Creative ideas to recycle corks

reciclar tapones de corcho - destacada

If you are a regular user of our blog, you will already know about our obsession with the creative recycling of all kinds of materials. The reason for this is that it is a way of giving free rein to “inspiration”, while having fun making tools and beautiful creations, contributing our grain of sand for the care of the environment.

We have several articles related to the recycling of plastic bottles, CDs, paper, cardboard, wooden pallets, beverage cans, and endless other materials. However, until now we had not made any collection of crafts to recycle corks, despite being a material that is also very present in everyday life.

recycle corks - introduction photo

Well, today we want to share with you a beautiful slide composition, which includes 119 creative ideas to carry out, in many cases, incredible transformations.

Although below we have the photo gallery, which you can share on your social networks, with the aim of making it more enjoyable, we have made a video with these same images.

As you will see, they are organized into different categories. On many occasions, dessert is the best and sweetest part of the meal, and is eaten last. For this very reason, the last category is Portraits, which is worth seeing. Depending solely on the arrangement of the corks, impressively realistic portraits are created.


Recycle corks

119 creative ideas for recycle corksconverting such an everyday material as cork stoppers into useful objects.

We provide the ideas… do you provide your hands?

You can send us your creations and we will publish them.


Category of Accessories to recycle corks

Complements and clothing accessories, as well as different jewelry items.

recycle corks - accessories 1

recycle corks - accessories 2

Decoration category to recycle corks

Original, beautiful and useful items and ornaments for home decoration.

recycle corks - decoration 1

recycle corks - decoration 2

recycle corks - decoration 3

Category for Entertainment to recycle corks

Simple, but useful, objects to spend time sharing a pleasant time with your friends and family.

recycle corks - entertainment

Home category to recycle cork stoppers

Useful objects that facilitate daily life and that, in many cases, become essential.

recycle corks - home 1

recycle corks - home 2

recycle corks - home 3

Category of Lamps to recycle corks

Interesting and original ceiling lamps, as well as floor lamps, as well as table lamps.

recycle corks - lamps

Category of Crafts to recycle corks

Crafts of all kinds made with corks, and that do not fit into the rest of the categories.

recycle corks - crafts

Furniture Category

This section includes furniture of all kinds for the home. From chairs, tables, armchairs, to tables.

recycle cork stoppers - furniture

Category of Dolls to recycle corks

This section is dedicated to the little ones in the house. Simple and cute dolls.

recycle corks - dolls

Christmas category to recycle corks

Taking advantage of the fact that Christmas is approaching, we have included several ideas, some simpler than others, to decorate the home for these endearing holidays.

recycle corks - christmas

Portraits category to recycle corks

We have left these works for last, since they are true works of art. At least it seems that way to us.

recycle corks - portraits

As we told you before…

We have put the ideas… do you put your hands?

Send us your creations and we will publish them.

If you want to enjoy more videos like this, visit our YouTube channel. We will wait for you.

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