Home automation for blinds, installation manual

Manual de instalación domótica para persianas - destacada

Home automation is becoming more and more part of our way of life. We have dedicated this article as a home automation installation manual for blinds and we will see how to control all the blinds in our home at will.

Before moving on to home automation, we must motorize our blinds. You can also do this previous step yourself with the help of this other article Motorization of domestic blinds.

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Once the motors have been installed in the different blinds, we can proceed to the Smart Home installation to control them, individually or together, from anywhere with our Tablet or mobile phone, in addition to programming different actions on a daily or weekly basis.

Installation is extremely easy. We just have to connect the Smart Home to the electrical current.

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Obviously, there are many options on the market. We, as for the motorization, have used elements of the A-OK brand, purchased at MotoresPersianas.com. And we can ensure that its operation is impeccable, as well as that they have the most efficient technical advice.

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Home automation video tutorial for blinds

Before getting into the matter, I leave you a guide in video format so you can see, in just 6 minutes, how to configure home automation for domestic blinds.

Home automation configuration

The home automation configuration for blinds is somewhat more entertaining than the installation, but it does not have any mystery either. You will see.

The first thing will be to enter the App Store and download and install the corresponding APP: A-OK Home.

Once installed, we must register. Which has no particularity by entering, as usual, an email and a password.

Once registered, we identify ourselves to access the application.

Upon entering, it will ask us to create a family group. We give it a name and accept.

Next, it is time to pair our Smart Home with the mobile or tablet, so we connect it to the electrical current, and hold down the only button it has for 6 seconds, until the central ring flashes red.

In the App we will press the “+” symbol, then “Intelligent core”, and “Intelligent hub”. And it will start scanning available networks.

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Once located, we select our Wi-Fi network, enter the password, and press next.

We wait until it gives us an “apparent” connection error. So, we go into the Settings, and select as “new network” HomeMate_AP.

In the dialog box that appears, click “maintain Wi-Fi connection”.

And it is, then, when the connection successfully ends, which we will know when the central ring changes to blue without blinking, in addition to being informed by the application.

Therefore, we press “finish”, and the icon of our switchboard appears in the App window.

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Engine pairing

We already have the smart home connected to our Wi-Fi network and to the mobile or tablet. The next step for the home automation configuration for blinds will be to pair the control unit with the motors of our blinds. For which…

We open the application…

We click on the icon of our smart home…

Click on the “add” button…

We select “curtain motor”…

And click “Next”.

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Now we hold down the “stop” key on the remote control and, as soon as it makes a small up and down movement, we must press “pairing” in the App.

Immediately the motor will make a brief confirmation movement again, that is when the pairing will be done, so we press “save”.

However, in the test area, we will test that it works correctly.

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Scheduled actions

Now we will see the last step of the home automation configuration for blinds, to get the most out of the automation of our blinds.

Action Settings

With this first option, we can program different actions by default, to use the mobile or Tablet as a remote control.

To do this, we have to go to “Scenes”, we select one or more engines, we choose the action to perform, we can set a delay time, and we save.

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We can create these default actions individually, or for groups of motors, for example, for the different areas of the house.

Automation Programming

We also have the option of scheduling tasks that are carried out automatically at certain times of the day, as well as on a daily or weekly basis.

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To do this, we just have to go to “Me”, “Automation”, “+” button, assign a name, click on “Add initial condition”, “Timer”, set the exact time, the days of the week that we want repeat this action, and press “Confirm”.

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Then we select the shutter or group of shutters, select the action to perform (open, close, or stop), and press “Save”.

The programmed automations, we can have them activated or deactivated, without the need to eliminate them. Therefore, we have them available whenever we want.

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As you have seen, there is nothing more comfortable and efficient for a daily routine than opening and closing our blinds.


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