Industrial blades and their importance in the industry

las cuchillas industriales - destacada

In the various industries such as steel, wood and recycling, industrial blades play a fundamental role.

One of the questions that we may be asking ourselves right now could be: is it necessary then the manufacture of industrial blades? Of course yes!

First of all, we are going to talk about the function of these blades and the advantages that they can offer us.

industrial shear blades - photo 1

What function do industrial knives have?

Its main mission is to cut effectively, for this reason, they are of great importance in the sectors. Well, in all industrial processes that include the transformation of materials, said cut is involved.

Advantages offered by industrial blades

  • Great quality
  • extreme sharpness
  • high performance materials
  • Hard material coatings according to the field of application

Industrial blades in the steel industry

To get a precise metal cutting it is essential to be at the disposal of a series of industrial blades that correspond to the necessary characteristics of the moment.

Currently there are the following blades:

  • Straight: These are used to cut resistant and large sheets.
  • Circulars: they are made exclusively from round bars, to guarantee the correct and best natural structure for the circular blades. They are used to cut metal coils, giving the edges the necessary design.
  • of recycling: they are used for more materials, such as plastic, in addition to metal.
  • Shears: They allow cuts of various shapes in addition to some particular formats.
  • For scrap: These are capable of cutting up to 3,000 tons of ferrous metals and general scrap. They are used in the processing of stainless steel and other types of steel.

Circular industrial blades - photo 2

Industrial knives in the wood

It is quite a challenge to get perfectly cuts in solid and resistant boards. That is why industrial blades are necessary, which can take care of it in the most effective way possible.

Within the industrial blades we highlight the following:

  • The debarking blades, which are capable of removing the bark from any type of tree, even the strongest and most difficult. These knives have high quality blades which are manufactured with great precision, to meet the demanding needs of your daily operations and responding to the growing woodworking industry.
  • chipper bladeswhich offer great resistance to wear as well as a long useful life for the blade itself.

These characteristics can give us an idea of ​​the wide range of possibilities that wooden knives can offer us in our future restoration and DIY projects.

Wood industrial blades - photo 3

Blades for the recycling sector

In the recycling industry, the blades play a fundamental rolesince, in recent years, recycling has become a great necessity for companies.

This is due to the great advantages that recycling offers, among them we find: the saving of natural resources, energy, and the result of being an activity that generates jobs.

Industrial blades for recycling stand out mainly for the following two characteristics:

  • They are made of special steels.
  • have been heat treated for the different uses required by recycling mills.

It should be noted that, as a result of this high quality, the useful life of the different equipment is extended, in addition to reducing the maintenance work on the machines.

In conclusion, we can say that industrial blades are of great importance in various sectors. As They offer us optimal and lasting results as they have a very high quality.


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