How to decorate a kitchen in vintage style

Cocina en estilo vintage - destacada

The term vintage is currently used to designate any high-quality, artistically designed, antique object. The vintage style It has become a decoration trend in recent years. Inspired by the 30s and 40s, it is a style elegant that is mainly based on vintage style designs but using avant-garde and modern accessories.

A style that today has already crept into the different rooms of the house, in many cases acquiring a special role. On this occasion, we are going to offer some details to decorate a kitchen in vintage style. Furniture, colors, floors, walls, etc. Therefore, what would be some of the most outstanding points to take into account?

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Vintage furniture and appliances

Special attention must be paid to the furniture and appliances. It is not necessary that all kitchen furniture be vintage. But it would be interesting to repair and reuse old wooden furniture and paint it in some color: pantries, countertops, chairs, etc.

If we don’t love DIY or don’t have the opportunity to find old furniture, we can buy everything we need online. Currently there is a huge variety of kitchen furniture of this type on the net. As we have already said, it is not necessary to spend a fortune: it will be enough to add a few details, such as vintage chairs or stools.

If you want to have a vintage style, nothing better than some appliances with bright and cheerful colors. The current market already offers a wide selection of appliances with a retro feel that will fit perfectly in a kitchen of this type.

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colors for the kitchen

Many of today’s leading professional decorators say that the main key to decorating vintage kitchens is the color. The ideal would be to try to combine the pastel tones, especially blue, green and pink, along with white and black. As long as these colors maintain the harmony of the room.

Another possibility is to give the color red all the prominence, with slight combinations with white and/or black. The latter gives a certain personality to the kitchen, especially when combined with the previous pastel tones.

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Different options for the floor

It is very important that the floor can be combined with the kitchen furniture and appliances. In this sense, there are several options to consider. In the first place we have the possibility of installing a tiled floor in the form of a chessboard, a very classic alternative.

Another option would be the floors geometric prints, although these do not present as many combinative possibilities. Finally, we should mention the smooth floor with which it is intended to place the center of attention in other areas.

kitchen walls

As with the floor, on the walls we also have some vintage decoration options. In this case, it would be feasible checkered tilesplain colored walls to further highlight the decorative elements, or patterned paper.

Whichever option is chosen, it is best to use specific plastic paints for the walls. The kitchen is one of the most dirty rooms in the house and this type of paint is ideal for cleaning.

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