Crafts with laminated flowers and leaves

manualidades con hojas plastificadas Destacada

The beauty of flowers and plants in general is undeniable. But their deterioration is also rapid and inexorable when they lack land, water and other nutrients.

There are people who love gardening and enjoy caring for and maintaining flowers like the first day, preserving all the beauty of natural flowers.

Nevertheless, There are also people who, even though they like the beauty of flowers, are not aware of their care, due to lack of time or any other reason. If this is your case, have you ever wondered how to preserve the beauty and color of a flower or a simple leaf indefinitely?

Moreover, have you ever wondered how to make decorative and functional objects with natural flowers and leaves?

crafts with laminated sheets

Plasticized natural sheet

Today we show you how to make something cheerful, very simply and quickly, functional and decorative objects with leaves or even natural pressed flowers.

If you like flowers, don’t miss this article, because I’m sure you’ll like it.


We will use the same principle of vacuum packaging but, on this occasion, what we will do is leave the flowers and leaves laminated.

For this, we will only need…

  • Domestic laminator.
  • Laminating sheets.
  • Scissors.
  • Hot melt gun.
  • Hair clips.
  • And Leaves or flowers to your liking.

Domestic laminators, despite what may seem a priori, are very cheap devices. The one that appears in this tutorial, did not reach €20. Of course, it is the most basic that can be found on the market. But if you are going to give it moderate use, you have plenty.

crafts with laminated sheets Materials

Materials needed to laminate natural leaves and flowers

Well… Here we propose two totally different ideas.

On the one hand we will make a CHILDREN’S Scrunchie

First of all we are going to make a hair tie using a laminated sheet.

Once the sheet has been chosen, we connect the laminator and wait for it to reach the necessary temperature. We will know this when the green light comes on.

At that moment, we introduce the sheet between the two plastic sheets, placing it well, and insert it through the slot of the laminator.

Automatically, it will be inserted into the little machine and, due to the effect of heat, the two plastic sheets will stick together, with the leaf or flower pressed inside.

We wait for it to come out the other side.

crafts with laminated leaves

First idea. Scrunchie with natural laminated leaves or flowers

And we cut it out. You must bear in mind that you must leave at least a margin of a couple of millimeters around the sheet or flower that you have laminated. In this way, we prevent the two plastic sheets from peeling off.

Once cut, we only have to stick the clip with a little hot glue, and we have finished our children’s hair band of laminated leaves or flowers.

The 2nd idea is a POINT-PAGES FOR BOOKS.

The first steps we have to take are exactly the same as we have done before, that is,…

We choose the two sheets that we will use,

We laminate them

And, once laminated, we cut them.

So far, it is the same procedure.

crafts with laminated sheets Mark pages

Second idea. Mark pages with laminated natural leaves or flowers

Now comes the new part:

We cut a piece of fabric tape, and we make a small longitudinal cut at both ends. To stick the latter with thermo-adhesive to each sheet on both sides.

As you may have seen, these are two very simple and quick crafts to do, as well as original and useful.

Can you think of any other ideas to make decorative and functional objects with leaves and flowers?

Send us a photo of what you have done, and we will publish them.


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