Soundproofing of a workshop. Introduction to soundproofing

Introducción a la insonorización local comercial - destacada

There are situations in which soundproofing is essential, whether in a bedroom, a living room, a commercial premises, or a room in general.

The materials used in this type of insulation are not exactly cheap, so before making any decision, you should dedicate the necessary time to gather enough technical information and analyze it, as well as rely on the knowledge and experience of experts in the field.

Therefore, the choice of the appropriate materials to achieve optimal soundproofing, as well as its own installation, is something complex that requires, in addition to a first phase of research, developing a minimum skill in manual work.

Another source of noise in workshops can be poor insulation from the floor. For this, the best solution is vinyl tiles, which also offer greater durability and resistance to falling objects. If you want more information, you can consult EcoSuelosPVC since they are installers of pvc tiles for workshops.

For all these reasons, it is completely inadvisable to rush into making any decision. Also, if you have the advice of professionals in this type of reform, all the better. You could request without I compress some budget vipreformas. However, if you are one of those who “dares with everything”, pay attention to what is coming:

Well, today we are launching the first video of a trilogy, in which we will show, step by step, how to soundproof an entire business premises, which will be the new BricoBlog workshop, in which we will spend many very good times.

Starting today, throughout all the video tutorials that will make up this series dedicated to soundproofingwe will practice hard DIY.

Introduction to commercial premises soundproofing - photo 1

Soundproofing of a ceiling

Beginning lesson

Well, since it is a commercial premises, which is going to develop a workshop activity, with the use of various electrical tools and machines, each one with its own power level and, therefore, emitting different intensities of noise. For this reason, it is essential before conditioning the premises, we have to soundproof it.

There are many acoustic alternatives on the market, with various forms of installation, designs, sound reduction levels and, of course, prices. But not all provide the same level of soundproofing.

After much searching and research, as the beginning of this article already pointed out, we have decided on a system that is somewhat more laborious to install than others, but that fulfills its function in an exceptional way.

According to the product data sheet, it provides a sound reduction of 62 dB. Of course, as long as it has been installed correctly.

Explanatory video

We have also wanted to include this explanatory video of all the content of this article.


Before continuing, I would like to clarify that, although there will be three main parts, each of these will be subdivided into several chapters. In this way we believe that, as a spectator, it will be more enjoyable for you.

In each chapter, we will see the different phases, which we will try to have a maximum duration of between 5 and 10 minutes.

Continuing with the introduction to soundproofing

This type of insulation has a relatively considerable weight, so we have eliminated the false plaster ceiling, since it surely would not have supported the weight.

The easiest and cheapest way would be to install the insulation directly on the floor, but we have a problem. As can be seen in the photograph, there is a beam and several pipes, which prevent the indicated option.

Introduction to commercial premises soundproofing - photo 2

Obstacles encountered for the soundproofing of the workshop ceiling: beam and pipes.

Solution…! Lower the false ceiling below these obstacles.

We will do this by installing a structure, which will be made up of wooden joists anchored to the perimeter concrete beams, by means of steel profiles. This is the only preview I’m going to do for now.

Programming the soundproofing of a room

Part 1 – Preparation of the structure.

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction and programming of work.
  • Chapter 2 – Layout, plan and measurement of the current soundproofing.
  • Chapter 3 – Measurement, marking and drilling of the beams.
  • Chapter 4 – Drilling and machining of metal parts.
  • Chapter 5 – Welding and protection of anchor plates.
  • Chapter 6 – Placement of the plates on the left side.
  • Chapter 7 – Measurement of the angle of the opposing plates, welding and protection of these.
  • Chapter 8 – Placement of plates in the first right lateral half.
  • Chapter 9 – Installation of the first half of joists.
  • Chapter 10 – Measurement of the angle of the rest of the plates, welding, protection and placement.
  • Chapter 11 – Placement of the rest of the joists and completion of the first part.

Part 2 – Soundproofing of the ceiling.

  • Chapter 12 – Acoustic materials and installation procedure.
  • Chapter 13 – Step prior to soundproofing.
  • Chapter 14 – Cutting and preparation of acoustic plates.
  • Chapter 15 – Construction of acoustic plates.
  • Chapter 16 – Installation of soundproofing on the ceiling.

Part 3 – Vertical soundproofing.

  • Chapter 17 – soundproofing of the walls.
  • Chapter 18 – Soundproofing of shutter drums.
  • Chapter 19 – Door soundproofing.
  • Chapter 20 – New measurement of the final soundproofing and review of the work.

Summary of planned programming

In the 1st part,…

We will see how to install the structure that will support the weight of the false acoustic ceiling. And it will consist of around 11 chapters. I say around, since this is what we have estimated, however, depending on the development of the work, it could vary.

In the 2nd part,…

We will talk about the technical characteristics of the acoustic materials that we will use, how they will be arranged, how they are installed and how to solve the inconveniences that have arisen. It will consist of about 5 chapters.

And in the 3rd and last part,…

We will see how to soundproof the vertical elements, since it differs somewhat from what was seen in the second module. And it will consist of another 4 chapters.

Well, I hope that these videos are of interest to you and that you like them.

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