Tips to save on air conditioning consumption

control the temperature to save on air conditioning consumption
Air conditioning is one of the most effective options to cope with high temperatures, however it can raise the price of the electricity bill if a series of tricks and recommendations are not taken into account to save on air conditioning consumption.

The Spanish proverb, which is usually quite wise, recommends that until May 40 do not take off the sayo but in the place where I live we have already been feeling that summer has arrived for several days, for this reason I do not think it will take long to turn on the air conditioning.

Air conditioning cools the environment by lowering the temperature and keeping it stable, for this reason it is the most recommended cooling system in places where it is quite hot. However, it also represents 11% of the electricity consumption of a home, so it is convenient to make good use of it so as not to be frozen when the energy bill arrives.

Lower the thermostat = increase the consumption of air conditioning

We get home, it’s very hot and the first thing we do is connect the air conditioning and set the thermostat to 20º C. There is a belief that if the thermostat is at a low temperature the house will cool down sooner, but the only thing that you will get is that it is connected for longer to reach the indicated temperature and consume more energy.

Note that Every degree you lower the temperature can increase the cost of the electricity bill by up to 8%Therefore, to keep your home cool but not consume more than necessary, set the thermostat at a temperature of 24º C. In fact, for the temperature to be pleasant, the thermal difference between the interior and exterior of the home must not exceed 12ºC.

program the air conditioning to save on consumption
Image via Cube

Maintain your air conditioners properly

As with other household appliances, poor maintenance of your appliances can have a negative impact on air conditioning consumption. The filter cleaning It is essential both to extend its useful life and for your air conditioners to work optimally. In fact, it is recommended to clean the filters at least once a year or at the change of season if, in addition to air conditioning, you have a pump. heat.

To clean the filters of a split air conditioner, you have to disassemble them, rinse them with warm water and remove dirt by rubbing them with your hand. Abrasive products should not be used, as it could be damaged. Finally, let them dry and place them again.

In ducted air conditioning units, the filter of the unit that is normally installed on the ceiling of the bathroom will have to be removed, then cleaned in the same way as split air conditioning filters.

Keep in mind that you can only clean filters that are made of nylon, otherwise they are not washable and will have to be replaced with new ones.

clean filters to save on air conditioning consumption
Image via Bigfan

Prevent air leaks/heat ingress

When you turn on the air conditioner close doors and windows because if you prevent heat from entering from the outside you can save 30% on consumption. You will also find it useful to take other measures to keep your home cool in summer, such as:

  • Avoid direct sunlight on the windows by lowering the blinds, protecting them with awnings, sunscreen vinyl, screen-type blinds or thermally insulating curtains.
  • Open the windows early in the morning or at night, which is when the temperature drops the most.
  • Minimize the use of appliances that generate more heat, such as the dryer, the iron, the oven, etc.
  • Painting your home white will also improve thermal insulation since white colors reflect solar radiation and help keep the air fresh in the rooms.

paint white to save on air conditioning consumption

program with head

Programming the air conditioning will help reduce your electricity bill, it is not necessary to connect it before you get home since 5 or 10 minutes are enough to lower the interior temperature by a few degrees. On the other hand, it is advisable to turn it off about 15 or 20 minutes before you go out, since the sensation of freshness will remain even if it is disconnected and you will prevent it from consuming electricity during that period.

Do not connect the air if it is not too hot either, a fan uses 90% less energy than air conditioning and can complement your cooling system at specific times.

fan to save on air conditioning consumption

And if you are thinking of installing air conditioning…

If you still do not have a refrigeration system in your home and you are going to install air conditioning In the near future, you should keep the following in mind:

  • The centralized air conditioning system (through ducts) is the most efficient of those that exist.
  • When buying an air conditioner, look at the energy efficiency label (from A, highest, to G, lowest), the annual energy consumption (in kWh/year), the cooling capacity (in kW) , the energy efficiency coefficients for cooling (EER) or heating (COP) and the noise emission level (in dBA). The IDAE (Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving) has an online database with a selection of the most efficient air conditioners. When in doubt about which product is more efficient, use our Product Comparators.
  • Install the external unit of the air conditioner(s) in a ventilated place and prevent it from receiving direct sunlight. If you are on a roof, protect the unit so that they are in the shade.

save on air conditioning consumption by protecting outdoor units

I hope that these tips to save on air conditioning consumption help you to cool down your home without leaving you cold when the electric bill arrives. Remember that these recommendations will not only be appreciated by your pocket, but you will also contribute to the sustainability of natural resources.

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