The right tools to do DIY at home

caja de herramientas elementos - destacada

In any home there are always repairs to be made, however insignificant they may be. Some examples may be hanging a picture, tightening a hinge that has become loose, greasing a lock that has hardened over time,… among countless everyday situations.

To perform these repairs, whether simple or other more complex, it is necessary to have the right tools. Therefore, it is very useful to have our “basic toolbox” in any home, at least.

There are several basic kits of household tools that we can find in specialized DIY stores. However, the aforementioned tool packs represent only a part due to how excessively basic they are.

Therefore, below we will see the appropriate tools that, according to our experience, should be had for home repairs.

toolbox components - photo 1

The toolbox

Doing DIY at home should be an enriching experience and fill you with satisfaction. It should never become an ordeal before even starting, because we do not locate precisely the tool that we need.

For this reason, it is very important to always have all our tools, and other materials such as plugs, screws, etc. located and organized.


Reserve a fixed space for your DIY tools.

The container where you have the tools should allow you to have them more or less organized. It can be metal, plastic, or just one of several drawers in a dresser.

Whether or not it has wheels is not important for home DIY since, in theory, the tools will not leave the house. Therefore, the priority is to have them located and more or less organized.

There are countless web pages that sell this type of tool, but they become overwhelming due to the enormous diversity of brands and characteristics of the different products. If you have entered any of these websites, you will know what I am talking about.

However, we have found a website that, far from leaving us with more doubts than we already had, makes it really easy for us. They have a wide variety of products, but not more than a DIYer might need. We advise you to take a look at it. Go to, and you’ll see.

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suitable tools

When talking about tools, I am referring to both manual and electric tools, since the latter are also going to be needed sooner or later.

Another very important aspect is that the tools we acquire are of quality. By this I do not mean that they have to be from recognized brands. There are lesser known brands, but whose tools are of great quality.

This aspect, which might seem secondary since its use would be more or less sporadic, is not at all. A poor quality tool or product could more likely cause an accident. Not to mention that its useful life is considerably less, and that the finish of the DIY work that it provides is usually worse.

Finally, and before getting into the matter, I would like to stress that this article is geared towards the right “primary” or beginner DIYer’s tools.

Below I collect the appropriate tools that, according to my criteria and experience, we should always have in our home.


They are used for holding, pressing and cutting. The universal pliers is the most practical, since it includes a sector with a sharp edge that allows cutting. Needle-nose pliers are also very useful, used for working with cables and wires. We can include a cutting plier, because sometimes we need universal pliers to hold a piece that we must cut.

Screwdrivers set

They should include various thicknesses, regular tip and Philips (star) tip.

Set of fixed and allen keys

They should comprise various sizes and designs, to insert and remove any type of screw or bolt.


You can choose a medium one, or include several for different uses, for example, one with a flat head on one side and a ball head on the other, a carpenter’s hammer that has lugs for removing nails, a small hammer for driving picture nails , etc., a pot or mallet, for heavy work.

metal tape measure

With a length of 3 to 5m. calibrated in centimeters and inches.


It is used to measure the horizontality or verticality of surfaces, necessary to place a right shelf.


It allows verifying right angles and is used to draw short lines.


It is the ideal tool for cutting pieces of wood.

bow saw

It is used to cut metals and plastics. For more precise cuts or on small surfaces, it is advisable to use a jigsaw.


They are versatile tools, they are used to extract nails, cut wires, hold pieces, etc.


A good quality one should be chosen, as they are very versatile, we can drill walls, wood, metal, etc. with various sizes of bits. In this other article The Electric Drill We talk to you in depth about this tool.

Drill bits

We must have a set of drill bits for drilling metal, with diameters ranging from 3 mm to 10 mm, millimeter by millimeter.

These types of drill bits are used for drilling both iron and wood.

And another set of drill bits for drilling concrete, with diameters from 5 mm to 10 mm. Also from millimeter to millimeter

With this type of drill bits you can drill both concrete, brick, tiles and masonry.


It should also include a pencil, a cutter, a ruler, scissors, insulating tape and Teflon tape, universal glue, a wide assortment of screws, nails, lag screws, staples, plugs, and other elements that can be used to hold, join, assemble, fix, and more.

From these tools, not only you can, but you must expand your toolbox according to your own needs.

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