Soundproof ceiling, previous preparation. Chapter 6

insonorizar techo preparacion - destacada

We continue with the conditioning prior to the installation of the false acoustic ceiling. In this sixth chapter, we will fix a part of the anchor plates.

In case you have missed any of the previous chapters, or if you want to see them again, at the end of this one, you have the index of this mega tutorial dedicated to soundproofing ceilings, from where you can directly access the chapters that have already been published.

soundproof ceiling preparation 1 bolts

Anchoring method: Some robust screws.

Let us remember that the entire weight of the new acoustic false ceiling, as well as its structure, will be supported by about twenty anchor plates. Therefore, these first steps are essential for a correct and lasting installation.

Fixing the anchor plates to soundproof the ceiling

Therefore, once the anchor plates on the left side are finished, and the protective enamel is dry, we are going to fix them using robust screws.

soundproof ceiling preparation 2 anchor to the beam

Fixing the anchor plates to the main beams.

It is essential to obtain complete verticality for these support elements.

To install them correctly, before tightening the screws, we will present the plate:

We put it completely vertical with the help of the spirit level.

We tighten the screws a little.

soundproof ceiling preparation 3 checking verticality

Checking the verticality of the plates, prior to soundproofing the ceiling.

We reconfirm the verticality. We rectify what is necessary, if necessary. And finally we tighten the screws.

Once all the plates are anchored, we will have to confirm the angle that the plates that will be facing each other will have to have, in order to carry out the welding correctly.

But we will see this in the next chapter.

soundproof ceiling preparation 4 phase finished

Phase finished.

As you have seen, this part of soundproof ceiling It has been very short, but necessary to see, step by step, how we are doing this work of preparation for soundproofing.

Video Tutorial on soundproofing ceiling

As is our custom, below we include a video of everything seen in the article. In this way, we make it even easier to understand. At least this is our intention.


WD-40 Mythical Routes Contest

In consideration for the shortness of this article, something unusual for us, I bring you some very good news:

Do you know the brand WD-40?

It is a company that specializes in the manufacture of multi-use lubricants and oils.

These products are fully indicated for both professional and domestic use.

Example of the thousand uses

An example of the myriad uses for WD-40 multi-purpose oil is a fix I made last week.

I had to change the brake lever on my daughter’s bicycle, which had broken. To change the lever, you first have to remove the rubber grip. This one is super attached to the handlebar, impossible to remove by force. Well, I inserted as best I could the tip of a small screwdriver through the edge of the fist, to be able to insert the localized application cannula a little. I made a single press, turned my fist a couple of times so that the oil spreads inside, and I took it out without any effort.

In a few days, we will hold a raffle on our YouTube channel so that you have the opportunity to try them for free. If you subscribe right now, you will receive a notification when we publish the video.

But that will be a little later. What I want to tell you is that TODAY, March 1, the “Mythical WD-40 Routes” contest begins.

Contest Mythical Routes

Many prizes are raffled. And… do you know what the maximum prize is?

Is about a trip for two people along the mythical Route 66!!!

contest wd-40 mythical routes 1

Can you believe it?!!

Don’t think about it and run. The more friends you invite to participate, the more options you will have to take it away!!

But first, read the rules of the contest, which you can see by visiting the website

I also leave the QR code here, in case it is more convenient for you to access directly with your mobile phone.

contest wd-40 mythical routes 2

QR code, to access directly and conveniently from your mobile phone.

I insist. Read the rules of the contest, and get started. The more friends you invite to participate, the more options you will have to win it.

Runs! And may the force be with you.

contest wd-40 mythical routes 3

And you? Have you used lubricating oil for any use other than the typical loosening of rusty screws?

Leave us a comment and tell us about it.


Programming the soundproofing of a room

1st Part – Preparation of the structure.

1st Chapter – Introduction and work programming.

2nd Chapter – Layout, plan and measurement of the current soundproofing.

3rd Chapter – Measurement, marking and drilling of the beams.

4th Chapter – Drilling and machining of metal parts.

5th Chapter – Welding and protection of anchor plates.

6th Chapter – Placing the plates on the left side.

7th Chapter – Measurement of the angle of facing plates, welding and protection of these.

8th Chapter – Placement of plates in the first right lateral half.

9th Chapter – Installation of the first half of joists.

10th Chapter – Measurement of the angle of the rest of the plates, welding, protection and placement.

11th Chapter – Placement of the rest of the joists and completion of the first part.

2nd Part – Soundproofing of the ceiling.

12th Chapter – Acoustic materials and installation procedure.

13th Chapter – Step prior to soundproofing.

14th Chapter – Cutting and preparation of acoustic plates.

15th Chapter – Preparation of acoustic plates.

16th Chapter – Installation of soundproofing on the ceiling.

3rd Part – Vertical soundproofing.

17th Chapter – soundproofing of the walls.

18th Chapter – Soundproofing of shutter drums.

19th Chapter – Door soundproofing.

20th Chapter – New measurement of the final soundproofing and review of the work.


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