DIY tips for weddings and other special events

consejos diy para bodas - destacada

At weddings, all the details are important, no matter how insignificant they may seem. It is precisely these that will make the difference.

Believe it or not, invitations play a fundamental role in holding an event. Above all, when it is our wedding, something so beautiful that it will last a lifetime. In them, we will express everything that will happen on that big day, such as the place, time, and date. Capturing in this way, the attention of the guest, to conquer him at first sight, and have no doubt of accompanying you. This is why it is important that you give a unique and creative touch to the chosen theme, with the greatest coherence possible.

DIY tips for weddings - photo 1

Let no one do it for you

If you have already made that great decision to get married, nothing better than everything being done by you. In this case, we recommend you look for the thousands of ideas that you will get to make your DIY wedding a great event. The first thing you should keep in mind is the invitations, since they are the key to starting your event. Therefore, in addition to making them yourself, we invite you to use envelopes for wedding invitations, which will provide a unique touch.

Next, you should focus on the decoration since it will be the one that will define how good you are as a decorator. A form used today are the garlands made in stationery, made by hand with different types of materials. As well as, you will find thousands of designs, from which you can select the one that you and your partner like the most.

Some ideas you can do

As in BricoBlog we love DIY, crafts, and DIY decoration, we have selected three decorative details that you can make by yourself, giving them your own personality.

In order not to make this article too long, we will include below a brief description of how to carry out each of these DIYs, a graphic summary of the steps to follow, as well as a link to the complete tutorial, in case you want to know all the details about it.

#1 DIY for weddings – Wax Lanterns

A super original idea, not only for weddings, but for the decoration of any event, is the realization of wax lanterns in the shape of a balloon.

They can be made in any size. From little ones to big balls. You just have to choose the size of the desired balloon.

If you are a bit crafty and like to try new techniques, you will enjoy doing them. Guaranteed!

A brief graphic summary of the main steps to follow would be as follows:

DIY wedding tips - wax lantern overview

In this link, how to make spherical wax lanterns, you can see the complete tutorial.

#2 DIY for weddings – “Green” glass luminaires

Another super original idea is glass chandeliers or chandeliers partially “lined” with thuja branches.

You just need the glass container which, in order not to complicate your life, I advise you to be straight, spray glue, and your own leaves. Yours is a kind of hedge, which has flat branches.

Like the previous one, you can also choose the size that you like the most.

This DIY is super flirty, providing a very romantic atmosphere.

Below you can see, graphically, the steps to follow to get these beautiful objects.

DIY tips for weddings - round-up decorative glass luminaires

In this link, how to make decorative glass luminaires, you have the complete tutorial that, on this occasion, also includes the corresponding video tutorial.

#3 DIY for weddings – Honeycomb pom poms

Finally, we propose one last decoration idea. It is about making garlands with handmade honeycomb pompoms.

On this occasion, you can also make them in the size that best suits you, and in the color that you like the most. Personalization is one of the advantages of making your own creations.

Next, we also talk about the colors of the decoration.

As before, here is a photo with the main steps.

DIY wedding tips - abstract honeycomb pom poms

However, if you want to see the complete tutorial, you just have to click on this link how to make honeycomb pom poms.

Believe it or not, when we take care of the details for our wedding, we always leave our personal touch. For this reason, we put all the desire and heart to make them perfect. What it entails is that our guests feel happy and grateful for having been part of this great day. So fill yourself with inspiration, you will save a lot of money and you will also have the experience of having learned something new.

DIY tips for weddings - photo 2

How to choose the perfect design

When choosing what your ideal wedding will be like, you should take into account a series of tips that will be of great help. Also remember that all the elements are key, things that at first may seem less important, such as the invitation envelopes, must also be perfect. For this reason, it is best to go online and visit websites such as, where you will find many color, size and material options.

If what you are looking for is to attract the attention of the guest, you have to take care of certain details:


The colors should be chosen according to your taste, as well as the current season. In the same way, you must take into account the flowers, the style and the decoration, everything will serve to provide a personal touch.

the theme

Being clear about the style and theme of the wedding is essential, since thanks to this, you will be able to establish the table linen, decoration and flowers that you will use. You should never forget that you should always work under a single theme or style.

premium stationery

Selecting the best material is the best investment, so ask the best experts for help. In this way, they will advise you on the best material, which adapts to the style of your event.

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