How to Plan the Reform of your Home for a BETTER RESULT

Doing renovations at home is something that usually alters our daily lives. In addition to the usual problems of noise, dust and generalized disorder, there are other inconveniences that can turn it into a nightmare. This guide to plan your home renovation It will save you from many unnecessary mishaps and annoyances.

Sometimes out of a desire to renovate and others out of necessity, we consider the total or partial remodeling of our home. At that time, a number of doubts arise about materials, professionals, budgets, etc., which can saturate us before we even start.

Where to start planning the reform

The best way to turn a reform into something endless is to improvise as you go. Good planning will help us to have a roadmap and prevent possible unforeseen events. If you don’t know where to start, this guide will help you mark you an order.

planning a home renovation

What are you going to reform?

Before you begin, be very clear what parts of your home are you going to reform. It is usual that once they are involved in works, they extend to other rooms that you had not initially planned. Thinking that “since we are here, we take the opportunity to…”, leads to:

  • Works that never end
  • Greater chance of unforeseen problems
  • run out of budget

For this reason, the first step will be to take a pen and paper and write down everything you would like to change. Also write down the priority of each item:

  • What is the most necessary?
  • Is it an aesthetic or functional improvement?
  • Can it be postponed or is it urgent?
  • How much will it improve your quality of life?

In this way, once you have the budgets and execution times, you will be able to better assess the budget viability of the reform.

What is your budget?

Whether you have money saved or if you have to apply for financing, it is essential to know the amount of money you can dedicate to the reform and its cost. To do this, you can check the prices of comprehensive reforms in Barcelona. This data will be a decisive factor when assessing the rooms of your home that you are going to be able to renew.

On the other hand, good planning will help you prevent extra expenses. but they can still arise. On many occasions during the works hidden defects appear that increase the final cost. Precisely because they are hidden, they are impossible to predict and usually require an extra financial effort.

calculate the budget when calculating the cost of a reform

You are also interested in finding out about the subsidies for housing reforms. To do this, you can consult the aid offered through the autonomous communities or town halls.

look for inspiration

Another fundamental aspect when starting the works is knowing what you want. Indecision or poor advice can be a waste of time and money. Get inspired by the Barcelona house reforms website to:

  • See real reform projects carried out by experts in the sector
  • Know the different solutions according to the type of room or space to reform or rehabilitate
  • Consult plans and 3D simulations
  • Latest trends in finishes
  • Before and after videos…

Choose a professional

Although the price influences, cheap is not always the best option. You must bear in mind that the best budget is not the cheapest, but the one with the best quality/price ratio. For this reason, should be chosen based on professionalism and quality of service. To do this, avoid professionals who do not offer minimum guarantees on:

  • Work execution period
  • Quality of materials and finishes
  • Correction of defects and problems of daily use after the reform

choose a professional when renovating a home

The most convenient is to use the «word of mouth«Ask family, friends and acquaintances for a recommended company or professional. Once you find the one you need, make sure you get a quote stamped or signed and as detailed as possible. You will avoid misunderstandings and disagreements.

Permits to reform the house

When you have the roadmap of your fully structured reform, you must inform yourself of the necessary permits to carry it out. The licenses will vary according to the type of work:

  • minor works: includes reforms in bathrooms, kitchen, flooring, tiling, etc.
  • major works: any work that requires a structural change to the home or the opening of doors and windows facing the street.

licenses to reform a house

The Town Hall of your municipality will advise you on the documentation you must provide and the cost of the license. Another option is to entrust this service to the company that is going to carry out the reform. It is more expensive, but sometimes it pays to see you freed from paperwork.

When to start your home renovation

  • The works are likely to take longer than agreed. Keep this in mind when choosing the start date.
  • Avoid periods of stress at work or your children’s exams.
  • There are certain jobs that are more suitable for certain times of the year (air conditioning, painting, etc.).
  • Coordinate your availability with the staff you hire.
  • Please note that there may be delays in initiation due to red tape.

when to start a reform

Do not forget…

Finally, there is a series of good practices that you should not forget, such as communicate the start of the remodeling to the neighbors. Avoid situations that may be annoying for coexistence, such as dirt in common areas caused by construction work.

You should also be aware of the stress involved in any home renovation. Try to think more about the benefits than the drawbacks, they will help you not to get carried away by tension and a bad mood.

Renovated house in Barcelona
House renovated by Barcelona Technical Group

My personal experience is that, no matter how much you plan, something unforeseen can always arise. In these cases, taking a deep breath and counting to ten sometimes works, but it’s best to be flexible. Be aware from the first moment that what you want is not always what is going to be.

I hope that all these tips will be useful to you. planning your home renovation. You won’t avoid the inconvenience of noise or dust, or the inconvenience of seeing your space invaded, but it will help you cope and save you unnecessary trouble.

If you liked this post, you can see many more tips and DIY projects at .

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