Crafts for birthday parties

diy birthday

I have to admit that the birthday party crafts they are new to me. I have always bought the cake, the candles, the greeting card… all without even considering the fact that a personalized detail can have more value for the birthday boy or girl than the gift itself. That’s why I leave you 4 craft ideas for birthday parties plus a plussimple to make and adaptable to any age.

1.- DIY greeting card

diy birthday greetings

I really don’t know how it has never occurred to me to make one birthday greeting card with the amount of beautiful and simple designs that circulate on the net.

For this particular card we will need two pieces of cardboard of different colors and a thin cord. One of the cardboard will serve as a base to make the card and the other to decorate it. In this case, the decoration has been made with red cardboard, placing a balloon on the outside and a garland on the inside. Easy, quick to do and with a very attractive result What more could you want?

2.- Cake for the denied of the kitchen

kit kat cake and smarties

Excuses are no longer valid: that if I’m not good at cooking, that if my cake has burned, that if I haven’t had time to go buy it… This cake will delight gourmands and chocolate loversRegardless of how old they are, you only need a few chocolate bars and treats to have it ready in a few minutes. Nice looking, right?

3.- Some customized candles


Why not customize the candles? Surely with such beautiful candles they make you want to blow harder. This candle is the typical birthday candle that we can find in any store. In this DIY, what has been done has been to fill the inside of the number with silver glitter that we can apply with a transparent nail polish. In addition, some buttons and beads have been glued on, giving a very glamorous look to what used to be an ordinary birthday candle.

4.- Personalized decoration with photos

birthday decoration

Nails on photos forming the silhouette of the desired number we will get a very original and 100% personalized decoration for birthday parties. Through the photos we can take a journey through the life of the birthday boy or girl, we will surely obtain a collection of beautiful memories and anecdotes, in addition to giving him a pleasant surprise that he surely did not expect.

+1 Birthday Calendar

diy birthday calendar

This last DIY is not related to the birthday party but it will help us not to forget any and that we can plan it well in advance. In this colorful and beautiful calendar we will be able to write down the indicated dates of family and friends, to do it we will need a table or an elongated canvas in which to indicate the name of the months with EVA rubber letters or painted directly. In each month we will place the name and the day of the anniversaries, for this we can use circles made with eva rubber, or recycle plates, or cut corks, etc.

You have done birthday party crafts? If you liked these ideas you can put them into practice on the next birthday you go to, you will surely be surprised.

By the way, 4+1 are the «years old» that today is the birthday of the one who writes to you… have a good weekend and have a beer to my health 😉

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