independently, or mounted on top of each other. Therefore, we get three different depths in the grooves.

And to finish off the job, these stops can also be attached to the accessory for clean cuts.


We also have the protective cover for suction, which is attached to the bottom of the base, and facilitates the suction system.

Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut - photo 6

The suction fitting, which we have seen before, together with this accessory, make clean work possible and without particles in suspension. Going to stop, most of the sawdust, to the vacuum cleaner connected to the tool.

Adapter for straight cuts

We also have the guide rail adapter. This accessory, together with the guide rail itself, enables completely straight cuts.

The lock that this adapter incorporates is to secure it to the tool.

Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut - photo 7

To mount it on the Bosch NanoBlade, you just have to insert the two plates, and activate the lock.

This adapter incorporates a compartment, whose purpose is to store a spare blade.

Blade Wood Speed ​​65

This is the complete set for the Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut.

However, if the 50mm blade falls short, 65mm blades can also be purchased separately, like this one in the image.Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut - photo 8

Well, so far we have arrived with the preliminary analysis of the tool.

We have already published a new article, in which we will literally turn the Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut 50 upside down.

Here you will be able to see all the tests that we will carry out, as well as our impressions and evaluations on the behavior of the tool.

Do not miss it!! Visit the article NanoBlade jigsaw, review.

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