Homemade popcorn machine with recycled materials

maquina de palomitas casera - destacada

In this new article, we will go from DIY to crafts, which we had somewhat forgotten. We will tell you how you can make your own homemade popcorn machine with beverage cans.

I’m sure you’ll have fun not only while you make your popcorn maker, but also when you make the popcorn.

Let’s go, without further ado, to see the whole procedure.


The first step will be to prepare the materials and tools that we will need, but do not be scared, they are things that we use very regularly in our lives.

    • 3 beverage cans (empty)
    • cutter
    • Scissors
    • Marker pen
    • Gloves

How to make a homemade popcorn machine

There are countless creations that can be made with many waste materials such as plastic bottles, used tires, cardboard,… and of course, beverage cans.

In this other article we show you, step by step, how to make roses with recycled cans.


Beverage cans are made from very, very thin aluminum foil that can cause serious cuts when handled.

Therefore, whenever you do crafts with cans of this type, it is highly recommended that you protect your hands with gloves.

The most suitable, in my experience, are gardening gloves. Not being too thick or stiff, they protect without losing touch.

homemade popcorn machine - photo 1


In order to make the explanations as clear as possible, we have listed the three cans based on this photo.

1st step

The first step will be to remove the upper part of one of the cans, which we will label as can No. 1. To do this, we will use the cutter, subsequently reviewing the cut with the scissors.

homemade popcorn machine - photo 2

2nd step

On top of can no. 1 we put another, which will be no. 2, and we fit it firmly.

Next to number 1, with the cutter, we make a kind of little door. In this way we can put a candle that will be the one that will heat the corn and make the popcorn open.

Then, on can no. 2, we mark the outline of the mouth of the third can (no. 3) with the marker, and cut it out with the cutter.

homemade popcorn machine - photo 3

3rd Step

With medium-grain sandpaper, we insistently sand the entire edge of the mouth of can no. 3, until the lid comes loose. When this happens, we remove it, leaving the can completely open at the top.

And with the cutter we also remove its lower part, going over the cut with the scissors.

This last can will be the mouth where the ready-to-eat popcorn will come out. So we join it to can #2 with a piece of the leftover aluminum or with a wire.

homemade popcorn machine - photo 4

Testing our popcorn machine

Our homemade popcorn machine is finished, so we put a bowl in the mouth of our “popcorn machine”.

Through the upper hole of the can nº 2 we pour a pinch of oil.

Through the hole we made in the lower can (No. 1), we insert a candle, light it, leave it for a while for the oil to heat up, and put a handful of corn through the upper hole of can No. 2.

home popcorn machine - featured

As the popcorn is made, it will automatically fall into the bowl. In this way we add corn little by little until the bowl of popcorn is filled.

And if you want to curl the curl, you can modify the lower part by replacing the candle with an alcohol stove also made with recycled cans.

In this video tutorial how to make an alcohol stove, which has no more and no less than 28 million views, they explain step by step how to do it.

homemade popcorn machine - photo 5


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