Techniques for decorating with lasur and tips for its application [GUÍA]

Did you know that lasur is ideal for protecting and decorating all kinds of porous materials? In addition to wood, it can be used on materials such as clay, cement or stone. With this guide you will learn 5 techniques to decorate with lasur and get the most out of the wide variety of existing shades, colors and finishes.

Lasur is a wood impregnant that does not form a layer, which allows this material to breathe and regulate its interior humidity. For this reason, lasur is one of the most appropriate treatments for outdoor wood, since it penetrates through its pores and protects it in depth. In addition, the flexibility of its resins adapts to the dilation and contraction movements of wood. In this way, cracking is avoided, as is often the case with varnishes when applied outdoors.

There are water-based and solvent-based stains, with a gloss, satin or matte finish and in different shades of wood and colours. All of them have in common that they provide a completely natural finish, as it highlights the wood grain. Outdoors it can be used to protect floors, doors, window frames, railings, pergolas, etc.

protect exterior wood with lasur

Decorate with lasur

Apart from its qualities as a wood protector, lasur can also be used to decorate furniture and accessories. In this sense, the Cedria lasures They have a wide variety of shades and characteristics that adapt to all types of wood and finishes, such as:

  • Lasur Pacífico that has a matte finish that provides a vintage effect characteristic of wood exposed to the Pacific climate.
  • Dekor lasur with transparent colored pigments and a wide variety of shades: pine, chestnut, oak, teak, wenge, red, blue, etc.
  • Fon Tin to stain and protect the wood, giving it a very natural matte finish.

With them it is possible to highlight the grain of the wood and reinforce your natural color or provide it with a new tone. You can also restore the luster to deteriorated wood to give it a second chance and make it look new or just bought.

Cedria lasures

Techniques to decorate with lasur

There are different techniques to decorate with lasur and provide a wide variety of finishes to our furniture. However, it must be taken into account that some of these techniques do not provide total protection against environmental conditions of humidity, temperature changes and solar radiation to which wood is exposed outdoors. In this sense, the dry brush and washed wood effect techniques are only recommended for interior furniture.

On the other hand, by combining different decorative techniques with lasur, you can achieve creative projects to decorate your home, such as the one in the following video tutorial:

Mix stains to obtain new shades

Stains can be mixed together for a lighter, darker, or custom shade. To do this, it must be taken into account that they must have the same base, either water or solvent.

When combining them, it is advisable to add the second color little by little and stir with a rod until the desired color is obtained.

Apply layers of different colors

Since lasur provides a translucent finish, layering does not hide the layer below. In this way, the same effect is produced as if acetate sheets of different colors were placed on top of each other.

To do this, always apply the darkest shade as a base and then a lighter shade. Applying this technique it is possible to create effects similar to those of a patina.

Application with wrist or cotton rope

The dolly is ideal to obtain a more uniform layer, since with a brush the wood can absorb the lasur too quickly and obtain a less homogeneous result.

Alternatively, a foam brush can be used to achieve a similar effect.

Dry brush or paint drag

The dry brush technique consists of loading the brush with very little paint and dragging the brush stroke, barely combing the surface of the wood. This technique can also be applied with stains directly on the wood or by combining two or more shades of stain.

washed wood effect

With this effect it is possible to imitate the action of the sun and water on the wood, giving it a grayish and worn appearance. It is one of the trends in furniture and decoration in recent years. With lasur you can create this effect by applying a layer and then removing it with a damp cloth or cotton cloth.

Tips for a correct application of lasur

There is a series of advice and recommendations when applying the lasur that must be known to preserve all its characteristics and ensure the correct protection of the wood:

  • For exterior wood, pigmented stains should always be used, since they contain transparent iron oxide particles that pigment and decorate, allowing the grain of the wood to be seen. In addition, these particles filter ultraviolet light and protect it from the sun. Colorless stains or pigmented stains with conventional dyes should not be used, as they lack these characteristics and would affect the quality and level of protection of the stain.
  • For its application, the wood must be free of varnishes, dry and without dust or fat.
  • A minimum of a couple of coats should be applied for optimal protection. A layer of colorless lasur with UV filters can also be applied over pigmented lasur, as it will minimize the effects of the sun’s radiation and delay the deterioration of the wood.
  • If you want to lower the tone of the lasur, you should never mix it with water because it would impoverish its quality and protective factor. To do this, you must mix a pigmented lasur with a colorless lasur as you can see in the following tutorial on how to make a ladder shelf.
  • Although lasur can be applied by brush, roller and spray, brush application is recommended whenever possible as it achieves greater penetration into the wood.
  • The durability of the lasur varies depending on the type of exposure to which the wood is subjected, although it is recommended to renew its application every two years. To do this, the surface will be cleaned using a medium pressure washer, left to dry for 48 hours and a new layer of lasur will be applied.

wooden swing decorated with lasur

I hope this guide with techniques to decorate with lasur and tips for its correct application You can get the most out of this product when it comes to protecting and decorating surfaces of wood, clay, cement or stone. Do not forget that you will find many more guides and projects on DIY and decoration at

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