Renovate the bathroom how to do it easily – Bricoblog

Renovar el cuarto de baño - Destacada

The bathroom is one of the rooms in the house in which we spend the most time and whose use is essential on a daily basis. In this small space, or not so small, we brush our teeth, take a shower, dry our hair, comb our hair, put on makeup, shave,… If you stop to think about it, we can use it for an hour a day or even more.

Therefore, regardless of its size, it is important to make this room a warm and cozy, in which we find ourselves at ease and in peace.

When we decide to renovate the bathroom, the traditional option is to go from establishment to establishment choosing the different elements that we are going to change, and hire a company or freelancer to do the complete installation for us.

But what would you think of being able to make the choice and buy from your own home, on your comfortable and esteemed sofa?

We have been wandering the net, from here to there, entering many websites dedicated to bathroom furniture, and we have come across one, La Ranilla Furniture and Bathrooms, which has caught our attention for several reasons:

  • They have everything, and I mean everything, to completely renovate the bathroom. From bathtubs and shower plates, to lighting elements, through furniture, toilets, accessories, screens, taps,…
  • The furniture is modular and is made in different sizes. The combination of the different modules makes the resulting piece of furniture practically custom-made. They also make available to the client an advice telephone number for any questions that may arise.
  • And finally, the financial issue. Orders whose amount reaches the amount established by the company, the shipping costs are borne by you. Yes, yes, you do not pay shipping costs.

Well, once you have bought all the elements that you are going to change in the renovation of the room, as I said before, you have two options. Hire a professional to do the installation for you, or put on work clothes and do it yourself. In case you choose this last option, I am going to try to explain how to change some of the most important elements of the bathroom. Keep reading this article and you will see that it is much easier than it may seem at first.

Renovate the bathroom - photo 1

toilet renovation

The toilets have two types of outlets for sewage. Horizontally, which is when the connection to the drain is on the wall; or vertically, the aforementioned connection is on the ground.

This is important to keep in mind when choosing the new toilet.

For its installation you will only need the following materials and tools:

  • nylon studs
  • Screws
  • Drill
  • Spatula
  • Silicone
  • Screwdriver
  • Wrench
  • Drain gasket set

The first thing is to remove the old toilet.

To do this, you must first close the stopcock of the cistern, empty it, and unscrew the water inlet hose. After this, you only have to remove two nuts, one on each side, that fix the toilet to the floor. We pick it up and take it to a place that doesn’t get in our way.

Now we clean and remove the remains of silicone or cement from the previous toilet from the floor. For this we will use the spatula.

Installation of the drain joint.

If the drain is in the wall, as simple as inserting the joint. It does not have screws, or adhesive, or anything, it is fitted under pressure.

In case the drain is on the ground, we must present the joint and mark where the screws will go.

We remove the gasket, drill and insert the nylon plugs.

We put the joint back by screwing it to the ground.

Once the joint is fixed, we present the toilet and, once in the correct position, we mark its contour with a pencil.

In the event that the drain is on the wall, when presenting the toilet we must also mark where the two anchors will go.

We remove it again, apply silicone to the bottom of the toilet, and put it back in its place, following the outline we have marked on the floor.

We anchor the toilet to the ground, by means of plastic nuts that will be threaded on the two plastic screws that the drain joint had and that look upwards.

Finally, we apply more silicone to everything around the toilet. This will prevent dirt from entering the joint, and leaks or bad odors from occurring.

The tank tank.

Well, we have already finished the first part, now we go with the water tank.

The water tank can have the filling hole on its right or left side. Before buying the new toilet, check where you should take it.

We put it in position and anchor it to the toilet using plastic screws and rubber gaskets that these elements carry.

Then we assemble the filling mechanism of the cistern and the bolla.

Then we thread the filling hose both to the tank and to the wall fitting. We put the tank cover and install the button.

The toilet lid.

This is the last step, and the easiest. We place the cover in its position and tie it to the toilet with the two plastic screws that it incorporates. The system can change from one model to another, but basically the installation is as explained.

Renovate the bathroom - photo 2

Renovation of the shower tray

We now have our new toilet fully installed. Now we will go to the shower tray. For its installation we will need the following:

  • Measuring tape
  • fine sand
  • Cement
  • trowel
  • Bubble level
  • PVC cleaner
  • PVC adhesive

We remove the old plate.

The first thing is to remove the old plate. To do this, we will have to remove the drain valve, and eliminate the silicone or cement joints.

Pre-installation steps.

We present the new plate and measure the location of the new drain. Keep in mind that you have to separate the plate from the wall a few millimeters. Once the measurements are taken, we remove the plate.

We disassemble the valve, which is sold as a kit with all its components, and we keep the part that will go under the plate.

We place the valve in its position respecting the measures that we have taken before, and we install the tube that will join it with the drain. It is very important to give it the drop to facilitate the emptying of the shower tray.

Whenever possible, it is preferable to use a flexible tube, since it is much easier to install.

To do this, we will have to first clean the two tubes with a specific cleaner for PVC, apply adhesive also for PVC on the two parts to be joined, and fit them together.

Now we fit the other end of the tube to the valve. Here it will not be necessary to use adhesive, since the union is threaded and with rubber gaskets.

Before continuing, we must pour a little water through the valve to check that the joints are correct and that there are no water leaks.

Installation of the shower plate.

Shower trays sit on a layer of sand, however follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

We protect the valve with a plastic bag so that it does not fill with sand, and we pour fine sand where the plate will go. We distribute it with the trowel over the entire surface. The height of the sand layer should be around 2 to 3cm thick.

Once the layer is created, we pour a layer of cement, moisten it, and put the plate in its final position.

We check with the bubble level, that the plate is completely horizontal, we remove the bag that we had put on the valve, and we mount the upper part of it, putting the corresponding rubber gaskets and threading the two bodies. In the instructions of the drain kit, it is clearly explained.

Finally, we remove the remaining sand, and seal the joints either with cement grout or with silicone with fungicide. The latter is specific for bathrooms and kitchens, and prevents the appearance of mold and its blackening over time.

In this other article you can see how to apply silicone correctly and cleanly.

Shower plate faucet.

Depending on whether you choose a traditional shower with a single control, or if you prefer a hydromassage column, its installation is different. However, and without going too deep, there are two types of installation.

In the first case, the monocontrol body is directly anchored to the water supply connections. The union is made by means of eccentric threaded fittings, which absorb possible variations in measurements, while at the same time allowing the mono-control to be completely horizontal.

In the second case, on the contrary, the water supply is connected to the wall fittings by means of hoses that are threaded on both sides. And the column is anchored to the wall using nylon plugs and screws.

Renovate the bathroom - photo 3

sink renovation

Finally, we will show you how to carry out the new installation or renovation of the sink.

If you take a look at Bathroom furniture online you will see that there is a huge variety of this type of element on the market, so we will explain how to install three different types:

  • Pedestal or countertop washbasin.
  • Wash hands on bracket or support.
  • Built-in sink.

In order not to make this post too long, you can see in detail the step-by-step installation of these three types of sink in this other article on how to install a sink.

We hope that the information that we have summarized in this article will be useful to you so that you can renovate the bathroom yourself. However, if you have any questions, leave us a comment and we will answer you as soon as possible.


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