10 ways to recycle a duvet cover that you no longer use

I recently changed the decoration of our bedroom (I owe you a “before and after”, but I’m still missing some details), and I’ve found the problem that the colors and patterns that I had before in the three duvet covers that I had no longer fit well with the current decoration. Since there are no times to throw things away, I have been looking for different ways to recycle a duvet cover and take advantage of the fabric.

In principle we must bear in mind that a duvet cover is made with two rectangles of fabric. If the cover belongs to an adult bed, it will be just over two meters long and between 1.5 and 2 meters wide depending on the size of the bed. On the other hand, the fabric of the duvet covers is usually cotton or a mixture of cotton and polyester, so it is usually quite durable and we can give it several uses, such as:

1.- Recycle a duvet cover into another duvet cover

I showed you this idea a few weeks ago (you can see it here). Is about take advantage of one of the two sides of the duvet cover as the inner face of the new duvet cover. In this way we kill two birds with one stone, since we will reuse part of the cover that we are not going to use and we will need less fabric to make the new one, so we will save money.

2.- Recycle a duvet cover into sheets

If we cut the two fabrics that make up the cover, we have one top sheet and one bottom sheet.. Taking into account the price of the sheets, we can save a little money that always comes in handy.

To make the top sheet we will only have to make a small hem around the fabric.

3.- Recycle a duvet cover into curtains

Taking advantage of the length of the cover (about 2.2 meters) we can make some two leaf curtains with each of the fabric rectangles that form it. If our ceilings are very high and we lack fabric, we can always add a matching piece of fabric, for example, a solid color that is present in the pattern of the cover, or a pattern if the cover is plain, or a color that contrast etc

4.- Recycle a duvet cover into cushions

Another way to recycle a duvet cover is to turn it into cushions. These cushions combined with others can give a lot of play both in the living room and in an office or in any other bedroom.

5.- Recycle a duvet cover to upholster

With the fabric of a duvet cover we can upholster the head of a bed, the inside of a piece of furniture or the inside of a bag, cover a cardboard box… You can see here how I upholstered the inside of a trunk and here how I lined the inside of a bag.

6.- Recycle a duvet cover to make pajamas

Image: cosabutterflies.blogspot.com.es

The fabric of a duvet cover can give us to make a pajamas and even a matching robe. We can make both a nightgown and a two-piece winter or summer pajama. It is best to take a pair of pajamas that we like to wear and place it on top of the fabric to draw the pattern.

In the Cosas Butterflies blog you will find a very complete step by step to make a two-piece boy’s pajamas.

7.- Recycle a duvet cover in yarn balls

Image: conhiloytelas.blogspot.com.es

Another very interesting option to recycle a duvet cover, especially in those cases in which the fabric is damaged or stained, is turn it into yarn balls. We already know that t-shirt yarn can give a lot of itself: baskets, bags, rugs, necklaces, bracelets, cushions… in short, you can give your old duvet cover a lot of uses that you hadn’t even imagined.

8.- Recycle a duvet cover for patchwork

Image: Facilisimo.com

Just as scraps of cloth are recycled to patchwork, We can also do it with one or more duvet covers that we no longer use.

9.- Recycle a duvet cover into a tablecloth

With that duvet cover that you no longer use, you can also make a tablecloth Since the fabric is cotton or a mixture of cotton and polyester, it will resist stain removal products and washing with hot water.

10.- Recycle a duvet cover in cloth bags

As I have already mentioned before, the fabric with which the duvet covers are made is quite resistant and can be used perfectly for make a shopping bag, or a bread bag, or a small backpack, or a toiletry bag, or a diaper bag… As you can see the list can be quite long.

I hope you are 10 ways to recycle a duvet cover help you give a second chance to that cover that has become outdated or that no longer suits you with the decoration. Have you ever recycled a duvet cover? What have you done with her?

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