Technological advances in the metallurgical industry

industria metalurgica - foto destacada

The metallurgical industry continues its unstoppable advance. We are currently in the 4th industrial revolution and, as might be expected, the metallurgical sector is one of the most affected.

Those companies that work in this sector know the importance of betting on strategies of R&D. They look for high-quality tools, such as lathes that make work easier, but are up-to-date with the times.

A good example of these technological advances are the cnc lathes. Buy cnc lathe is an increasingly popular alternative. The cnc lathes (also known as numerical control lathes) can unify the work done by conventional lathes (copy type, parallel, automatic, vertical, revolver or vertical).

They save time and money, being considered one of the most important advances of our time.

Without further ado, let’s see other technological advances that are changing the industry:


The nanotechnology is the order of the day: in addition to being very important in the field of metallurgyalso stands out in the pharmaceutical, medical, and agricultural industries, among others.

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We understand nanotechnology as the manipulation and creation of structures at the molecular level that give the possibility of designing personalized materials, as well as correcting small problems. Much progress has been made in the metal processing.

This technology allows working atom by atom with certain metals, having applications such as the following:

  • Manufacturing of robust materialsbut at the same time light and with greater capacity to withstand the passage of time.
  • metal fabrication easier to manipulate, to adapt them to different uses.
  • Material manufacturing that can compete with existing materials.

Everything seems to indicate that nanotechnology will cease to be an advance in the field of steel and will begin to form part of the most advanced mechanisms.

movement positioners

The motion positioners They are designed to adapt to the most demanding jobs, those that require working with a greater load capacity or with a construction method that is out of the ordinary.

They can be found in different types: dedicated positioners for heavy loads, flexible multi-station, robot positioners (to achieve perfect accessibility, without stopping), or positioners for special construction forms.

Thus, a much more precise use can be achieved and the efficiency of any entity can be optimized. It allows the automation of many tasks, saving more than important time and effort.

Augmented reality

The augmented reality It involves a type of technology that is also causing great changes in the field of the metallurgical industry and in the transformation of metal in general.

In short, this technology allows virtually generated images to be superimposed on existing reality. We could define it as making a copy of reality that can be modified as intended, or exposed to certain factors.

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There are many applications that it has in the metallurgical industry, such as being able to simulate how a certain process works, in addition to evaluating the impact of this and any possible problem.

The maximum conditions that a metal could withstand could also be tested, with the aim of evaluating damage, errors in its production or tolerable limits.

It is usually used with the aim of avoiding accidents or, at least, to minimize the possibility that they may occur.

big data

The big data it is also considered the future for many companies. It not only affects the metallurgical industry, but many sectors.

However, his definition can be a bit tricky: he’s usually talking about sets that companies work with on a daily basis. The true success of this technology lies in the how companies handle this information and interpret it to get results.

Applied to the metal industry, it could help with the creation of patterns that could help to have more information about the foundry processes, making them more efficient.

It would not only affect production in general, but also the sales methodology and marketing strategy.

These are some of the advances that are driving the metallurgical industry. Soon, they will cease to be advances to become a reality that will affect any company related to this sector.


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