What is the stencil or stencil technique

La técnica del estarcido o esténcil - foto destacada

If you are fond of crafts and decoration, you have surely heard of the stencil technique.

If this is not the case, then I will explain what it consists of and how it is carried out.

In my participation in the ExpoCadena 2019 hardware fair, I had the opportunity to try the stencil templates for the first time.

I am only going to tell you in advance that it is an exciting technique for two reasons. For one thing, with a little practice, it’s pretty easy to pull off. And on the other, you can get some really amazing results.

What is the stencil or stencil?

The word stenciled comes from the Latin “extergere”, which means “to clean”, recently identified with the stencil, from the English stencil.

This type of decoration is achieved from a template, tracing or “climbing”, with a cut-out drawing or pattern. What allows its reproduction in series.

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 1

Possibly the oldest examples of stenciling, perhaps the first stencil impressions in caves, made by dusting onto previously prepared walls of heavily ground, colored earth.

Well, today we are going to use this technique to make the original decorative panel whose image we have included a little above.

Stencil Technique Video Tutorial

Before getting into the subject, I want to show you a graphic video proof of the simplicity of this technique. And below, I explain it in detail.

Stencil or stencil technique

Normally the stenciling has been done with a brush (special applicator), with a foam roller, and even with a sponge. However, in this article we will see how to perform this technique with spray paint.

As I told you before, it is a technique that “hooks”. However, just because it is easy, does not mean that you do not have to be clear about a series of steps and follow it. So let’s go see them.

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 2

Necessary materials

As always, the first thing we must do is prepare the materials and tools that we will need, which are the following:

  • Support.
  • Masking tape.
  • Protective paper and/or plastic (painter).
  • Stencil templates.
  • Removable adhesive.
  • primer.
  • Paint.
  • Transparent varnish.

Note on support

For the support, I have used a 3mm thick translucent methacrylate sheet.

To provide greater rigidity to the whole, I have reinforced it with a frame made of wooden slats. For this operation, I have used the following tools and products:

  • Miter saw, manual or electric.
  • Mounting adhesive.
  • Drill-driver.

If, instead of methacrylate, we had used a more rigid support, we would not have needed the latter. In addition, we would skip the first steps, going directly to step #2.

About templates

Stencil templates, like everything in this life, we can make ourselves. However, the result that we will obtain when applying the paint will not be anywhere near as expected.

Therefore, I advise you not to skimp on the templates that, by the way, are not expensive if we take into account that they can be reused indefinitely if we take care of them.

The templates that Novasol Spray sells and that has at least ten different models, which are manufactured in such a way that, using them correctly, we obtain impeccable results.

What makes them different from others?

The dies are made in such a way that they leave an insignificant edge upwards, making sure that the paint that remains on the upper face of the template does not end up dripping down.

Locating the necessary materials

In order to facilitate the task of locating all the materials, below I leave you the direct accesses of each of these, in the Amazon Marketplace.

In this way, you can only see their characteristics and, if you prefer, buy them.

Total cost of the project

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 3As we have been doing for some time now, below we summarize the total cost, so that you can assess all the necessary aspects before telling you to carry out the DIY and decoration projects that we publish on our blog.

Obviously, prices can fluctuate considerably from one region to another, but without becoming excessively significant.


Stencil Technique Procedure

Well, once we have all preparations, we can start.

1st Step (optional). The support

As I said before, depending on the type of support that is used, this step may or may not be necessary.

In my case it is necessary, we are going to start by cutting the slats at a 45º miter.

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 4

Next we place the slats under the methacrylate.

We make 2 or 3 holes in the latter, and countersink them.

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 5

We apply the assembly adhesive, we put some small screws, and we maintain a homogeneous pressure with some sergeants, letting it dry.

Once the frame is fixed, we have reviewed the edges with the milling machine. In this way the methacrylate completely flush with the wooden frame.

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 6

If you have already seen the video, you will have noticed that all machining tasks are entrusted to the various power tools from Ryobi’s extensive range.

The truth and truth is that they have earned our respect and trust.

Finally, we have covered the screws with a bit of polyester resin, to make them invisible.

2nd Step. Preparing the support

Ok, now we are fully in. We must prepare the support so that it receives the paint correctly, so we will apply a primer.

The primer serves to provide an optimal grip for subsequent layers of paint.

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 7

Once dry, we will cover the entire frame area with “aluminum effect” paint.

To do this, we protect the rest of the support with bodybuilder’s tape and painter’s plastic. And we apply the paint.

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 8


As always, we must apply the spray paint about 30 cm from the object to be painted, making quick passes.

3rd Step. the stake out

Now we need to take some time to do the layout, and see how and where we will stamp the templates.

So we put the pieces of tape that are needed. In this way, we can point in pencil, without leaving marks.

We measure and mark.

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 9

4th Step. Setting the templates

Templates based on the stencil technique or also called stencil. Therefore, once we have it clear, we place the template in its place, presenting it to see if it is as we wanted.

To prevent the paint from penetrating under the template, we have to apply removable adhesive on its back.

We apply the adhesive, wait a couple of minutes for the solvent to evaporate, and we can put it in place.

Now you can stick and unstick without problem, as many times as necessary.

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 10

5th Step. applying the paint

We reinforce the edges of the template with masking tape, we protect the rest of the support, and we apply the chalk paint spray paint on the template.

We must apply the paint evenly and without leaving any area without coverage.

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 11

6th Step. Removing the template

Immediately after applying the paint, and before it dries, we remove the stencil being very careful not to move the paint.

Let dry, and repeat steps 4 to 6 again as many times as we need to complete our creation.

7th Step. Protecting the Chalk Finish

Once our design is completed and the stencil technique is finished, we will give a coat of varnish to the entire support.

With this we achieve two things. On the other hand, provide extra protection to the paint. And on the other, enhance the colors of the Chalk Paint that we have applied.

8th Step. backlight

The stencil technique is now complete, so our project would be finished and ready to hang. However, we are going to give it a different touch.

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 12

We are going to make our stencil panel stand out from the rest of the decoration. We will achieve this by backlighting.

To do this, we will install, on the back, an adhesive led strip of lights. Which is completely hidden from view.

If you like LEDs as an accessory for decorative accessories, here is another project that you will surely like.

In this case it is a children’s wall lamp. It has the shape of a large dinosaur with a height of one meter. In full light it is a dinosaur with all the details. And in the dark, when we turn on the LEDs, it’s a backlit dinosaur that puts out enough light to completely illuminate a room. You can see it by clicking on this link Decorative children’s dinosaur.

9th project finished

We already have our project with the finished stencil technique. Then I leave you several photos so you can see how it looks both with lighting and without it.

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 13

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 14

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 15

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 16

The stencil or stencil technique - photo 17

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