Recycled Holy Week Step

Paso de Semana Santa con materiales reciclados - foto destacada

Very little is missing for Easter, a very special celebration in many corners of the world.

Those of us who not only like it, but also LIVE it, have spent time preparing in one way or another. Therefore, today I want to share a really good job done by my godson, José Eduardo, who has made his creativity and dexterity with his hands very clear, with only a little help from his father.

It is made almost entirely from recycled materials, such as plastic caps, a tub of fresh cheese, a box of strawberries, rubber bands, sticks for skewers, used wrapping paper, ….

Step of Holy Week with recycled materials - photo 0

Below I will detail each of the steps that he has followed to achieve this unique Easter step. Let’s see them…

How to make a recycled Easter step.

Step 1. The first thing to do is take a box of 2 kilos of strawberries, which will be used as a base for the step. Next, two side templates and a front cardboard template are taken out, and milk carton caps are glued onto these templates, as well as a few wooden strips cut to size. For these ribbons, she has used leftover scraps from other crafts.

Step of Holy Week with recycled materials - photo 1

On the other hand, he has taken several small dolls that he no longer uses, he has cut off their heads with a hacksaw, and he has glued them to the corks.

Now all that was missing was to glue the cardboard templates to the wooden box that serves as a base and, so that it acquires greater consistency and the details of the heads are slightly blurred, he has been adhering paper soaked in vinyl glue (carpenter’s glue) thinned with about 50% water.

Step of Holy Week with recycled materials - photo 2

Step 2. Once the first step is finished, you have to make the canopy. To do this, she has used small wooden strips, also from leftovers from other crafts. These ribbons have been joined with adhesive in the form of a stick, and he has wrapped them in a spiral along the entire length, plastic spaghetti, the kind that children use to make bracelets.

Step of Holy Week with recycled materials - photo 3

Step of Holy Week with recycled materials - photo 4

Once all this is done, as in the first step, everything is wrapped with papier-mâché well impregnated with vinyl glue diluted with water.

Step 3. Next, he took a piece of mosquito netting and, with it, he made the upper part of the canopy, gluing it to the poles made in the previous step.

Well, I had already done the step itself.

Step 4. To make the virgin, he took the cardboard roll from a used toilet paper roll, which he has used as a base.

The Virgin’s mantle is made with the lid of a shoe box, covered with papier-mâché.

The costume is made with wrapping paper and tissue paper.

The face is that of a doll that no longer served him, of which he has taken advantage of the head, gluing it and painting it.

And finally, the crown is made from a plastic dessert cup that has been cut into the appropriate shape.

Step of Holy Week with recycled materials - photo 6

Step 5. The vases at the feet of the Virgin are made with corks, and the flowers are made with pins as well as with the wax of the cheeses that are wrapped in red wax, molding it in the shape of rose petals.

Finally, the leaves are cut from a discarded bouquet of plastic flowers.

Step 6. The candle holders have been made with skewer sticks, washers and aluminum foil. For the little ones, he has used the plastic that protects the brushes, achieving the oil lamp effect.

For the chandeliers at the back, he’s taken a wire wrapped in plastic spaghetti, the same ones used in the second step, shaping them accordingly, finishing with a washer, and covering everything with papier-mâché.

Step 7. Easter is almost over. All that remained was to give a silver effect to all the “metallic” components, which he achieved by giving a coat of silver paint.

The lower part of the entire step has been closed with skirts made of red cardboard, to which he has added some decorative details with several strips of gold-colored cardboard.

Finally, with an office drill, he has taken several small circles of gold and silver cardboard, which he has sewn to the top of the canopy, all around. Creating, in this way, an effect of pendants.

And here it is, a magnificent Holy Week parade made from 95% recycled materials.

Step of Holy Week with recycled materials - photo 5

Step of Holy Week with recycled materials - photo 7Step of Holy Week with recycled materials - photo 8

Step of Holy Week with recycled materials - photo 9

Step of Holy Week with recycled materials - photo 10

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