How to install solar panels on a flat roof?

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At present, there is much talk about renewable energies, which are generated by the planet and nature itself, which is why they constitute a great alternative to traditional energies. They are clean and respectful energies with the environment, as well as being inexhaustible.

There are different types of renewable energies, such as Hydraulic, Wind, Solar, Geothermal, Tidal, Biomass and Biogas.

Of all of them, solar energy is undoubtedly the most “affordable” for the user, since today there is a wide range of equipment and solar panels at reasonable prices, and that can cover any need, whatever it may be, thanks to the existence of complete kits that are also scalable.

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These solar panel kits are mainly aimed at single-family homes, which is why they are often called “self-consumption kits”.

You can see a clear example of solar panel kits on the website

But before entering this type of solar panel kits, we are going to see the main advantages that solar energy brings.

Advantages of solar energy

  • It is a renewable and inexhaustible energy.
  • It is considered a clean energy, due to its low pollution, being respectful with the environment.
  • Its installation is low cost, compared to other types of renewable energy.
  • The maintenance cost is very low, since it hardly requires it.
  • These installations are very reliable and durable. In fact, the useful life of solar panels is around 35 years, provided that proper maintenance has been carried out, which we have already said is minimal.
  • It has global coverage, that is, the sun reaches any point on the planet, including the most isolated and difficult to access areas.
  • The production of this type of energy is completely silent.

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Installation of solar panels

The installation of solar panel systems by specialized companies is completely normal. So we’re not going to go into it.

However, the continuous evolution of technology, as well as the insatiable research of the manufacturing companies to find personalized solutions for each potential client, have made it possible for the user to “self-install” their solar panel system. This is a great novelty.

The pre-wired kit solar panel systems, the clear instructions that accompany them, and the technical advice of the manufacturer to resolve any doubts during the installation, make it possible for a DIY enthusiast to be able to carry out the installation with a total guarantee.

Choice of kit and fixing system

Depending on where the solar panels are going to be installed, it will have one fixing system or another. We can choose between the following options:

  • Floor fixing.
  • On facades.
  • Fixation on flat roofs.
  • On sloped roofs.

The fixing and anchoring systems will also depend on the type of surface, which can be concrete, tile, sheet metal, etc.

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Choice of glass type

Solar panels are made with Silicon cells, but we can find monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels. What are the differences between both?

Simplifying a lot and in very general lines, we could summarize the differences in four:

  1. Monocrystalline silicon is obtained through a slower heating process than in the case of polycrystalline, also called multicrystalline.
  2. Therefore, the energy cost of manufacturing is higher than in the case of the latter.
  3. Monocrystalline silicon is slightly more efficient than polycrystalline.
  4. Visually the difference between one and the other is that the first is black or dark gray and, in the case of the second, its color is navy blue.

So… which one should you choose? Is monocrystalline better?

NO. They have different qualities, and each fulfills certain functions.

Installation with monocrystalline solar panels is recommended for cold climates with regular storms or fog, since this type of solar panels tend to better absorb radiation, while also being less resistant to overheating.

On the contrary, the installation of polycrystalline solar panels is recommended in warmer climates, since they absorb heat more quickly and withstand overheating to a greater extent.

Inverters or Microinverters?

They are the heart of the installation. They convert the energy produced from the solar panels into alternating current, direct to consume.

Although they are more expensive, without a doubt, the choice should be Microinverters. And the reasons are several:

  1. They increase safety, since they reduce the risk of electric arcs when operating with alternating current.
  2. Installation is simple and error-free, as it is fixed and connected with a single click.
  3. Microinverters allow you to expand the installation of solar panels at any time and without limit.
  4. They provide the possibility of having the installation constantly monitored.
  5. They provide maximum efficiency by working independently of each other. In other words, if a microinverter goes down, the microinverters in the rest of the installation continue to work at 100%.
  6. Finally, microinverters produce up to 15% more energy than conventional inverters.

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Installation of solar panels on flat roof

Just as the solar panel kit includes all the necessary components for its assembly and operation, the fixings also come in a kit.

They are made up of square aluminum tubes that, once assembled, give the solar panel an inclination of 15°.

We can choose the normal kit or the wind protection kit. They are the same, except that the latter includes a metal plate that prevents the wind from pushing the solar panel from behind.

The installation of this metal structure is done by anchoring it to the roof, or by adding the appropriate counterweights.

In one way or another, it must be ensured that the installation is firmly fixed.

If the latter is of great importance, so is the choice of the location and orientation of the solar panels, for optimal performance and energy production.

Regarding the installation of the microinverters, each pair of solar panels has a microinverter located below them.

As we have said before, its installation is very simple by means of a simple click.


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