Cat feeder with recycled bottles

Comedero para gatos y dispensador Destacada

How to make a cat feeder, made entirely from recycled plastic bottles.

If in addition to liking crafts, you also like creative recycling, but you also like pets and your cat is like part of the family, you will love today’s work.

Following several requests from you, we have decided to make a special tutorial for all lovers of pets and creative recycling.

Today we are going to make a simple and quick craft to do, as well as beneficial for the environment.

It is more than just a cat feeder, it is a cat food dispenser.

In addition, it will be totally free, since it is made entirely with recycled materials that, if not reused, would end up directly in the garbage can.

Our cat feeder, in addition to these sweet little friends, I would also dare to say that it can be used for small dogs.

Do not miss it, your pet will surely love it.

Cat feeder and dispenser 1

For this we will need the following materials:

  • 3 plastic bottles of 1.5 or 2 liters, whose section is more or less square.
  • Hot melt adhesive gun.
  • Marker pen.
  • Cutter.
  • Bodybuilder’s tape (not required).

Cat feeder and dispenser 2 materials


Let’s go there…

Step 1: The first step is to get three plastic bottles whose section is not completely round, since our cat feeder would not remain vertical.

Therefore, when you buy bottled water next time, keep this in mind.

Step 2: Once we have the three bottles, we will cut the base of one of them. And, next, we put it vertically on another one that is lying down. Forming with the two bottles a kind of “L”. And we outline it with a felt-tip pen.

You can protect the bottle, which is lying flat, from marker marks with a bit of masking tape. But this is optional as it is not necessary at all. They already depend on the degree of perfection you want to print to your work.

Cat feeder and dispenser 3

Step 3: Once the outline is traced, we proceed to cut it. We open the cut in the center with the cutter, and continue with the scissors.

We will also make a hole in the top of this same bottle. It will be where our pet will eat.

Cat feeder and dispenser 4

Step 4: Now, we cut off the top of the 3rd bottle. This will act as a dispenser, storing the feed inside it, before it falls into the feeder.

We must prove that we had it cut previously, and that it will serve as a lid, enter without difficulty.

In case they do not fit well, we rectify the cut, there is no problem in the latter.

Cat feeder and dispenser 5

Step 5: Finally, to the bottle used in step 4, we open a hole on one of its sides, whose height does not exceed that of the bottle that will go in a horizontal position.

Cat feeder and dispenser 6

Step 6: Now, all that remains is to join the two bottles that will form an “L”, with a little hot melt adhesive.

We will apply the adhesive at the base of the bottle that will go inside the other. We place it in its position and press for a few seconds.

Cat feeder and dispenser 7

If you want you can also apply a little adhesive on the outside of the joint.

But here you have to be very careful. If the plastic is very thin, which is safest, the heat from the adhesive could melt it. To avoid this, we must blow it at the same time that we apply the adhesive.

Finished !!!

We already have our feed dispenser and feeder for cats.

Cat feeder and dispenser 8

All that remains is to fill our cat feeder with our pet’s favorite feed, and close the lid.

The effect of gravity will make the dispensing tube always keep the feeder full; not worrying about food for several days.

Cat bowl and dispenser 9

As you may have seen, it is a simple and quick craft to do.

Do not stop giving it to your pet. He will thank you.

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