Pimp an old piece of furniture radically changing its look

Tunear un mueble viejo renovandolo- destacada

Today’s article is a mix between restoration and modification. What, in our opinion, has been a full-fledged tuning.

Therefore, we are going to tune up an old piece of furniture, whose “final recycling” was already imminent, giving it a radical change of look.

In addition to all the indications and the procedure that we will write in detail below, below we include a video tutorial with all the process that we have carried out step by step, and in which we also give some extra advice.

In addition to all the instructions and the procedure that we will write in detail below, below we include a video tutorial with the entire process that we have carried out step by step, and in which we also give some extra advice.

Renovate and tune up an old piece of furniture - before and after

Comparison of the “before” and the “after” of our old piece of furniture, to which we have made a radical change in style.

Necessary materials, products and tools

To tune up an old and dilapidated piece of furniture, we must have at hand, among others, the following materials:

  • Sandpaper, on paper or on a block.
  • Screwdriver (manual or electric).
  • Hammer.
  • Little tips.
  • Spray primer.
  • Lead black chalk paint.
  • Chrome-silver paint.
  • Our already inseparable Pintypluser applicator gun.
  • Spray wax, with which we will finish the renovation.
  • And various auxiliary material, such as a protective mask, gloves, bodybuilder’s tape, and something else that will come out throughout the article.
Renovate and tune up an old piece of furniture - materials

Tools, materials and products necessary to carry out this project.

How to tune up a piece of furniture

Below we will develop, in detail, the steps to follow to carry out the renovation of an old piece of furniture.

1st Step. Disassembly.

The first step that we must do before going to work, will be to disassemble the moving parts, such as the drawers and the door, as well as the back of the cabinet, so that later we can reach everywhere with the paint.

And finally, we will remove the two vertical slats. We will remove these permanently to, in this way, modify the appearance of the furniture a little.

Renovate and tune up an old piece of furniture - before

State prior to the tuning of our old furniture.

2nd Step. The sanding.

Well, next we will give a little sandpaper to the whole piece of furniture. In this way, we will eliminate any type of dirt that the wood could have, as well as the areas that could be in poor condition, thus preparing the surface so that the primer grips correctly.

Advice: We must protect our respiratory tract from the dust that we will release during the sanding process. If you want to know more about it, click on the following link Safety in DIY.

Once we finish with the sandpaper, we will remove the dust well, passing a damp cloth.

Once clean, either we dry the surface with a cloth, or we let the little moisture it has evaporate.

Renovate and tune an old piece of furniture step 1 - sanding

Sanding prior to the application of the different products and finishes.

3rd Step. The Imprint.

Now we will give a primer layer. This layer prior to painting, properly speaking, has two objectives.

The main one is to serve as a base and a union, for a correct adherence between the paint and the surface to be painted.

On the other hand, in the case of porous surfaces, it also serves to close the pore and thus reduce excessive absorption of paint.

All the paints that we will use in this project are spray paints since their application is much faster, cleaner, more comfortable and with a much more professional finish.

As if this were not enough, we also have the support and advice of Novasol Spray, manufacturers and, therefore, specialists in this type of product.

Renovate and tune an old piece of furniture step 2 - primer

Application of the primer coat.

To apply the primer is spray, you must shake the bottle vigorously for about a minute. We put on the protective mask again. And we apply in light layers.

It is preferable to give two thinner coats than one thicker one. Since in this way we will avoid sagging of the paint.

You should also keep in mind that the diffuser nozzle should be about 30 centimeters away from the surface to be painted.

Once the primer is applied, let it dry for 24 hours.

4th Step. The Chrome.

Once the primer is dry, we will give it the base color, for which we will use chrome silver.

Although you already know how it goes, remember:

We shake the bottle well,

We attach the “PintyPluser” applicator gun, if we have it, of course,

protective mask…

And we paint.

In this step we do have to be careful with sagging, since they would be appreciated in the final result.

Renovate and tune an old piece of furniture step 3 - chrome

Application of chrome silver paint, to achieve a very authentic chrome.

Once we have finished shaking hands, we let them dry. The “chrome effect” paint can be repainted after 1 hour. However, as the next step that we will carry out will be somewhat aggressive for this layer of paint, we will allow 24 hours to pass.

5th Step. Chalk Finisch.

One day after we gave the chrome, we have to do the most artistic part, but also the most delicate.

Our idea is to give the furniture an aged silver look. And, for this, it has occurred to us to use a sweeping brush. Yes, how do you hear it?

I will use two brushes with bristles of different hardness, in order to achieve variety in the effect.

Well, we prepare as usual and begin to apply the chalk effect Chalk Finish in lead black.

Renovate and tune up an old piece of furniture step 4 - chalk paint

Giving it the effect of aged silver, thanks to the lead black Chalk Finish.

Additional Information: This Chalk paint, or chalk effect, is formulated on a water basis, and can be removed with soap and water within the first 15 minutes. Repainting with the same paint can be done in 1 hour. And with another painting, after 24 hours.

We are applying it by zones and, almost immediately, we pass the brush.

To remove more paint, we apply more pressure.

To achieve the opposite effect, we will pass the brush gently.

In this way we will proceed throughout the furniture, and let it dry for a day.

6th Step. The Waxed.

Well we’re almost done tune up a piece of furniture.

Before moving on to waxing, we will pass a cloth to remove the remains of chalk dust.

Once the entire surface is clean, we will apply the wax. But it is not the traditional wax. It is spray wax, specially designed to enhance and protect both raw wood surfaces and Chalk paint with a chalk effect.

The application is very similar to that of the rest of the spray products that we have used so far.

Renovate and tune up an old piece of furniture step 5 - wax

Giving the finish by applying spray wax.

To give more than one coat, we will have to let about 30 minutes pass between coats.

Once applied, we will have to decide if we want to keep the texture of the chalk paint with a matte finish, in which case we would not have to do anything. Or, if we want a finish with a slightly satin sheen. In this case we would have to polish with a cloth.

In our case, we have chosen to leave a matte appearance.

7th Step. Assembling the furniture.

And finally, we have to assemble the parts that we had removed. Therefore, we fix the back by nailing some points. We put the handle on the door. We mount the door on the hinges from it. And we put the drawers in their place.

Renovate and tune up an old piece of furniture step 6 - final assembly

Fixing the disassembled parts at the beginning of the project.

Video tutorial on how to tune up a piece of furniture

As usual, we include a video tutorial in which each and every one of the steps we have followed to renovate and tune up a piece of furniture is collected.

However, if, despite watching the video, you have any questions, you can leave us your query in the comments of both the video and this article.

Photo gallery

Here are some high-resolution photos of the final appearance of our new furniture.

Renovate and tune up an old piece of furniture - finished 1

Renovate and tune up an old piece of furniture - finished 2

Renovate and tune up an old piece of furniture - finished 3

Renovate and tune up an old piece of furniture - finished 4

hey! Finished!

Don’t tell me it doesn’t look like another. With the tuning we have done, we have achieved a radical change of look for our old piece of furniture.

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