Transfer on wood, what it is and how this technique is performed

Next we will see how to perform the transfer technique on wood. For those who do not know what this topic is about, it is about transferring images from paper to a wooden support.

This technique can be performed on a multitude of supports, such as it is fabric, canvas, metal, plastics, and a host of other materials. But in this article we will focus on the transfer on wood.

The transfer technique on wood is extremely simple, as well as very showy. And, on the other hand, it does not require any type of tool or special tool. The only two products that will be needed can be found, without going any further, in hardware stores or in stores for everything at €1.

Transfer on wood - Final result

Final score

Next, and in order to show the whole process, we are going to decorate some wooden boards with this image. Specifically, we will transfer it onto plywood.

As these pieces of wood will form part of the “electronic shelf” that we will make soon, the image that we have chosen has the theme of electronic circuits and components.

Transfer on wood - Image to be transferred

Image that we will transfer in this tutorial


Materials needed for the transfer on wood

The first thing we will have to prepare will be all the necessary materials. Therefore, we will list them.

The image to transfer.

At this point, several aspects must be taken into account, so that the result we obtain is the desired one.


It is important to use paper similar to folio, and with a grammage not exceeding 80 gr.

The printer

In addition, a laser printer must be used for printing. In color or black and white, but laser.

If an inkjet printer were used, the transfer would not be successful.

If you do not have a laser printer, you can always go to a copy shop and have it printed there.

The resolution and other aspects of the image

For the printed image to have a good resolution, it is recommended that it have 300 dpi, or what is the same, pixels per inch. Or at least 150 dpi.

On the other hand, so that the colors we see on the screen are the ones that are later on the paper, the image mode must be CMYK Color.

In our case it does not affect anything, but if the image to be transferred includes text, before printing it, you must make it a “mirror effect”, so that once transferred it is legible.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, and you want to know more about it, you can consult a basic Photoshop tutorial, or graphic design, from the many that are on the internet.

Below you have a download icon, in case you want to use the same image as us. It has a resolution of 300 dpi, and a size of 86.5 x 13 cm.

download icon


Depending on the size of the image, you should take a larger or smaller brush.

Transfer on wood - Necessary materials

Necessary materials

Vinilic glue

There are specific products to transfer images. And the result obtained, perhaps, would have been better. I’m just saying maybe.

But it is also not worth spending money on a product, having other cheaper alternatives. Therefore, in our case we have opted for vinyl glue, more commonly known as carpenter’s glue.


We will use spray varnish from Novasol Spray. However, it can also be applied by brush, without affecting the image at all once transferred.

As you can see, the materials are the most common.


Video tutorial with the complete process

In just 6 minutes we collect the entire process, in a clear and precise way, at least this has been our intention.

Therefore, before collecting the tutorial with texts and illustrations, we will include the video tutorial since it solves most of the doubts.


Transfer on wood, step by step

I will try to be as clear and explicit as possible, although sometimes it is not easy to explain in writing everything that is in mind.

Previous step

If the printed image is larger than A4, as is our case, it will have to be printed on several pages. Therefore, we will have to join the different parts on the back with masking tape.

Transfer on wood - Joining the paper parts

Joining the different parts of paper, if necessary

1st Step – Preparing the support

We are pouring glue over the entire wooden support that will occupy the image and, with the brush, we spread it well.

It is not necessary to apply too much. Just a thin, even layer.

Transfer on wood - Applying the vinyl glue

Applying the vinyl glue

2nd Step – Transferring the image

Once the glue is applied, we place the printed image downwards.

Transfer on wood - Transferring the image

Positioning the paper to make the transfer

And, being very careful not to move the paper, we pass a small block of wood, applying some pressure, to eliminate any air bubbles that may be. But be careful not to tear the paper as, when in contact with the glue, it softens and becomes much more brittle.

Transfer on wood - Seating the transfer

Settle the transfer in two different ways

For this reason, it is almost better to use a roller. In our case, as the image is narrow, we have used the handle of the brush.

3rd Step – Preparing to remove the paper

Once the previous step is finished, apply glue generously on top of the paper.

With this we will be able to give cohesion to the paper, thus facilitating its removal once dry.

This will not affect the transfer of the image, but it will make our work easier.

Transfer on wood - Preparing to remove the paper

Preparing the removal of the paper with a layer of glue

We will let about 24 hours elapse, so that the glue sets completely.

4th Step – Removing the paper

Once the glue is dry, with the same brush that we had used, we wet the paper with enough water, and leave it for about 5 minutes for it to soften a bit.

Transfer on wood - Removing the paper 1

First step of paper removal

Then we remove the paper. It will come off in big chunks, but if you look, only the top layer will have come off. So we will have to remove the rest, dragging it with wet fingers.

Here you do have to be very careful, because if we press too hard, we can take part of the image.

Transfer on wood - Removing the paper 2

Second step of paper removal

Once finished, we pass a cloth to remove excess water, and leave a few hours so that the wood is completely dry.

5th Step – Fixing the image

Finally, to fix the image, we will apply one or two coats of varnish.

As indicated above, the varnish can be applied either by spray, brush or roller.

Transfer on wood - Fixing the image

Fixing the image

We have already finished the transfer of the image on wood.

Transfer on wood - Image transferred

Final result with the transferred image

Have you ever done the transfer technique on wood with a product other than vinyl glue? Tell us how it went, by commenting.

In the next tutorial, we will use these boards to make an original shelf, completely personalized.

Do not miss it. I’m sure you’ll like it.


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