Keys to protect the home from theft and thieves

Do you think your home is burglar-proof? In terms of security, trusting or lowering our guard can be expensive and give us a good upset. For this reason, it is essential to know how to protect home from theft in order to avoid scares. Make it difficult for the crooks!

A few years ago they broke into the house of one of my brothers at night. It was his wife, my sister-in-law, who discovered the thief when she woke up and saw him in the bedroom. In addition to the disgust for the objects and money that they took, this event produced a feeling of insecurity and fear that made them about to sell the house.

The Police was clear when analyzing the case: my brother’s house compared to those around it had much fewer security elements. For this reason, in this guide you will find the keys to protect your home from theft and make it difficult for lovers of what is foreign.

Reinforce the main entrance to your home

It’s important to have a armored, armored or security doorbut also a lock with anti-bumping security cylinder. In fact, it is of little use to have the best door if it can be opened in a few seconds.

But what is the bumping method? It is a theft technique that consists of displacing the security pins of a lock by hitting a bumping key with a hammer. This technique is the one that locksmiths usually use to open the door when we lose the keys. With it you get open the lock in less than 30 seconds and without forcing it.

Although at first it may seem like a complicated technique, it just takes practice to carry it out. Even on the Internet you can find tutorials on how to make a homemade bumping key and apply this method.

The following video shows the ease with which an alleged thief could enter our home and the solution to avoid it.

Protect the windows

If your home is at ground level or on an easily accessible first floor, protect the windows with bars. As small as they are, you would be surprised by the ease and tricks that thieves use to access the home through them.

When choosing bars, the following must be taken into account:

  • They must be safe and resistant.
  • They must allow their opening in case of emergency.
  • They do not require much maintenance.
  • In addition to being functional, they must also be aesthetic.

An alternative option to the bars is to place armored glass and locks on the windows, as well as elements that act as an interior stop and prevent their opening from the outside.

On the other hand, although the security offered by blinds is not equivalent to that of a fence, it always provides an extra level of protection to our windows.

protect the house against theft with bars on the windows

Simulation of presence: I’m not here, but it looks like it…

Recently, the National Police has discovered a new method to mark empty houses as reported by the newspaper El Confidencial. This method consists of spreading glue between the door and the frame, leaving a thread that is barely visible to the naked eye. If this thread breaks, it means that the door has been opened. But if not, it gives clues to thieves that no one is home. To avoid it, you should:

  1. Instruct a family member to stop by the home when we are not there, even if it is to water the plants.
  2. Install presence simulators to give the appearance that there are people at home.

Current technology will allow you to install:

  • Automatic timers that turn the lights on and off. This prevents thieves from detecting your daily routine.
  • Motors for blinds that will automate their opening and closing. In this blog article on how to install motors for blinds you will find more information.
  • Surveillance cameras connected to your mobile or tablet to know what is happening in real time.

install presence simulators to protect the home from theft

If you appreciate it, keep it in the safe

A safe It is not only essential to store money and jewelry, but also important documents such as passwords, access codes to bank accounts, etc.

It is essential that the box is embedded in some discreet place in the house: inside a cupboard, behind a piece of furniture, under the floor… In addition, a series of recommendations must be taken into account, such as:

  • Choose the right size so that objects and documents can be stored. The usual thing for a house is that it has a capacity of 20 to 40 liters.
  • A closing system adapted to our needs. Mostly, it will depend on the frequency with which we open the box and the degree of security that we want it to have.
  • Find a good quality/price ratio. Spending on a safe should be viewed as an investment. Buying a quality and high security safe ensures that we have it for practically a lifetime.

safe to protect money and jewelry at home

Must-Have Safety Tips

In addition to having the appropriate security measures in place to protect your home, there are a number of advice or “good practices” that you should follow to the letter:

  • Always close with a key and activate the alarm, even if it is to go buy bread. On many occasions, thieves monitor the behavior of the inhabitants of the house to enter when no one is there.
  • Check the door and window locks, since with use they wear out or can deteriorate.
  • Do not open the door to strangers. Use the peephole and install something that allows you to partially open the door (for example, a security chain).
  • Avoid announcing to the four winds that you are going on a trip and your home is going to be empty. Above all, do not say it on social networks.
  • Provide the alarm password only to family or close friends. Be careful that anyone can see it while you enter it, listen to you while you indicate it to someone or send it through email or instant messaging services.

Tips to protect your home from theft

I hope you are keys to protect the home from robberies and thieves contribute so that you are not just another number in the Crime statistics of the Ministry of the Interior. Securing our home is a priority, especially when experiencing this unpleasant situation first-hand or with a very close relative, as in my case.

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