Build a PVC greenhouse

Construir un invernadero

If you want to build your own greenhouse don’t worry because we make it easier than ever, it will be as simple as following these steps. Place the temporary stakes each 1.8m apart on what will be the edges of the greenhouse. Drive the stakes 0.5m into the ground, leaving the other half above ground.

Steps to build a PVC greenhouse

The first thing you will have to do is place the first stake at the end of the PVC tube 1.25 cm wide and 2.4 m long. You’ll need to put another of the same tube over the stake directly across from the first one and angle the edges of the two tubes toward the center. Then you will have to put the second of the tubes, in the same way that you did with the first, placing it in such a way that the PVC joint points towards the “T” joint of the first rib.

The next step will be for you to cut and place a PVC pipe about 1.25 cm wide and 1.8 meters long between the two open ends of the joints, which will generate a kind of beam from the top of the greenhouse and will stabilize the ribs. Then you will have to put two stakes 2.5 m apart at the end of the greenhouse where the door will be and sink them into the ground.

Then you will have to measure the distance from the end of the arch of the stakes to the ground and cut two 1.25 cm PVC pipes. Place two non-slip gaskets on a door frame. This will have to keep a quarter of the distance from the top of the door.

The next step will be to make a mark at the top of the arch where the gate posts connect. You will need to push the ends of the arch pieces out of the joint so that it sits above the mark you made.

build a greenhouse

Then cut up to three pieces of 1/2 inch PVC pipe, using the handsaw to help you.

Next you will have to make the door of the greenhouse. To do this you will need a total of three pieces of 1.25cm wide and 90cm long tubing as well as two pieces the same length as the gate posts. Next, put a 90 cm tube on the open end of the T-joint.

Already in its upper part but also in the lower part you will have to put the side pieces of the door and put elbow-type PVC joints. Then you will need to put two new 90cm tubes into the open ends of the elbow joints, so that you will create the top and bottom of the door. With said door already created, you will have to adjust it with the non-slip gaskets positioned on the door posts, having to open from the part that only has a single gasket.

Finally, you will have to cover the entire structure with the help of a resistant plastic that is intended for gardening and seal the seams of the plastic with adhesive tape that you will place on the joint and press against the plastic.

As final recommendations to say that it is probably easier for you if you do it from within the greenhouse and check that the plastic is, at all times, well stretched so that puddles and others do not accumulate.

This tip that serves to create your own greenhouse In the garden with PVC it ​​will be especially useful, of course, if you have a house that allows this type of installation on the one hand and, on the other, if you want to grow something and beat the first frosts. This way you will have your irrigation system fully exploited. It is something economical and simple to do that will allow you to take more advantage of irrigation resources. Before starting, you should consult with your trusted plumber.

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