Copy the angle of the joist with respect to the main beam

copiar un angulo soldadura y proteccion de placas enfrentadas - destacada

We continue with a new chapter of the tutorial dedicated to acoustic insulation. Today we will dedicate it to copying the angle that the plates of the beam that is facing the already installed ones should have.

What is the reason for having to copy the angle? Aren’t they 90 degrees?

It is quite unlikely, practically impossible I would say, that both sides were completely parallel. And, as expected, the sides of this room are not parallel to each other, and therefore both main beams, we have to copy the angle They must have this series of plates, so that the joists, once assembled, are solidly anchored.

To carry out this step, and to avoid possible deviations, we will present one of the wooden joists. And once we have the exact angle, we can make the plates on the right side.

Process to copy the angle

1st Step – Present one of the joists

The first step we will have to do is measure the length of the joist.

Measuring the length of the joist

Measuring the length of the joist.

We can find ourselves in two situations. The first, and simplest, will be that the joist is longer than the hole where it will be located. In this case, we will only have to cut it to the appropriate size.

Measuring the piece to complete the joist

Measuring the piece to complete the joist.

However, we can also find, as in fact it has been, that the joist falls short.

Cutting the joist at an angle

Cutting the joist at an angle.

Therefore, we will measure the piece that we have to add to complete the joist, covering the entire hole.

We mark and cut. And, since we are only presenting it provisionally, we join the two pieces with two scraps of wood.

Installing the joist temporarily

Installing the joist provisionally.

The definitive union will be made with steel plates. But this will be later.

Now we will take it with a sergeant, as I say provisionally, to the plate that is already installed. And we will keep the joist horizontal, taking advantage of the wires of the old false ceiling, to hold it temporarily.

Taking the joist to the floor

Taking the joist to the floor.

2nd Step – Copy the angle

Now we can take the exact angle at which we have to weld this series of plates.

Joists presented to copy the angle

Joists presented to copy the angle.

For this, we will use a false square. We loosen the wing nut of the tool, we copy the angle, supporting the two parts of the square on the concrete beam and the wooden beam, and we tighten the wing nut again.

How to copy the joist angle

Copying at an angle with the help of a false square.

WD-40 Mythical Routes Contest

Before continuing with the welding of the plates, we will take a short break to give you some very good news. And finally, a DIY tip.

WD-40 has launched the “Mythical Routes” contest, in which different prizes are at stake. The maximum prize being a trip for you to go with whoever you want along the mythical Route 66, valued at €7,000.

How can you take it?

Visit the link, or scan the QR code with your mobile. You both have them on screen right now.

Invite your friends to participate. The more friends you invite, the more options you have to take it with you.

WD-40 Mythical Routes Contest


DIY tip

Okay, here we go with the DIY tip. At home there are a lot of tasks to do to keep it in good condition and to provide us with quality of life.

Different tasks imply different products. For example, when it comes to cleaning, we have to use different products depending on whether it is the bathroom, the kitchen, parquet flooring, glass, etc.

However, when it comes to home DIY, we can afford to have just one product. Yes, good quality.

I am referring to WD-40 multi-purpose oil. Nicknamed “the oil of 2000 uses”. There must be a reason.

With this oil, we can carry out all the DIY tasks in which we need to lubricate, clean, unblock, polish,…

In addition, WD-40 provides another additional advantage: With its change of patented application system, we change comfortably and in fractions of a second, from the standard diffuser, to the localized application cannula, to reach any corner, however inaccessible it may be.

In fact, right now, we are going to take the opportunity to lubricate the gear of an awning that, due to use and weather conditions, has been screeching for some time.

Applying WD-40 Multi-Purpose Oil

Applying WD-40 Multi-Purpose Oil

We change to the localized applicator,… We give several sprays,… And we move the mechanism a couple of times so that the oil spreads inside the gear.

It’s that easy, that effective, and with yet another advantage. WD-40 repels moisture and water which, in this particular case, comes in handy.

Do you know why this oil repels water?

Brief history of WD-40

I am going to briefly tell you about the origins of this company, since they are closely related to this characteristic:

More than 60 years ago, three Rocket Chemical Company employees, in a small laboratory in San Diego, California, were looking for a solution for NASA to displace water and protect the Atlas space missile from rust and corrosion.

They had to make 40 attempts before obtaining the definitive formula. Hence the product name WD-40.

Well, that product they developed was the birth of the current WD-40 multipurpose oil.

Well, we continue with the tutorial dedicated to acoustic insulation, but don’t forget about the Mythical Routes contest.

He is waiting for a winner. will it be you

WD-40 Mythical Routes Contest

3rd Step – Welding of the new plates

Once the angle is confirmed, we will weld the anchor plates.

In order to make the welding more accurate and faster, we will do it with the help of this template.

Angle welding the anchor plates

Angle welding the anchor plates.

To hold the two pieces to be welded in the correct position, we will fix them using magnets.

Once located, we will give a few stitches at both ends.

Next, we remove the template, turn the plate over, and weld it inside along the entire length.

Angle welding on both sides of the anchor plates

Angle welding the anchor plates on both sides.

It is very important to weld the inner part first, since if we do not do it this way, the welding will not come out correctly.

If you want to see, in detail, how to perform the different types of welding, you can visit the link “How to weld with electrodes, basic course” that will lead to the video tutorial. Or if you prefer, you can visit the full article, which also includes the video tutorial.

Once the welding bead is finished, we remove the slag with the help of the pickaxe. We turn the plate. And we solder the other face in the same way.

As the concrete beam decreases in thickness in one area, two of the plates are attached to the beam at two points instead of four. Therefore, to these two pieces we will weld two profiles at an angle of 90 degrees. In this way, the plate will better support the beam, increasing its resistance.

Anchor plates with continuous seam welding

Anchor plates with continuous seam welding.

4th Step – Protection of the plates

Once all the welds have been made, we will protect them against corrosion with a coat of Oxite, exactly as we did with the plates on the left side.

Rust protection of anchor plates

Rust protection of anchor plates.

Video tutorial to copy the angle

Below you have the video tutorial that explains in detail everything explained above.

Coming soon

In the eighth chapter of this tutorial, we will see how to install the anchor plates and how to adjust the two that are welded square to the main beam.

However, below I leave you all the programming of the tutorial, with the links to the chapters that we have already published.

Acoustic insulation programming:

1st Part – Preparation of the structure.

1st Chapter – Introduction and work programming.

2nd Chapter – Layout, plan and measurement of the current soundproofing.

3rd Chapter – Measurement, marking and drilling of the beams.

4th Chapter – Drilling and machining of metal parts.

5th Chapter – Welding and protection of anchor plates.

6th Chapter – Placing the plates on the left side.

7th Chapter – Measurement of the angle of facing plates, welding and protection of these.

8th Chapter – Placement of plates in the first right lateral half.

9th Chapter – Installation of the first half of joists.

10th Chapter – Measurement of the angle of the rest of the plates, welding, protection and placement.

11th Chapter – Placement of the rest of the joists and completion of the first part.

2nd Part – Soundproofing of the ceiling.

12th Chapter – Acoustic materials and installation procedure.

13th Chapter – Step prior to soundproofing.

14th Chapter – Cutting and preparation of acoustic plates.

15th Chapter – Preparation of acoustic plates.

16th Chapter – Installation of soundproofing on the ceiling.

3rd Part – Vertical soundproofing.

17th Chapter – soundproofing of the walls.

18th Chapter – Soundproofing of shutter drums.

19th Chapter – Door soundproofing.

20th Chapter – New measurement of the final soundproofing and review of the work.

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