Bosch NanoBlade jigsaw. Review

Sierra de Calar NanoBlade - destacada

NanoBlade Jigsaw - miniatureIn this article we want to show you the Bosch NanoBlade AdvancedCut 50 jigsaw in action.

In the previous video dedicated to the NanoBlade, the unboxing, we saw what this new tool consists of, all the parts it consists of, as well as the different accessories. But you had the opportunity to see it, here is a link so you can see it now Bosch NanoBlade, unique jigsaw.

Today we will be able to see how his behavior is. We will test it against different materials, and in different cutting modes.

We will see its strengths, and its weaknesses. Although, I already anticipate that weakness, we have only found one.

Well, each thing in its time. Let’s follow the script…

Jigsaw NanoBlade 1

Preparing the tool

place the sheet

The first thing we will do is attach the sheet, exactly as we saw in the previous article, which we referred to a moment ago.

It is extremely simple and you do not need any type of tool.

Suction adapter

If you have a vacuum cleaner, its use is highly recommended, especially if you are going to work indoors.

Therefore, we must attach the adapter cover for suction to the sole of the tool. What is achieved with this small accessory is that the suction of the vacuum cleaner is more efficient. Its placement is as easy as pressing until it clicks.

And we connect the vacuum cleaner tube to the side outlet that the tool has.


Finally, we connect our keyhole saw nanoblade to the electrical network, as well as the vacuum cleaner, and we put the latter on On.

Testing the nanoblade jigsaw

As we anticipated before, we will carry out several tests with different types of wood, and even with another completely different material, such as extruded polystyrene. A material so soft that it can be cut with a simple cutter with little effort.

We will also test the different cutting modes that this tool allows.

plunge cut

The first thing you notice when you have this jigsaw in your hands is that the back of the sole is bent. This is to promote plunge cutting as well as tool travel during grooving. We will see the latter later.

First of all, I will explain, briefly and as clearly as possible, what it consists of. It is about starting the cut inside the piece. Most of the traditional jigsaws require a previous drilling. Which is not necessary with the NanoBlade.

Jigsaw NanoBlade 2 - plunge cut

Making the plunge cut

The system that it incorporates allows plunge cuts to be made comfortably, smoothly, and without causing any damage to the wood that we are working on, on either of its two sides.

This is the first fortress that we have observed.

straight cut

We have tested the straight cut on 18mm thick plywood, 40mm solid pine, and 50mm solid sapeli.

In all cases, it has shown more than enough power. second fortress.

NanoBlade 7 Jigsaw - Zoom Straight Cut

Straight cut zoom in solid pine wood

As it is a much more robust blade, and has a movement system that is different from the rest of the jigsaws, it does not tend to bend along the path, thus achieving a square cut, that is, completely vertical. third fortress.

Jigsaw NanoBlade 6 - Straight cut in sapele

Straight cut in solid sapele wood

Straight cut in solid sapele wood

Later we have assembled the small accessory that provides clean cuts. And, although we have observed a significant improvement in the finish of the cut, we do not see it necessary since this jigsaw, by itself, hardly produces chipping.

sinuous cut

However, although it defends itself by making very smooth curves, it is not strong. Precisely the robustness of its blade prevents it from making sharp turns. This is the first and only weakness that we have observed.

Jigsaw NanoBlade 3 - Sinuous cut

sinuous cut


The two depth stops, which come standard with the nanoblade jigsaw, allow you to make grooves in the wood. This is another advantage over other jigsaws.

These stops can be used independently, or mounted one on top of the other. Therefore, we get three different depths in the grooves. And if we play with the two blade lengths, 50mm and 65mm, we can achieve six different grooving depths.

NanoBlade 4 Jigsaw - Grooving

Grooving with depth stops

This is the fourth fortress.

In addition, all the accessories that we have handled, are assembled and disassembled without any type of tool. Simply by pressure.

miter cut

As the jigsaw we are testing is the Advanced, which incorporates the miter cut, we will also test this type of cut.

Between 0º and 45º, it is possible to select exactly the angle that is necessary, by means of the scale that it incorporates. You just have to loosen the thumbscrew, and select the desired angle.

NanoBlade 5 Jigsaw - Miter Cut

Miter cut in solid pine and sapele wood

As in the straight cut, the quality obtained in this one is impeccable. Even in thick wood.

long blade

The blade that comes with the tool series is 50mm long, however, another 65mm blade is also available as an accessory, with which you can perform exactly the same types of cuts that we have practiced, but in thicker pieces.

Even in high hardness wood.

Video of the “test bench”

Before going into giving our subjective assessment based on the tests carried out, we want you to see them for yourself, so that you can also make your own assessment.

NanoBlade Jigsaw Review

The tests carried out are enough to get an idea of ​​the type of tool we have in hand.

It is powerful, versatile, and easy to handle.

In addition, it has another advantage that differentiates it from traditional jigsaws: By having a more robust blade, it maintains a completely vertical and impeccable cut. Which, with the rest of the jigsaws, is quite complicated to achieve.

It is not exactly like that, but if we speak very roughly, we could say that this tool combines many of the advantages of disc saws, as well as jigsaws.

Of the first, it has stability and robustness. Of the latter, lightness and versatility.


The advantages and strengths of this Bosch tool far outweigh the detected weaknesses.

Therefore, the NanoBlade jigsaw is a tool that deserves to be part of our “back of the closet” in the workshop.

How much is it worth and where to buy it

Whether you have considered buying it, or if you just want to take a look, here are several links to the store of amazon. You just have to click on the text or image you want to consult.

Finally, we have included both the NanoBlade AdvancedCut and the EasyCut. The latter more affordable.

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