practical guide and recommendations 🔝

Are you looking for a mattress but you don’t know which one to buy? Currently there are so many types of mattresses that it is difficult to know which one you need. This little guide will help you choose the perfect mattress for you depending on its firmness and the use you are going to give it.

The mattress is a fundamental element when it comes to providing us with a good rest. Currently, there is a wide range of mattresses on the market, so it is not always easy to decide on the most appropriate one. This guide will help you know What factors should you take into account when choosing the perfect mattress?.

What mattress to buy?

Before buying a mattress you have to take into account both its quality and our physical and personal characteristics. In this way we will ensure a good posture for our back and a better quality of rest. In any case, we must ask ourselves the following questions:

  • Is it going to be for continuous or occasional use? It is not the same to buy a mattress for a guest bed or second homes, than for a daily one. In the latter case we must choose the best quality.
  • Will you sleep alone or accompanied? In case the difference in weight is significant, it is recommended to choose two single mattresses instead of a single mattress.
  • How do you usually sleep? The posture will influence the firmness of the mattress and, therefore, your purchase decision.
  • What type of base do you have or need? If you want to take advantage of the base you already have, you will have to limit yourself to the right mattresses for it.

The next infographic will help you choose the perfect mattress based on firmness and type among the most common that you can find in the market.

infographic what mattress to buy to get it right

What type of mattress is better?

There really is no better or worse type of mattress, but the most suitable for your needs. To find out, you must know the characteristics and properties of each type of mattress.

Viscoelastic mattresses

Did you know that the viscoelastic material was developed by NASA to relieve the pressure that the tissues could produce in the body of the astronauts during the takeoff of the spacecraft? You can find more information on Wikipedia.

A memory foam mattress It is firmer than a latex one but less than a spring one. It also has a “memory effect” as it adapts to the curvature of your body like a mold, but returns to its original shape when you are not using it.

To ensure good durability and comfort we must take into account the viscoelastic density, which is the amount of material per m3 of mattress. Standard quality models have a density between 50-70 kg/m3, while high quality models have a density of 80-115 kg/m3.

how to choose a memory foam mattress

spring mattresses

The spring mattresses They consist of a spring shell covered with several layers of fabric. Depending on the layers, the mattress will be more or less firm. One of their main advantages is that they allow air to circulate freely, so they are better ventilated and it is easier to remove moisture.

When choosing the quality of the mattress, the type of springs must be taken into account:

  • The biconical They have independent springs in the form of a double cone, joined by steel wires. These types of springs are of medium-low quality.
  • The bagged They are made up of a multitude of independent springs inside fabric bags, preventing them from rubbing against each other. Its quality is average.
  • those of continuous thread they form a consistent structure with a single thread throughout the mattress. These types of springs are of high quality.

Currently spring mattresses are combined with other materials such as latex or viscoelastic. In this way, properties of both types are combined to achieve greater comfort.

how to choose a spring mattress

latex mattresses

The latex mattresses They contain a block of latex (natural or synthetic) wrapped in a padded sleeve. Natural latex is obtained from the rubber tree, while synthetic latex is derived from petroleum.

When choosing a latex mattress, keep in mind that the greater the amount of natural latex, the better its quality. In addition, natural latex is an ecological material that can be combined with others such as coconut fiber, cotton, wool, etc.

On the other hand, to ensure their durability, it is convenient to know that they need to perspire and air frequently. For this reason, it is very important that they are on a multilayer base.

how to choose a latex mattress

Viscolatex mattresses

The viscolatex mattresses They combine a synthetic latex core and layers of viscoelastic material, being able to contain them both in its core and in the padding. This combination of materials gives rise to a soft and comfortable mattress of medium firmness.

Like latex mattresses, they require care and maintenance to guarantee their durability.

The following infographic summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each type of mattress:

advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of mattress infographic

How to choose the perfect mattress according to its firmness and type of material

To choose the perfect mattress you should think about your personal and particular circumstances and choose the most suitable type of mattress based on them. Combining the data from the two previous infographics, it will be much easier for you to know which mattress is the perfect one for you.

Regarding the budget, I advise you to choose a high-end mattress for regular use (your bed), since you will be investing in your health. In fact, it is scientifically proven according to a report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

However, for sporadic use (guest beds, second homes, etc.) you can choose to choose a cheaper mid-range mattress.

Finally, cats have a sixth sense to know where the most comfortable place to sleep is. Surely if we could take them to choose a mattress, they would know how to advise us 😉

how to choose a viscolatex mattress

I hope this guide helps you choose the perfect mattress adjusted to your needs and budget, in case you are looking for a mattress. You can find many more practical guides and DIY projects at

Images: Pixabay

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