5 tips to keep your home cool in summer

heat wave

The first one is here heat wave of the summer. Sometimes sooner and other times later, there is no summer that we get rid of it. You can’t be on the street and, if we don’t have air conditioning, you can’t be at home either, so don’t miss these 5 tips to keep your home cool in summer whether you don’t have air conditioning or want to save on electricity consumption.

1º- Avoid direct sun on the windows

One of the best ways to prevent our home from heating up is protect it from the sun’s rays from the outside. For this, it is very convenient to install elements that prevent solar radiation from falling directly on the glass, such as awnings or blinds.

The problem of awnings and blinds is that they reduce light. In addition, the installation of an awning entails some expenses and an approval by the community of owners in the case of living in a building.

As an alternative solution, there is on the market vinyl with UV filter that rejects up to 79% of solar energyreducing the effect of heat inside the room without preventing the entry of light from the outside.

2º.- Add interior curtains

To help keep our cool home it is not enough to minimize the effects of the sun from the outside, it is also protect it inside with curtains or blinds that filter UV rays. There are various fabrics such as canvas that allow light to pass through while reducing the sensation of heat inside.

In blinds, it is also often used the screen fabric which is made of fiberglass and PVC, capable of filtering the sun, protecting furniture and floors but allowing light to enter from the outside, although there is an opaque version with greater filtering power but which does not allow light to pass through.

It must be taken into account that if we totally prevent the passage of light, it will be necessary to illuminate the room artificially and this fact can generate more heat, especially if we use halogen bulbs that are not LED types.

3º.- Open the windows at dawn or at night

suits open the windows at times when the temperature is lower. In this way we will renew the hot air in the house with the cooler air of the early morning or at night and the interior temperature will decrease.

On the other hand, place ceiling fans and standing fans near the window can help air circulation on those nights when the breeze is barely noticeable. However, doing this during the day can increase the sensation of heat since what we are doing is helping the hot air from outside to filter inside.

There are a couple of tricks to cool the air economically. One of them consists of place ice in a container in front of the fan. The other trick is dampen the curtains at night so that the air that enters through the window reaches us a little cooler.

4th. Avoid the use of electrical appliances that generate heat

suits do not connect electrical appliances that can generate heat during the day such as dryer, oven, electric lighting, etc. in this way we prevent the circulation of hot air from increasing and our home stay cool.

It is also advisable to avoid the fact open the fridge more than necessary (yes, I’ve also opened it sometimes just to cool off), because if we do it we force the engine to work harder to keep the interior cold and give off more heat towards the house.

5º.- Adapt the bedroom to summer

A hot summer night can be very long, so it is recommended adapt our bedroom to summermoving the furniture around if necessary and placing the bed next to the window.

The bedding should be very light and breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen, since synthetic mixtures do not allow us to release the heat that we generate during the night. It is also worth checking if the mattress is one of those with two types of fabric, one for summer and one for winter.

What do you think of these tips to keep your home cool in summer? I hope they help you and help you cope better with high temperatures.

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