Renovate with paint, the best solution to reform without spending too much

It seems incredible how you can transform a space just by changing the color of a wall and adding some detail. Definitely renovating with paint is one of the cheapest resources in decoration. Not only is it avoided having to make reforms, but also spectacular changes can be achieved in record time.

I’ve been wanting to change the look of my home office for a long time. It is in a very bright room as it has a large window facing southwest.

renovate the office with paint

Although I love white (in fact it is the predominant color on the walls of the house), having walls and furniture in that color did not make anything stand out in this room, everything was blurred. For that reason and after seeing the reform of the apartment that I published a few months ago (you can see it at this link), I thought why not paint a dark wall?

renew with black paint

Said and done, my boy and I took advantage of the days of the December long weekend to renew the main wall of the office with paint. To do this we arm ourselves with a bucket of Bricolar de Pyma from slate and a Teflon-coated roller.

renovate with paint and roller

How to choose the most suitable paint and tool

I would like to highlight that the quality of the paint is very important when painting. Although it sounds like a cliché, cheap is expensive and I can attest because I have lived it in my walls. The white paint with which the office had previously been painted was not of good quality, in fact after covering some imperfections with putty and sandpapering, the old paint began to turn into dust.

When something like this happens, there is no choice but to sand the entire wall as it is the only way to guarantee a good support for the new paint. In addition, after sanding it must be thoroughly cleaned to remove any traces of dust, otherwise the new paint will not adhere.

To know if a painting is of good quality, my recommendation is the following:

  1. Let us be advised by professionals in the sector and in specialized stores
  2. Use “word of mouth” and ask friends

In my case I was guided by the assessment of my friend Nieves who had recently renovated her son’s room.

On the other hand, it is of little or no use to have the best painting if the tool we use to paint is not the most suitable. To do this, you not only have to take into account the quality of the fabric of the roller, but also if it is appropriate for painting on smooth or rough walls.

I used a special roller for smooth walls with a Teflon coating. This type of coating prevents the fiber strands from clumping together and also improves the load on the roller, reducing painting time.

cut out and paint

After covering the plinth, the sides and the joint between the wall and ceiling, I began my trimming work.

trim before painting the wall

Simultaneously, my boy began to paint the wall with the roller (in this link you will find some tricks to paint with a roller without leaving marks), although at some point I replaced him to try the Teflon-coated roller. In addition, the handle has an aluminum rod and is lighter than others that I had previously tried.

renovate with paint without spending too much on the office wall

After the first coat, the result was quite satisfactory, although a second coat would be necessary to obtain the final finish.

paint to renovate without reforms

Below you can see a trick to protect the roller. Normally, between one hand and the other, about 3 or 4 hours usually elapse. During this period of time, the roller cannot be left with paint because it hardens, but it should not be cleaned either because it does not dry out and the paint is moistened with water. To solve this problem there is a container to store the roller that keeps the paint fresh for up to 3 weeks! The truth is that it has been super practical for me.

how to prevent the roller from drying out

The change!

Once the second coat of paint had dried, we placed a new wall unit with more capacity than the previous one, as well as a small detail that I had thought about for a long time: clocks with the time of my favorite cities.

For this I bought four wall clocks with plastic frames and painted them with a stainless steel effect spray.

spray painted clock

In addition, I made some posters with stainless steel effect vinyl (you can learn more about this type of self-adhesive vinyl at this link), each one with the name of the corresponding city.

wall decoration with clocks

After putting the tables together and placing the rest of the furniture and decoration, the change was evident, right? Personally I can only say that I am delighted with the result. The office has not only not lost luminosity, but has gained elegance.

repaint the office

Also, now I have a new helper: my cat Siniy. She is not only going to match the color of the wall, but she is going to help me answer the phone :p

cat to match the decoration


Renovating with paint without spending too much is a quick and effective solution to transform any room. To achieve a good result, the following must be taken into account:

  • Using a quality paint will not only provide a better result, but will ensure a good base for subsequent coats of paint.
  • Choose the right tool to ensure a good finish.
  • Study the light, furniture and the distribution of the room when choosing the color

before and after renovating the office with paint

What did you think of the before and after office after renovating with paint without spending too much? It still seems incredible to me that just by changing the color of a wall you can transform a room. I was a little hesitant about the dark color but I’m glad I went for it as it highlights both the furniture and the decorative details.

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