Eliminate dampness by capillarity from the walls permanently

The appearance of humidity in the walls of a house or premises It constitutes a problem that requires rapid action both due to the deterioration they cause and the proliferation of fungi and microorganisms that are harmful to health. Humidity has numerous causes and can be caused by condensation, capillarity and water seepage. With this article you will know how to eliminate dampness by capillarity from the walls.

Moisture has different solutions depending on its origin. In the case of humidity due to capillarity, the Electro-Physical HS-221 system of www.humitat-stop.com. But what is rising damp? doHow to remove damp from the walls? What does the system developed by Dr. Viñas consist of?

What is rising damp?

Dampness by capillarity is one of the most common problems in the ground floors and basements of homes. This phenomenon takes place when moisture from the subsoil rises through the pores of the wall towards the ceiling. In that ascent, the water dissolves the salts that it finds in its path. These salts concentrate on the surface of the walls, leaving many unsightly stains. The existence of water in the subsoil is usually associated with leaks or a poor foundation.

In addition, humidity by capillarity can cause:

  • Structural damage to the home due to corrosion of the steel of the reinforced concrete of the floor.
  • Deterioration in furniture, doors, windows, floors, electrical installation, etc.
  • Aesthetic problems in plastering and painting the walls.
  • Increase in the heating bill between 15% and 30%.

remove moisture from the walls

What is the HS-221 Electro-Physical system developed by Dr. Viñas?

Doctor Juan Alberto Viñas and his daughter María del Mar Viñas developed a really effective method to remedy the rising damp that they themselves suffered at home. For this reason, they developed the HS-221 Electro-Physical system, which offers numerous advantages, since it is more efficient than wireless electro-osmosis.

The humidity by capillarity usually leaves its trace in the joints of the floor tiles, a space in which traces of saltpeter usually appear. In the case of wooden floors, it tends to swell and deform, with the consequent deterioration. To avoid going to the extreme of having to raise the floors and waterproof them to curb humidity, something really expensive, specialists recommend resorting to the HS-211 system.

This system consists of a electromagnetic waves that charge water molecules with negative ions, depolarizing them. This process ensures that the water stops rising and is removed, moving it away from the walls of the house. The frequency generated by these waves does not cause any type of side effect in humans, animals or plants. They also do not interfere with WiFi, pacemakers, radio, television or alarms.

How and where is the HS-221 Electro-Physical system installed?

One of the more durable and effective solutions is to install the HS-211 system on a thick, continuous wall. In the event that the humidity originates from a water leak from an aquifer or underground water channeling, this leak must first be eliminated before drying the walls.

The system installs in a few minutes and it only requires making two holes in the chosen wall about 20 centimeters from the ground. The holes must be made with a 5-millimeter drill bit and 10 centimeters apart.

The plugs included in the equipment must be placed in these holes, put a hook in each one and hang the HS-211. The equipment is plugged into the mains and you can check that everything is correct if the LED turns green. The drying time of the walls will range between 4 and 9 months.

In this way, your walls will be free of dark spots, chips and musty smell. All this without bothersome works and in a short space of time.

On the other hand, it is important to point out that an excess of humidity causes the proliferation of mold, which is not only an aesthetic problem but also an unhygienic one that can affect the health of your family in the short term.

remove mold on walls

Did you know the HS-221 Electro-Physical system for remove dampness by capillarity from the walls? In any case, I hope that it will help you to permanently end this annoying problem.

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