Ideas to recycle crockery


With daily use, the tableware breaks, spoils and deteriorates. It may also be the case that the crockery has an old-fashioned design, or we have simply gotten tired of that garish or dull color. For one reason or another, there comes a time when we come together with a collage of pieces from other tableware. If that’s your case, I’m sure you’ll find these interesting. ideas to recycle crockery.

Recycle crockery like a fruit bowl


A flat plate from here, a bowl from there or a bowl and we can make a original fruit bowl in a moment. To do this we will need a hot glue gun with which we will seal the inside of the base of the plate or bowl with the base of the flat plate. Then we will press for a few seconds to fix both pieces well and we have already assembled our fruit bowl.

An alternative idea is to use it as a source to display cakes or cupcakes.


As you can see, it is not difficult to carry out, but you have to take into account that the glue dries quite quickly, so you will have to be quite quick when gluing the pieces. Finally, it is recommended to wash the fruit bowl by hand and not to put it in the dishwasher so that the pieces do not detach with the heat.

Recycle crockery into a lamp

Image: DecoracionTV

To make this original lamp base we will need several mismatched cups and plates, the more variety there is, the more colorful it will be. We will also need a drill with a diamond point bit, a screw rod, nuts, rubber washers, cable and a light socket. The screen for the lamp can be one that we already have or use a new one.

To make the foot of the lamp we will mark the center of each piece (plate, cup, etc.) and place a piece of tape so that the drill bit does not slip. We will begin to drill very carefully (it is recommended to drill for a few seconds and change sides so that the porcelain does not break). Then we will pass the threaded rod through each cup and saucer, fixing it with nuts and washers between them. Finally we will pass the cable through the rod and connect it to the lamp holder.

Image: DecoracionTV

Surely this original lamp does not go unnoticed anywhere in your house, do you dare to make it?

Recycle tableware as candle holders


When I saw this idea I immediately remembered one of the coffee sets that my mother has, with the same golden edges and that touch vintage.

to do these candles-cup We will need, in addition to the cups, melting or paraffin wax, a wick, dye, toothpicks and adhesive tape.


We will fix the wick to the sticks with adhesive tape so that it does not move and is as centered as possible. Then we will melt the wax in a water bath (we can use remains from other candles) and add dye to give it the desired color. Finally, we will pour the melted wax into the cups and we will have our original cup-candles with a touch vintage.


The advantage of this DIY is that we can give our candles different styles depending on the type of cup we use (vintage, modern, matte, with bright colors, etc.).

Recycle crockery using the mosaic technique


With pieces of broken crockery and using the mosaic technique we can renew the surface of a table or make coasters or frames for photos, paintings, mirrors… For this we will need that the pieces of porcelain are not too large, if they were, we can wrap them with a towel and break them with a hammer.

Once we have the design we want to make, we have to glue the porcelain pieces to the surface where we are going to place them with cement adhesive or polyvinyl glue. Once dry, we can apply the grout and remove the remains with a damp cloth. In this way you will have achieved a unique and exclusive mosaic taking advantage of those broken dishes.

Recycle crockery into a centerpiece


This last idea is the simplest since it consists of recycling an old tureen in a centerpiece. For this you will only need a sponge and some dry flowers, plastic, cloth, paper… it will depend on the tastes and imagination of each one. The final result will be an original centerpiece that will look good on any table.

what did you think of these ideas to recycle crockery? Taking advantage of the weekend, you can put some of them into practice. For now I have a cracked bowl that I think I’m going to take advantage of. In addition, I have asked my partner if we have a diamond tip drill bit and I also plan to stop by the family home to get some of those cups. vintage and I think it also has the matching tureen.

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